
Chapter 030 Father

''Hm!'' Anindira was surprised, then in her heart, ''There is more than one house on this tree... So remember, what did Kak Halvir mean by private ownership area, when I asked about why not every big tree has an occupant? The tree where Kak Halvir and Brother Hans lived only had one house perched. But on this tree, there are many, even though he is the village head...''

''Anindira, come in!'' Mischa shouted on the terrace when she arrived at the terrace of the house, ''For the time being you live here with her.''

''Okay uncle, thank you...''

''Anindira, come in!'' said Zia, who had been waiting in front of the door of the house.

Anindira caught a glimpse of a house that was twice as big as Zia's house on the branch right above the branch where Zia's house was perched. While on the branch where Zia's house lived, there were two houses in a row. When entering Zia's house, the nuance is very different from Halvir's house.

The interior is diverse, filling the room. There are several wooden boxes for storing clothes or clothes and the like. There is a large bed made of straw covered with animal skin just like Halvir's bed. Then there is a table and shelves beside the bed. More or less like a dressing table complete with equipment for Zia's daily life. The furniture in Zia's house is of various shapes and materials. Some are made of wood, earth, and stone. Unique and very traditional.

''Wow!'' Anindira shouted in her heart, ''It turns out I underestimated the primitive beast world. Unique but pleasing to the eye. Ornaments and knick-knacks. I guess this must be jewelry. Various shapes and models, neatly lined up on one of the shelves. Then, look at that in the four corners of the room ... '' Anindira touched and tried to smell something on top of it, ''Tallow?! This is a tallow candle ... so this legged pole is used as a candle-holder. Wow, interestingly this is a little taller than me and Zia. Standing in the four corners of the room. So they also have lights... good, at least I'm not in the dark anymore.''

''Zia, you use this thing?!'' asked Anindira very enthusiastically, ''This, you turned it on, right?!''

''What, candle?!'' exclaimed Zia in surprise at Anindira's seemingly exaggerated reaction, ''Of course, when it's dark it will be turned on. Now it's still bright because there's sunlight.''

''I know that... so #Candle, this is called a candle!'' exclaimed Anindira, repeating Zia's words, because Anindira had just learned the name. Halvir didn't teach her because there wasn't one in his house.

''Strange, it's like you just saw it...'' said Zia while laughing. She felt strange about Anindira's reaction.

''Um.'' replied Anindira while nodding in response to Zia, ''I just saw it. You don't know how tortured I am when night falls. But with this, I can be more comfortable... I think not having Kak Halvir will be okay for me as long as there are candles.''

''Hm?!'' Zia frowned in response to Anindira until she muttered in her heart, ''Poor Halvir, his position was immediately replaced by a candle.''

''Maybe these are some of the things Kak Halvir was looking for. Apart from the bed and the chest, I don't see any of that in Kak Halvir's house,'' Anindira thought to herself, still focused on looking at the items that she thought were unique and ignoring Zia's expression, which was surprised by Anindira's tacky behavior.

''Zia, where is your mother? I don't see her?'' Anindira asked.

''She went with Father Ruvi,'' Zia answered.

''Father!'' Anindira reflexively shrieked in surprise, ''Ruvi?! Then what happened earlier?! Uncle Mischa...'' Anindira asked probingly.

''Father?!'' Zia replied in a questioning tone.

''He's your father, right?!''

''Yes, my father. Did you forget?! We've met, right, just now...''

''Y-yeah...?!'' Anindira was confused when responding to Zia, ''Ah, maybe so!... I'm so insensitive... It turns out that even primitive people have divorces...''

''Sorry Zia...''

''Sorry?!'' asked Zia, confused, ''For what?''

''That... I think I've hurt you because I reminded you of your mother...'' answered Anindira while lowering her head in shame.

''What's wrong with remembering my mother? If she were here, she would also chat with us,'' replied Zia, still with her cheerful attitude.

''Wait!... She's gone?!... You mean, your mother lives here with you?!'' shouted Anindira while pointing down.

Anindira was shocked and asked again with a surprised face.

''No!'' Zia exclaimed firmly in reply, ''Mom lives in the main house right above this house…'' Zia continued her answer while pointing her finger upwards.

Anindira still could not understand Zia's words, which she thought did not make sense.

''I've seen news reports about chaotic married couples. But if it's like this... will it be safe to live here?! She already has a new partner but chooses to live in the same area. What's the difference between living under one roof?!'' Anindira was busy considering several aspects of her heart. Many things made her try harder to process all the meaning of Zia's words, deeper, deep into her limited little brain.

''You said your mother already has a new partner... And, that's above your house?!... Aren't there many other trees?!'' asked Anindira with a confused face while frowning.

''What do you mean?... Why does it have to be on another tree?... What's wrong with my mother's house above my father's house?'' replied Zia, asking back with a surprised face.

''How can it not be wrong?'' asked Anindira, ''Wait a minute! Am I overreacting to an adult's problem?'' she asked again, ''The village head is also relaxed... you also don't have a problem if your mother is with someone else...'' said Anindira, then answered her own question.

''Of course not like that!'' exclaimed Zia, immediately rebuked, ''Other people are certainly a problem!'' exclaimed Zia answered firmly, ''There must be approval from my father. If not, it's not just my father. But other spouses of mothers also have the right to kill him, for disturbing my mother without the permission of her spouse!'' Zia exclaimed, continuing to answer very seriously.

''Ha?! Kill?!'' Anindira exclaimed in surprise. She was shocked to hear the extreme thing that Zia said. ''But... wait!... Wait a minute!... spouse... spouse?... Did I hear wrong or misinterpret?'' Anindira asked, looking at Zia with a stupid, dumbfounded face.

Zia was surprised by Anindira to the point of turning her head back because Anindira immediately approached Zia and looked at her very seriously, ''What's wrong?... Why?" Zia asked with a frown. Zia's eyes looked a little scared seeing Anindira's reaction, which seemed strange.

''Then what about your father?!'' Anindira replied, still in her high tone, ''He lives with you, right?! Here, right under your mother's house with who is that...?''

''Ruvi...'' Zia replied, still listening to Anindira's words, which confused her.

''Yes, Ruvi!''

''No, Ruvi's father is downstairs!'' Zia replied immediately, ''Father is the first, that's why his house is right under Mother's house.''

''What?... Wait, earlier #spouses... then now first?!... So who exactly is Ruvi...''

''My father...''

''Then, Uncle Mischa?!''

''My father...''

''Both are your fathers?!''


''Then... Your father?!'' Anindira exclaimed with an even more surprised face, ''Which one is it...'' Anindira added in a low and hesitant voice.

''What do you mean?!''

''Your father Zia, biological father...?! Wait, what did you say here?'' And again, is it okay if I ask?''

''I don't understand, what are you trying to say, Anindira? Not only is your dialect weird, but you also like to talk about things I don't understand...''

''I mean, it's impossible if both of them are your fathers?!''

''Both of them are my fathers. I have five fathers...''


''What's wrong with your face, you're weird...'' Zia started to feel uncomfortable with Anindira's attitude and strange questions, ''Anindira, maybe we should meet Hans. I think there's a problem with you that Halvir didn't know about when he saved you.''

''What, Hans?! I met him yesterday when I arrived here.''

''He didn't say anything about your health?''

''It's normal. He said I was healthy, no problems...''

''Didn't he notice your head?!''

Anindira frowned with her eyes glancing to investigate the meaning of Zia's words.

''I'm afraid there's a problem with your head. That's why you're being this weird...''

''What?! That's what you mean! No... my head is fine.''

''But you're weird!''

''No, you're the weird one!'' Anindira screamed in her heart, ''Five fathers! Seriously... Wait... Damn! I forgot... why did I insist on my thoughts?! This world is a different world... idiot, just follow it! Gather as much information as possible...''

''Ehm,'' Anindira cleared her throat after taking a breath, ''Are you close with your five fathers?'' asked Anindira, who was curious. Because Zia's very open attitude made Anindira comfortable. She no longer cared about her hesitation about finding out something that she initially thought was sensitive enough to talk about.

''Of course. They love me very much...''

Zia seemed not to care about Anindira's negative attitude in responding to her words. It's all because the concept in Anindira's head and the concept in Zia's head are very different, of course.

''You also... love them?!''

''Of course. That doesn't need to be asked!''