Gavriel loses control

Gavriel took Anindira deep into the forest, carrying her away from the battlefield already covered in blood.

When he arrived at the place he felt was right, Gavriel's hands blindly tore Anindira's clothes. He was so rough, not only were her clothes torn, but also the flesh on Anindira's body, which was also torn by Gavriel's sharp nails which he didn't put back on.

Anindira tried her best to fight back, but Gavriel didn't care. Anindira kept screaming, crying, and begging. But Gavriel had lost his sanity due to the power surge he had just received. Not only because of that, the remaining adrenaline, coupled with the pheromone scent that was hundreds of times stronger than an aphrodisiac, continued to rush out of Anindira's body, provoking the sleeping demon to awaken.


Anindira enters the fertile phase, which usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual period.

The fertile period in a woman's menstrual cycle.

In this world, the scent that comes out of a woman's body during her fertile cycle smells like an aphrodisiac.

For men who already have a mate, it will not be a problem. They just need to release their sexual desire for their mate. But, for those who are single, it can be very dangerous. Normally, that scent would torment them both body and soul. But, even so, men who always maintain their dignity and honor, do not necessarily get drunk and let themselves be controlled by lust. They still have the ability to control themselves to be able to control it. Moreover, if the woman had a powerful guardian, they wouldn't dare to act recklessly or their lives would be at stake.

For women who already have a partner, they just have intercourse, then the smell will subside, until finally, when the fertile period ends, the smell will disappear by itself.

In Anindira's case, because she had just entered that cycle three months before coming to this world, her menstrual cycle was not yet stable. And, while in the forest, the effects of stress and physical exhaustion as well as mental stress affect his hormones, until they stop.


The influence of Anindira's heat cycle, which made her pheromones smell scattered, had made Gavriel drunk. Gavriel is no longer able to realize anything except to follow his instincts to have sex. Gavriel's consciousness has been replaced by adrenaline and lust that is rising without being able to be suppressed anymore.

Anindira no longer had the energy to fight Gavriel, she could only surrender with tears that kept flowing to accept all of Gavriel's harsh treatment.

Gavriel roughly pressed and pressed Anindira's body. With blank eyes and an expressionless face, he kissed Anindira, he even bit her because he was exasperated by his passion for making love. Gavriel continued to bully Anindira and entered her viciously several times, injuring the inside of Anindira's womb.

Gavriel only stopped carrying out his brutal actions against Anindira when he was already exhausted. Because basically, he was dying. Gavriel's injuries were so severe that he lay helpless beside Anindira's weak body. Instinctively, Gavriel tried to catch his breath even though his consciousness had not fully returned, but he still tried to do his best to survive.


On the other hand, Zia started to panic, because when she woke up from her nap, she didn't find Anindira. Zia immediately called Kaj, who today was in charge of escorting them. Kaj sniffs Anindira's scent. He notices that Anindira's scent trail leads out of the village. At that moment, he finds out that six guards on the west side have been killed. Kaj panics and rushes back with Zia and reports to Mischa.

Mischa lost his temper when he heard the bad news from Kaj. Mischa immediately went berserk and released his emotions at Kaj. He beat him to the ground for failing to protect Anindira.

Unfortunately, amidst the commotion, Halvir has returned.

At that moment, let alone Kaj, even Mischa couldn't look at Halvir. Halvir's regret and guilt when he heard the bad news made Mischa silent, especially when he saw Halvir's anger.

Zia and Ezra trembled with fear seeing Halvir, who looked terrible in their eyes at that time.

“Halvir, make calculations with me! But, do that later, now... let's find Anindira first!'' pleaded Mischa firmly.

''Halvir, calm down!... Find Anindira first! We don't have time to beat around the bush…'' added Hans, breaking the tension from Halvir's guilt and anger.

Halvir didn't answer them, he just took off at lightning speed towards the village border to the west, leaving them behind.

Hans, Mischa, Ruvi, Axel, and Kaj soon followed Halvir behind. Kaj also followed. Unfortunately, he fell in the middle of the road. His wound was very bad because he was beaten by Mischa, who had been angry earlier.


Halvir finds Hyena's corpse on the road while tracing Anindira's tracks. His mind immediately went wild. Moreover, a moment later he smelled Anindira's blood.

Halvir's eyes widened, and his blood boiled at the sight of two naked people covered in blood. Both of them were in critical condition, their breaths racing, racing against their heartbeats. Gavriel's breath and heartbeat sounded very strong, but chaotic, while Anindira's breath and heartbeat were weak, almost gone.

Anindira coughed and spat out blood, waking Halvir from his muddled thoughts. Halvir immediately took off his shirt and covered Anindira, then, a few seconds later, Mischa and the others arrived, their hearts saddened by the shocking sight of the two young teenagers lying sprawled.

''Halvir!'' shouted Hans, waking him up, ''Amber, give it to Anindira now!''

Wasting no time, Halvir pulled out the last few Ambers he had. His hand slightly trembled while holding the Ambers, and a big regret crept up in his heart, '' If only he had been more serious about keeping Amber '' Halvir regretted in his heart.

''No!'' Hans shouted while holding Halvir's hand, holding him back, ''Halvir, just one!'' Hans shouted again with a serious face, looking at Halvir.

''HANS SHE WAS VERY SERIOUSLY INJURED!'' Halvir shouted when Hans stopped him.

''Precisely because of that,'' said Hans, ''Her breathing and heartbeat are very weak, her blood circulation almost stops... She's a woman, she won't be able to withstand a sudden surge of energy when her condition is critical...'' said Hans, explaining, ' 'Axel, help me carry Gavriel! He almost died too!”

Hans noticed the smell coming from Gavriel and Anindira, his sense of smell and hearing were many times stronger than the average beastman.

Although it smelled faint, from everything he saw.

Hans had begun to be able to conclude the whole story, but, he chose to remain silent and kept it in his heart for the time being. Now wasn't the right time to say that.

If he opened his mouth now, Gavriel would lose his head right now. The emotions that Halvir had right now would be very difficult for Hans to explain to him.

They all started guessing everything, but, unlike Hans. They couldn't read the events clearly, they only thought that Anindira was raped by Hyena, then helped by Gavriel, because the various scents had been mixed up. Even the smell of the Hyenas lingered on Anindira's and Gavriel's bodies, hence their different conclusion from Hans.

Halvir felt sorry for Gavriel, who had been badly injured for helping Anindira. He wanted to give the Amber he had to Gavriel. But, sadly, he has very little Amber. Because of that, Halvir discouraged him, although sincerely in his heart he was very grateful to Gavriel for trying to save Anindira until he was dying and almost dead.

But, Anindira is his main priority now, and he is forced to put Gavriel aside. Even so, Halvir still hopes that Gavriel will survive and get through it.