Anindira's admirer

Ezra was still surprised and confused, as someone very mature she could see Anindira's lies. But, she didn't want to push her. She could understand if Anindira just knew her. Ezra was lenient, she didn't want Anindira to be warier with her. This time, Ezra will let Anindira lie. Ezra was sure that one day after Anindira could believe it, she would tell it herself without being asked.

Ezra's instincts as a woman, as a mother, and also as a woman who accompanies the village leader, said that Anindira was a good girl.

''Hm... maybe, this is what is called a true mate that has been determined,'' Ezra said, smiling meaningfully, causing two teenage girls to tilt their heads to see Ezra.

''Aninda listen! In this village, there were six Clans, but Halvir was the only one at the *Sapphire rank, even then at such a young age. Halvir entered the *Sapphire rank ten years ago, sending the village into an uproar as he was only thirty-five years old. With Halvir's ascension to *Sapphire cementing his position as a supreme ruler, many elders urged him as well as Mischa. However, Halvir wasn't the least bit interested in all that. Since he was young, Halvir has had a difficult personality. However, that doesn't mean he can't be talked to. It's just that the powerful aura around him makes people feel uncomfortable and intimidated, especially those at lower levels. To be honest, we are aware that this is one of the causes that make Halvir even closer to himself,'' said Ezra with a calm expression.

Anindira listened seriously because it was all about Halvir. Ezra also added, explaining the 'what' and 'how' *Raised Beast Human power level and how to get it. The more she knows, the more Anindira's eyes light up, adding to her admiration for Halvir.

''That's why Halvir is the best choice, he has acknowledged you as a potential mate. Anindira, a woman, will be in danger if her spouse is weak,'' said Ezra, sincerely congratulating Anindira because Halvir chose her.

Ezra again explained how difficult it was for a household with women in it, because if the men in the family were weak, the women would easily be taken away from their families. Not to mention if there was a sudden invasion of a village that had lost all its women or from a clan of destroyers who liked to pillage villages and rob women. Not only that, but a man also needed to be strong enough to be able to enter the Forbidden Forest and take *Amber. Every household with women in it had to have enough *Amber. It was an absolute must to maintain the condition of a weak woman's body.

''That's why Anindira, we understand Halvir's decision, he is pressed for time... It's not just the need for your clothes, prepared winter food, and *Amber. All of that must be immediately provided by him before entering winter. Do you understand now?” asked Ezra, adding to her words while stroking Anindira's hair.

Anindira listened seriously, she finally realized and could understand how difficult it is to live in this world.

In this world, being strong is absolute, and Anindira is very grateful that the man who declared himself to be her mate is Halvir, the strongest man in the village.

They continued talking and joking, playing in the meadow until it was almost time for their next meal.


Before going home to eat, they decided to go to the river first so they could clean themselves up after playing in the meadow.

''Ah! Anindira, you are drenched,'' screamed Zia.

''Hehehe... It's okay, it's refreshing,'' Anindira replied, she was satisfied to be able to take a shower.

''You'll get sick if you get wet like that... Come on, hurry back and dry yourself!'' shouted Koza, ''We'll give you warm water and bathe at home.''

Koza became very worried when he saw Anindira's body soaked.

''Don't worry uncle!'' Anindira exclaimed, ''At my place, we even often play in the rain. It is very fun,'' Anindira said, continuing with a happy expression because her heart was very happy.


''This is for you,'' said Gavriel.

Gavriel went over to Anindira and handed a pile of wild vegetables and also a bag of fruit to Anindira, who was drying herself in front of the fire with Zia and Ezra.

''You like vegetables and fruit, I'll look for you again tomorrow…'' said Gavriel, continuing awkwardly. Soon after, he just walked away, with a red face.

''What's wrong with him? Come and go as he pleases, suddenly hand over food?'' Anindira shouted after glancing at Ezra and Zia with confused faces.

Zia only answered Anindira by shrugging her shoulders with a face that was also surprised.

''Hehehe...'' Ezra chuckled alone, seeing Anindira's innocence, as well as Zia, who was just as stupid.

Those sitting together while waiting for the meal to be prepared looked at Ezra. During that time, Mischa gently stroked Ezra's head and they both laughed amusedly together, making the others now focus on looking at the two of them with confused looks.

''Dad, mom, what's wrong?'' asked Zia, ''Why are you guys having fun alone,'' said Zia, who was annoyed because she felt left out.

''Your mother remembered old memories,'' Mischa answered, then sat beside Ezra and hugged her.

''What is that?'' asked Zia curiously, as well as the three young spouses of Ezra.

“About fifty years ago, there was a youth of *Diamond rank challenging a man of *Amethyst rank. He was very brave without fear of death and continued to approach your mother… just like what Gavriel had done earlier,'' explained Mischa, laughing.

The Ezra spouses, who already understood who was meant, glanced at Ruvi, who was blushing.

''But, I managed to get Ezra,'' he replied proudly to hide his embarrassment.

''Um!'' exclaimed Ezra, nodding, ''After ten years,'' Ezra continued while teasing, making Ruvi's face even redder.

''Then, what about Gavriel?'' asked Axel, ''His opponent *Safir, can't he find targets more easily?'' Kaj asked, also speaking, ''How will he beat Halvir?'' Koza asked, adding, he sympathized a little with Gavriel.

''Hm... it took Ruvi ten years to get Mischa's approval, how long will 'him' last?'' Kaj asked with a grin, ''It must be difficult to melt that 'ice fortress,'' Axel added.

''Hey!... You're comparing me now?!'' Mischa exclaimed, annoyed, imagining the thoughts of his juniors, ''Aren't you all the same? You are only young diamonds yet dare to challenge two *Amethysts.”

''Hahaha...'' they burst out laughing together.

''It might take time, but it will work,'' said Ruvi, interrupting between laughs, ''I don't know him, but I'm impressed by his courage. Now, we just need to know how persistent he is…'' said Ruvi, continuing with a proud smile.

''I know, besides he is still very young, he just needs to hone it,'' said Mischa in response to Ruvi.

Ruvi, Koza, Axel, and Kaj. Of course, they all understood Gavriel, they seemed to have seen him in the past.

Ruvi more or less understood, Gavriel's initial goal was not Anindira. However, it was Halvir who indirectly attracted him to Anindira. Initially, it was admiration from young teenagers who were envious and proud of the strength possessed by their role models. Ruvi could see it. Gavriel admired the figure of a Halvir, just as Ruvi admired the figure of a Mischa.

''Aninda! You have two admirers…'' said Zia, entering into the conversation, ''Interesting... You must be pleased,'' Zia continued, smiling.

''Ah! No, that…'' Anindira answered nervously, she blushed and didn't know how to answer.

''Gavriel is quite handsome... But, he is nothing compared to Uncle Halvir,'' said Zia, in response to Anindira's nervousness.

''Gavriel is only very young…'' said Mischa, looking at him from the side of the old man and also the wise Village Head.

''One day, he will be a tough young man,'' said Ruvi. He agreed with Mischa's opinion.

Anindira could only look at them with confused and blushing faces. She didn't know how to respond to all their words that were still beyond her comprehension.

''Polyandry in this world, will I get used to it?'' asked Anindira in her heart, ''Should I do it?!'' Anindira exclaimed, asking herself, ''I still can't accept it... What would you say? My family? They will scold me, that's for sure!'' thought Anindira muttering in her heart.

The meal was lively and lively as usual, the night was getting late each time they entered dreamland and once again morning came.
