Fake Appearence

Chapter 029 Fake Appearance

''A person with the position of village chief. A man who is said to be ninety-seven years old?! BLACK ORCHID really exists!''

Unconsciously, Anindira screamed in her own language.

Mischa immediately glanced at Halvir, showing a questioning expression on his face because this was the first time he had heard such a sentence.

''I don't know either,'' Halvir answered innocently, ''But, you'll get used to it soon.''

''What?!'' Mischa screamed in confusion in response to Halvir.

For a moment, Anindira was stunned by the situation that still confused her, but she began to remember her conversation with Halvir last night.

Halvir was forty-five years old. Hans was thirty-five years old. But the two of them not only had handsome faces but also looked youthful. Even if Halvir and Hans entered high school as students, except for their mature aura, no one would suspect anything.

A tall body with long black hair. He was almost a century old but had an appearance that was not very different from Halvir. He just looked a little more mature, that's all.

''The appearance of the beastman's faces in this world is fake. It doesn't match their age if this is the modern world,'' Anindira muttered in her heart, ''Even so, their bodies are not like that!'' Anindira then remembered a teenager who approached them while eating by the river, ''There are traces of experience recorded on their bodies.''

Anindira seemed to ignore Mischa's surprised gaze as well as Halvir. She focused on thinking about what her future would be like in this unknown world that she had just entered three months ago.

''The scars on his body were just cat scratches compared to Kak Halvir and Uncle Mischa. Kak Halvir and Uncle Mischa's scars were deep. Just by looking at the scars, I could imagine how horrific the situation was. There was even more than one wound from different times. That means bad experiences that were experienced many times. Is life in this world that bad?! Isn't three months enough for me to know the situation in this world?'' Anindira continued to observe Halvir's body and Mischa's body, which were her current focus, while continuing to mutter in her heart, ''Come to think of it... Kak Hans and the young man on the riverbank. They don't have scars like Kak Halvir and Uncle Mischa. Even so, their bodies are equally strong and muscular.''

''Dira, hey!'' Halvir called while shaking Anindira's shoulder.

''Ha!'' Anindira shrieked in surprise from her reverie, ''What?!''

''I didn't bring you here for you to observe Mischa like that...'' Halvir said seriously.

''Hm, oh yeah...'' Anindira was still half-conscious responding to Halvir.

''Dira,'' Halvir called in a slightly annoyed tone, ''Are you really paying attention to Mischa's body?!''

''Hm, yes...'' Anindira's words when answering Halvir suddenly stopped when Anindira realized that Halvir was reprimanding her, ''What?! No! Er... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude...''

''Why are you looking at Mischa's body?!'' Halvir asked firmly.


''You're looking at Mischa's body, do you like him?!''

''Kak Halvir!'' Anindira shouted in annoyance at Anindira's accusation.

''Hey, Halvir calm down!'' Mischa exclaimed, feeling embarrassed, and immediately intervened, ''That can't be. She knows that I already have a mate.''

''That's right!'' Anindira exclaimed, immediately putting Mischa on one side with her against Halvir, ''I'm not interested in old man who already belongs to someone else!''

''So why are you looking at Mischa's body?!''

Halvir still couldn't accept Mischa's defense and Anindira's denial.

''Because I'm curious. What happened that left scars like that? On both of your bodies. Kak Halvir saw me looking at Uncle Mischa's body. Kak Halvir should also have seen that I was also looking at your body!''

Mischa was shocked to see how brave Anindira was to answer Halvir so loudly and firmly.

''Hahaha...'' Mischa's laughter immediately broke out, making Anindira and Halvir glance at him in confusion, ''Now I know why you reject the others, but you can't let go of her.''

Halvir immediately understood what Misha meant, ''You know it all!''

''Of course, I noticed how you could grow this big since you were nothing.''

Halvir resignedly did not respond to Mischa's words anymore.

''Owh!'' Anindira screamed in her heart when she saw the interaction between Halvir and Mischa, ''Now I know... he is not just a village chief for Kak Halvir.''

''Anindira, wait a minute!'' Mischa asked kindly.

Mischa rushed upstairs, then a few moments later came down carrying a young girl.

Anindira's eyes sparkled when she saw a petite girl not very different from her. She was the first woman Anindira had seen in this WORLD OF BEASTS. A petite girl with long caramel-colored hair with clear hazel eyes. She should have been a beautiful girl with a sharp jawline that looked strong and firm. Her forehead, cheekbones, and jawline were almost the same width. It was a shame that her white skin was dry and looked dull. Her long hair was also sticky and oily, almost matted.

''This is my daughter Zia, she is seventeen years old this year,'' said Mischa, introducing her daughter, ''Zia, this is Anindira. Halvir left her with us for a while... can she live with you?'' asked Mischa to Zia very gently.

Zia nodded in response to her father, smiling broadly with eyes sparkling cheerfully. Her hand waved at Anindira, then she immediately got down from her father's arms and grabbed Anindira's hand and held it, ''We will play together, how old are you Anindira?'' asked Zia kindly without awkwardness.

''Same as you, seventeen.''

Anindira also smiled, happily seeing Zia, who immediately stuck close to her, making her no longer awkward. It even made her forget her jealousy a moment ago.

''We're the same age,'' Zia replied happily because she had a playmate.

As Halvir said. Zia is similar to Anindira, cheerful and outspoken. It's no wonder that Halvir will mention her name on several occasions.

Halvir and Mischa smiled, seeing the two teenagers immediately become close at their first meeting.

''Okay, Village Chief, this is for you...'' Halvir said while handing Mischa three *Ambers.

''Halvir, no need,'' Mischa replied with his hand, rejecting Halvir's gift, ''You've also helped me a lot, just taking care of one more daughter, is no problem...'' Mischa continued sincerely with his words.

''I know, but, no!'' Halvir replied firmly, ''This is my obligation as her man. And you have the right to accept it. Besides, there are two women you have to take care of. You will need them. I don't want my woman to be in debt, especially to another man!''

''Halvir, I already have a mate.''

''I know. That's why I entrust her to you. Because you also have to ward them off (single men who will try to approach Anindira),'' Halvir replied seriously.

''Huft...'' Mischa took a deep breath, ''Okay, it's up to you. Whatever I say won't change your decision.''

Mischa gave in, he knew he couldn't change Halvir's decision that had decided his woman.

With Mischa's approval, Halvir felt satisfied.

''Dira, be a good girl, wait for me to come home!'' Halvir exclaimed while stroking Anindira's head, then kissing her forehead, ''Reduce your naughtiness a little while I'm gone!'' Halvir whispered, adding his message.

Anindira, who initially felt romantic with the kiss on her forehead, immediately showed an annoyed face at Halvir's message. Even so, she still really wanted to hug Halvir, but she didn't do it. She was annoyed at holding herself back from pulling him because she didn't want to separate.

''Village Chief, I leave her to you.''

''Go, and come back soon!'' Mischa replied while patting Halvir's back.

Anindira could only watch Halvir's back as he moved further away from her. Her lips trembled as she held back her tears.



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