Gavriel's battle against Hyena

Gavriel, without hesitation, immediately released his attack. He steadily aimed for the Hyena's most vulnerable neck but was immediately brushed aside by it. Gavriel's prey was soon able to escape him, and he also immediately had the backing of his three friends.

Immediately, Gavriel was attacked by the smallest Hyena among the four Hyenas.

Gavriel was only a very young teenage Lion with a diamond rating. The three Hyenas he fought against also had the same rank as him. But, in terms of age, they are all far more stable than Gavriel.

Gavriel had been wary of them from the start because he also knew that he lost in all aspects to his opponent. Meanwhile, the Hyenas, who already felt they had the upper hand, were caught off guard because they underestimated Gavriel.

Not less agile with the Hyenas. Supported by the acceleration that has just activated so that his strength is still at its peak, Gavriel can immediately dodge his attacks and immediately counterattack.

In just one jump, Gavriel got his neck.

The first minute of the battle was put to good use by Gavriel, who managed to take down one of his four enemies.

One Hyena fell with his neck torn in just a few minutes as the initial opening of the battle. Two diamond hyenas rushed forward to see one of their companions killed in just one strike. Emotions interfered with their movements, allowing Gavriel to read their attack patterns and successfully dodge them.

Seeing that his two friends were even overwhelmed by Gavriel, Hyena Emerald charged at Gavriel, causing him to fall. The two Diamond Hyenas didn't miss the chance, they immediately bit into Gavriel's shoulder and stomach, instantly tearing his flesh and causing blood to flow profusely.

Even so, Gavriel managed to dodge very well. With his instincts and agility, Gavriel was able to avoid attacks that could be fatal. Gavriel also had time to launch his counterattack. Another Diamond Hyena died at Gavriel's hands because Gavriel swiftly caught the Hyena's neck which bit his stomach and broke it immediately.

''AKH! Gavriel!'' Anindira screamed hysterically when she saw Gavriel fall covered in blood.

Anindira panicked even more when she saw fresh blood gushing from Gavriel's body.

This is the first time Anindira has seen a battle between Beast Humans. For Anindira, who was used to living in peace, this brutality made her tears flow unstoppably.

The young teenager, the silver lion who had helped her, was now in a miserable condition, bathed in blood almost all over his body.

Gavriel was hurt and cornered, but he still didn't give up. He was very persistent and calculating, he tried to gather strength and stay alert to fight the two remaining Hyenas.

The remaining diamond hyenas began to lose heart because, unexpectedly, the little lion, who was underestimated, was able to take down his two friends in just a few minutes.

For the next attack, Gavriel had calculated it carefully. In one fell swoop, Gavriel dodged two attacks simultaneously from the two Hyenas.

Gavriel also had time to put up a fight. He threw the remaining diamond Hyena until it fell. Without any delay, he immediately attacked the Emerald Hyena, attacking mercilessly. Gavriel collided with him, and immediately, there was a sound of cracking bones that made Gavriel vomit blood as he fell.

Seeing this, Anindira spontaneously ran and hugged Gavriel's body, not caring about what would happen to her. Anindira intended to block the attack the Emerald Hyena was about to launch. She used her body to act as a protective shield for Gavriel.

Anindira was lucky because Gavriel mustered all his strength to turn around and protect Anindira immediately. If Gavriel wasn't agile for just a few seconds, then Anindira might have been killed instantly.

Unfortunately, Gavriel's body, which had been badly injured, couldn't protect Anindira very well, so Anindira could still feel the impact of the Hyena's attacks that didn't care about Anindira.

''Agh... Gavriel, no! Go!... Run!... Gavriel, run!...''

Anindira whined and cried, unable to bear to see Gavriel who was covered in wounds.

Anindira's body was now wet and sticky with Gavriel's blood, which was also mixed with her own. Gavriel's blood quickly continued to soak into Anindira's clothes and body when she hugged him.

''Please stop!... He's injured...'' Anindira cried, begging and continuing to wail. She tries to seduce Hyena Emerald, who was also injured by Gavriel's attack.

Gavriel, who was still in full consciousness, cursed himself. He looked at Anindira, who was pitifully begging Hyena for mercy for him.

Gavriel recalled how, earlier, Anindira had bravely blocked the Hyena's attack. And, now, he too was still hugging her, trying to protect her with all he could.

In this world, where men were far stronger than women, it was certainly a matter of pride for a woman to bravely put herself in danger for a man's sake. However, that, at the same time, was a very heavy blow, which made Gavriel realize how weak he was.

Gavriel felt very disappointed in himself, but he didn't want to regret himself for long. He'll do that later. Right now, he had to focus on the enemy before him. For Anindira's sake, he had to rise against the limits of his body. He must be able to surpass himself to be able to save Anindira.

Gavriel's adrenaline, which had been racing since the start of the battle, was increasing. Gavriel's fighting spirit rose again for Anindira.

At that moment…

Streams of power rushed through Gavriel's body.

Gavriel remembered the feeling that had suddenly come over him, the same feeling. The feeling when he leveled up back then. A feeling welled up within his soul as he entered the diamond rank from his previous rank, the gold rank.

Gavriel experienced a surge in energy. His body, which had barely been able to move, was suddenly full of energy, even many times his strength at the beginning of the battle earlier.

Gavriel immediately pushed Anindira backward, pushing her behind a tree.

Gavriel again attacked the Emerald-eyed Hyena. They collided with each other and bit fiercely, tearing flesh with their claws and fangs. The battle became increasingly fierce and thrilling. Gavriel was panting like he was almost out of breath at first. Now, Gavriel is leading the battle. The deadly duel between Gavriel and Hyena Emerald finally ended when Hyena Emerald fell with his head almost broken. Exactly what Gavriel had promised at the beginning of their meeting. At that time, Gavriel also collapsed with a disorganized breath.

Gavriel tried to regulate his consciousness, which was starting to rebel, because he was disturbed by the seductive sweet scent coming from Anindira's body. And, also, the surging power continued to increase the rate of adrenaline in his bloodstream.

''Run!... Anindira… run!'' commanded Gavriel in a low and weak voice, with his hands trying to push Anindira away from him, ''I beg you, get away from me…''

''What's running?!'' Anindira shouted, ignoring him, ''Stupid! You're dying…'' cried Anindira while holding Gavriel's body, trying to cover his wound with whatever he could find to stop the bleeding.

''Stupid!'' shouted Gavriel screaming, ''Your smell bothers me... Please go away! Now Anindira...'' shouted Gavriel again with his hands that kept trying to get rid of Anindira to get away from him.

''Gavriel!'' Anindira shouted, calling him with an irritated face, ''Just shut up!... Your blood keeps flowing out...'' said Anindira, ignoring Gavriel's warning.

''Anindira, please get away from me... I won't be able to hold myself back anymore... Soon I will go crazy,'' Gavriel said pitifully, his face looking tortured holding something back.

''Are you still not satisfied, you have knocked the four of them down, what else?!'' said Anindira while continuing to provide first aid to Gavriel.

''Anindira, I don't want you to regret it later, please go away, I beg you... Now!'' cried Gavriel, piteously ordering Anindira into a weak state.

''I don't understand what you mean?!'' Anindira exclaimed, ''Never mind! Let me do something!''

Anindira continued to argue with Gavriel while still doing what she could to help Gavriel not lose more blood.

''If you don't get treated immediately, you will die…'' Anindira's words were interrupted when she saw Gavriel suddenly look very strange.

Gavriel slowly got up with unfocused eyes but stared blankly at Anindira. His hands immediately grabbed Anindira's body, squeezed it hard, and made Anindira scream in pain, but that didn't stop him.

''Gavriel!'' Anindira shouted with a shocked face, seeing Gavriel's strange behavior.

Apart from the sound of ragged breathing and Gavriel's blank stare, Anindira didn't get any response from Gavriel. Anindira started to feel afraid of Gavriel, who looked very scary. Anindira couldn't recognize him. The Gavriel that was before her now, was not at all like the Gavriel she knew.

No matter how many times Anindira screamed and struggled, Gavriel didn't respond.

Anindira tried to run away from him but could not. Gavriel's grip made Anindira's hand bruise, but, what made Anindira shudder even more, Gavriel, who was cold and expressionless, didn't care about Anindira's tears at all.