I continued sipping my cappuccino when I heard a baby crying and her mother was struggling to carry her bags, take care of her crying baby and answer her constantly ringing phone.
I looked around and I saw that many people looked irritated and annoyed. I can't believe this people.
Finally I decided to help the woman so I walked up to her and offered to help her with the baby.
She looked at me as if she was deliberating on her options but when her phone continued ringing she had no other choice than to pick it so she handed over the baby to me as she excused herself.
I went back to my seat and patted the baby and sang a lot of Nigerian lullabies to calm her down.
She finally stopped crying and instead she was now smiling and laughing and she looked like she was having a great time.
After excusing herself her mom came back and she looked surprised staring at her laughing daughter.
The baby was adorable with hazel eyes and a heartwarming smile that will blow anyone's heart. Her smile can touch even the coldest person's heart like chill pill.
I finally handed her over to her mom who thanked me and left with her daughter who was now crying yet again.
I continued sipping my cappuccino and I continued enjoying the beautiful weather.
"Hi.......thanks for the help you gave a while ago. Do you perhaps need a job one of my workers said you asked if there was vacancy" a young lady who I recognize to be the one from a while ago says
"Workers, which workers I am sorry I have gone to so many places searching for a job so I am not sure which worker you are talking about" I said confused.
"Ok I understand well I am the owner of this mini restaurant and coffee shop and I am in need of a worker and a babysitter. I FIRED the old ones"
She really stressed the word 'FIRED'
"Yes, I need a job so badly ma'am I have been searching for a while"
I replied with a happy smile.
What do you expect, I have been walking around searching for a job all to no avail but while sitting down sipping coffee someone appeared out of the blue.
So tell me will I reply with a frown?
"ok you have the job but I need your identity card, green card, passport, visa and all other documents you can gather.I am Miss Grace Park and you can start tomorrow".
"I am Amore Cleve and I can start today by helping with your......... "
"Daughter" I finally said
"hmmm I am sorry but I have a question" I said again with a respectful yet agitated look.
"You don't need to ask. Yes she is my daughter I adopted her some months ago and she is just getting used to me and you are the first person to make her laugh like that since I adopted her."
She said answering my questions fully even before I asked her
"Ok follow me" she mumbled and I trailed at her back as she led the way to introduce me to some of her workers Amy, Dora and Caleb.
The waitress was Amy and the guy who replied me was Caleb.
I helped Miss Grace take care of the adorable baby Katrina while she worked.
It was quite interesting because Katrina was very fun to be with and she made me loose track of time.
I finally took my leave around 7pm and I went to my apartment after visiting a cyber café since a laptop or a phone was too expensive for me to buy.
I bought some cereals and other things I needed in my little cave.
I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner and I went to my room after picking up the research on my new school 'HILLSPOT HIGH' well my research only made me think the worst about my new school.
Hillspot high is the most expensive school in the whole of USA with students of high caliber and one of the main investors was Powers CORPORATION, best of all IVY LEAGUE schools, has great facilities and undefeatable standards with students whose parents have great significance in the American society.
I don't think things can be bad. I will be schooling with GREAT SCHOLARS.
Now I am thinking he aimed too high but then it's too late cause the black scholarship student is here.
He chose it why don't I make the most of this opportunity.
Yayyyyy, I am so happy I want to drown in my happiness.
Question of the CHAPTER: A painful memory you had.