Chapter 4

The unknown person's pov.

I sat still looking at the food plate, not meeting eyes with him.

I can feel his glare boring into mine, but I didn't look up.

"Son, when are you going to strike them?" I can clearly hear the frustration in my so-called mother's voice.

I seriously don't know why I haven't killed this bitch yet.

Sure, it's coming soon.

"Everything needs to be done in time, the time will come" he spoke with so much malice and I can feel that smirk on his scarred face.

He was my nightmare, he is the demon I fight every second. I won't give up, even if it means I have to shred every ounce of humanity left in me, just to keep the one I love safe.

"Are you ready for the mission, sister?"

I look up, finally glaring at him.

I'm not your fucking sister, the words burn at the tip of toungue but I swallow it hard. The time will come, and I'm really going to enjoy tearing this motherfucker limb by limb.

Can't wait-

"Sure brother" I smiled viciously at him as he grinned like a psychopath that he is.

It's time for some precious meet and greet !


~ Evelyn De'luca

"Aww, she's so awwdorable,"

The fuck-

The lights were blinding my eyes.

"I really don't have the heart to wake her up, she looks so cute" I can bet it's Aaron.

Yes, now leave me the fuck alone and let me sleep.

The smack sounds resonate in the room with a very uninterested voice.

"She's already awake dumbass"

I just rolled my eyes at the comment.

"It'll practically stick there if you keep rolling your eyes at this rate" the covers were suddenly ripped away and I was jerked awake by my beautiful sleep.

I glared at Luciano as he just stood there with a lazy shrug like he didn't wake me up with the earthquake.

"Good morning eve," Aaron's chirpy voice stops my glaring session.

Is he high or what?

'Cause why the fuck he's so happy in damn morning?

"Good night" I murmured as my eyes closed and I fell back.

"What? No- you need to get up" I was again pulled back from my comforter again.

"What the fuck dude- can't a girl have peaceful sleep?" I said glaring at two of them.

"That you should have thought about it at night while sneaking around," Luciano snorted like a pig that he is.

This ducker-

"How many times I've to tell you I wasn't fucking sneaking around, you pighead" I frustratedly yelled at him.

"Oh my god, She called you pig head" Aaron laughs at Luciano's face.

Luciano punched him on the arm, making Aaron hissed in pain.

"Fucking kids I know," I look at the door seeing new entry.

Nicholas Rolled his eyes at us as he came fully into the room.

"Out" he started coldly glaring at the two idiots who are still very much pissing each other with eye-contact.

"What? He called me pig head" Luciano grunted angrily.

"I didn't call you pig head, you pig head,'' Aaron smacked back.

See, pig heads-

Nick comes towards the bed as he smiles softly at me, his previous pissed mood changed.

"Good morning, fiore (flower), come on, dad and Alex are waiting downstairs for you for breakfast" he says, those two doofus still fighting like dumbasses.

I couldn't refuse him so I just nodded and climbed out of bed.

"Want me to kick them out?" He asks, smirking mischievously as he looks at me and those two idiots.

I just nod with confused looks.


Both of them ran out of room like their asses were on fire.

The small giggle left my lips as Nick grinned at me.

After he left, I went inside the bathroom. Last night I was too lazy to check it out so I took my time checking it out. It has a silver and deep brown theme. It was like the size of my old room. With so many shampoo and conditioner and other things with fresh towels.

With an unknown excitement I stripped out of my clothes and went to the mirror to check out my stabbed wound. As I pulled the bandage out, it was slightly bleeding and it looked infected.

Fucking hell.

My eyes went towards the old faint scar, it healed but had left a mental imprint which I can never erase. I shouldn't be disgusted by these scars but I still do because it reminds me how I was tormented or was stripped out of myself, it's because it keeps reminding me of the monster I possess.

I stare at the mark stamp on my collarbone, like I'm some kind of dog for them to pet.

I suck in my breath, closing my eyes as I push the energy buzz I felt in my veins aside. The anger was swirling at the tip of my nerves but I stepped inside shower, putting it to the lowest temperature, at the coldest. I do not want to feel it, I need this numbness to swallow me.

"No, please no," I begged, strapped to the bed as I struggled to break free. Tears running down my cheeks harshly.

"It will all be over soon, my queen" He tries to cooes at me, his fingers playing with my hairs as he stares at me with those charcoal eyes of his. The almost darkness abyss.

"It hurts" I cried when I felt the slight electricity pump through the wire to my body.

"It won't once you become what I want you to be, this all will be worth it when the time comes" his words start to fade in complete silence as I scream more and more with the pain given in my body.

I push back the memories Hastily.

I stepped out of shower, my hand still numb as I hastily grabbed the towel. There are few items and medicine with few ointment kits. I grab them as I cleanse my wound before I put the bandage on. I gladly avoided looking at my old wound.

I put on my favorite hoodie and my blue ripped jeans, my hair came till shoulder, it has gone way past my shoulder I think. I needed it to be cut down. I had always loved my hair long, it was always so long, but he loves my hair long and I won't give him that so I always cut it short.

It's almost eight when I made my way down. I know I'm late but who cares?

I seriously don't know where I got this attitude but after being so fucked up all life I kind of adapted it making it my personality.

"The cutest one's here, famiglia (family), I yelled , striding my way towards the dining table.

"Good morning, princess" grandpa greets with a smile.

"There's a fucking no good in morning, but still morning grandpa" I give him my best fake smile.

"Language" Xavier's snap as he comes into the view holding plate. Everyone was already sitting down, so I took the right seat beside Foty and on my left was Nick.

"You slept well?" Foty asked, his posture all intimidating.

"Aw, is Foty being good Foty?" I cooed at his comment.

"Foty?" Damon asked as he sipped on whatever the ugly green drink he was sipping.

"Father of the year duh-" I spoke, rolling my eyes giving them all dumb look.


"I like it very much" Silas said, smirking at Alex as my dearest father glared at him and then at me.

"I really don't know what you'd like kiddo, so I just made everything," Xavier said as he put the plate in front of me, which contained some waffles and a sandwich with some fruit salad which looked so beautiful.

He must've loved to cook seeing the way he had arranged the dish.

"This looks so yummy," I said, smiling back at him.

But it's too much for me- I won't be able to eat all this and thinking this will all go to waste and churn my stomach in knots.

I took the spare dish as I took one waffle and took the smallest piece of sandwich.

"What are you doing?"

"I won't be able to finish all this" I answered curtly and with don't-fuckin-argue look as I finished serving myself.

Foty muttered something under his breath but didn't put it out loudly.

"Well, after breakfast we will talk about the rules and about joining school," Foty said.

The laugh escaped my lips at his words.

Rules? Seriously?

"Something funny?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Nope. Absolutely nope" I replied, digging myself Into the delicious food.

After breakfast, I was led into the office.

It was situated on the third floor.

Something's really up with these dudes, seeing the security and camera into the hallway.

I need to check it out soon.

I just nod at him to start which feels irritating to him seeing how his vein is throbbing like hulk.

"First of all, I expect a verbal response," he said, clasping his both palms at the table as he gave me Full attention.

I nodded and he glared.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Second, I want you to respect and it will go vice Versa to us too, no back talking and cursing" he adds.

I snorted at it.

"I also expect you to study hard so your grades can move up at school, you'll be joining by Monday with Aaron."

"If you need something and something happens you'll come to me or your uncle-" he grimaced at his own words and I stopped myself from laughing."and if you want to go somewhere ask me beforehand. It's not to control you, it's just for safety, we have large business and have enemies so this rules really go for everyone"

"And out of all, the most important thing, I want you to stay out of trouble and out of the police station if that's possible" his voice was hard but also laced with amusement.

"That's really out of my hand" I smirked at him.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

"And lastly, no boyfriend, no alcohol, no drugs or anything, you're still so young," he muttered.

"Well, I really hate being drunk and about having a boyfriend, I think the boys stinks so you don't have to worry but if I get man of my dreams definitely I won't wait in line for your approval Foty" I said as I stood up.

"I think we're finished here," I said, yawning and stretching my limbs.

God, it's so sore.

"Sure, someone will take you shopping so you can arrange your room," he said.

"Is it necessary?" I whined.

I absolutely loathe shopping and crowds.

"Alex, we'll be late for shopping, how much you'll take," the very excited voice boom through the corridor of this freakish mansion.

"Why am I sensing that I should go to my room and sleep instead of going downstairs"

Foty laughs as he stood up, his hand clasping firmly on my shoulder and I tense for a second and I really hate myself for it.

"It won't be that bad I think," he replied.

"Never lie to someone who's going on a death mission" I mumbled glaring at him as he ushered us out of the office downstairs.

"Stop being dramatic" he rolls his eyes at me and I just pout, trying to dig my heel in the floor so I don't have to go.

"You'll love it, come on" he said ruffling my hair as I scooted his hand away glaring at him.

"Don't touch my hair" I huffed, storming downstairs now determined to pass this Mission of shopping.

God, I can feel it, it's going to be disastrous.