Halvir and Anindira's farewell

After having a heart-to-heart talk about Halvir's feelings and his proposal, finally, the two of them arrive at their destination.

''Village Head... It's me Halvir, I want to talk!'' Halvir called out from below, he had dropped Anindira from his arms.

A few moments later, a handsome man, well-built and tall, came down. He had black hair like Halvir and bright purple eyes that seemed to glow beautifully. He looked mature, as if he were in his mid-thirties with his serene, authoritative air. The aura around him said, he was not someone to be looked down upon.

"Halvir, what's wrong?" asked the man.

"Village Chief, this is Anindira... I found her in the forest three months ago. I wanted to leave her for you... About two weeks, I have to go to the Lion Kingdom to prepare things for her," Halvir answered, clearly explaining that.

''Tsk!'' cried the man clapping his eyes on Halvir, ''As usual, you don't even mince words anymore…'' he said then, smiling crookedly.

''Um,'' replied Halvir indifferently.

''Be kind to me Halvir!'' cried the man, ''You're asking for my help…'' he continued in a relaxed tone while resting his hands behind his back.

''You know that I always respect you,'' said Halvir indifferently.

Halvir didn't look like he was bowing his head or anything, but he didn't look arrogant either. Instead, Halvir was being polite but not condescending.

Anindira's eyes bulged slightly, with a stupid look on her face. Continuing to focus on looking at the Village Head in front of her, her brain was busy digesting something until she didn't realize that the two men full of authority were now watching her.

''Young miss!'' the village head called, ''What's wrong?... Is there something on my face that bothers you?'' he asked again.

''Dira!'' Halvir called, awakening Anindira's dreamy mind.

''Huh?!'' Anindira exclaimed in surprise, ''Yeah... what?!'' Anindira stammered. Anindira was surprised by Halvir's call and shook her shoulder.

''What's wrong?'' asked Halvir again.

''Havi, you lied to me!'' exclaimed Anindira with a frown, his mouth also pouted.

''Me?!... When?!... And lying about what?!'' exclaimed Halvir in surprise. He was confused by Anindira's accusation.

''Did you say the Village Head is ninety years old?'' Anindira shouted in a whisper.

''Uh-uh...'' The Village Head cleared his throat, breaking their conversation, he heard everything very clearly even though Anindira whispered.

"Halvir isn't lying, I am already ninety years old, young miss…"

Anindira was surprised by his appearance, who even looked a little more mature than Halvir. It was then that he remembered that even Halvir was not young, he was forty-five years old. However, he looked the same age as her older brother, who was still in the sixth semester of college. Likewise, Hans still looks like a teenager at the beginning of college but is also thirty-five years old.

Their faces were fake, for their old age, but not their bodies.

Anindira then remembers a teenager who approached them while in the river. His body was also quite muscular, but the scars on his body were nothing more than cat scratches. Very much different when compared to Halvir and the village head, the wounds on their bodies are very deep and also quite large, as well as the muscles that have formed on their bodies look fuller. Their appearance conveyed the experience they had. As for Hans, his body appearance was not much different from the young teenager Anindira met by the river.

''Young miss... Introducing, I'm the Head of the Village here, Mischa. I come from the same clan as Halvir… as he said just now, for a few days you will stay with me. I hope you can comfortably live with my family,'' said Mischa, the village head who introduced himself politely to Anindira.

''Ah!... Wait a minute!'' Mischa shouted again, he then went upstairs and a few moments later came down holding a girl.

The girl had the same physique as Anindira, except that she had white skin with shoulder-length caramel-colored hair, and clear hazel eyes, matching her hair.

She is the first woman Anindira has seen in this BEAST HUMAN WORLD. She has a small petite physique, just like Anindira. She's also not bad, but still far from being beautiful, because she looks dull, she's far behind the appearance of handsome men with a dashing appearance. Her appearance is unkempt even though she is quite beautiful, her skin is white but dull and dry. Her hair was not much different either, looking dull and greasy.

''This is my daughter Zia, this year she is seventeen years old...'' said Mischa, introducing her daughter, ''Zia, this is Anindira, Halvir left her with us for a while... can she stay with you?'' Mischa asked Zia very gently.

Zia nodded, answering her father, smiling broadly, her eyes twinkling.

Her hand waved at Anindira, then she immediately got down from her father's arms and took Anindira's hand and held it, ''We will play together, how old are you Anindira?'' Zia asked kindly without being awkward.

''Seventeen,'' answered Anindira. She also smiled happily. Seeing Zia, who immediately became close to her, made her feel less awkward.

''We are the same age,'' answered Zia, who was also excited.

As Halvir said, Zia is chatty and outspoken. Halvir and Mischa smiled seeing the two teenagers get along right away at their first meeting.

''All right, Village Chief, this is for you…'' Halvir said while handing three *Amber to Mischa.

''Halvir, there's no need,'' said Mischa with her hand rejecting Halvir's gift, ''You've also helped me a lot, just taking care of one more daughter, no problem…'' Mischa continued sincerely with her words.

''I know, but, no!... It's my duty as a man, you have the right to accept it. Besides, there are two women to take care of, and you will need them. I don't want my woman to be in debt, especially to other men!'' Halvir answered firmly.

''Halvir, I already have a mate…'' replied the man, immediately rebutting Halvir's words.

''I know. That's why I left her with you... because you also have to drive them away (single men who will try to approach Anindira)'' Halvir said seriously.

''Huft...'' Mischa took a deep breath, ''Okay, it's up to you,'' Mischa replied resignedly. He knew that Halvir would not be able to change the decision that he had chosen for his woman.

With Mischa's approval, Halvir is satisfied. ''Dira, be a good girl, wait for me to come home!'' exclaimed Halvir while stroking Anindira's head and then kissing her forehead.

Anindira was surprised at first, even though this was the second time, but she was still surprised. Anindira could only silently accept it. She felt embarrassed because other people were paying attention to her. Her arms wanted to move to hug Halvir because she also felt sad to be left behind. But, he discouraged himself, and finally just nodded obediently.

''Head of Village, I'll leave her to you,'' Halvir said to him as he said goodbye.

''Dira, I'm leaving,'' he said briefly with a flat face. Halvir stroked Anindira's head then left.

Anindira could only see Halvir's back was getting farther away from her, her lips were trembling to hold back her tears. Anindira's glazed face also moved Zia.
