I need to get ready for school. I slept off yesterday while preparing for school today and now I am successfully late.
I rushed into the shower and took a quick bath. I dressed up and I prepared a bowl of cereals which I ate in a rush, took my bags and ran downstairs.
I hailed a taxi and I gave the location of the school to him after which he scanned me and gave me the -who the hell is she look-.
The taxi stopped at some huge gates after one of the numerous guards told him he couldn't go any further.
I showed them my identity card and the other card sent by the school along with my approval letter and in turn they looked at me one after the other and gave a quick laugh.
What's wrong with them?
In fact, what is wrong with the whole universe?
I already feel disgusted just after a minute with the guards.
They gave me a five maps and according to them the first one was that of the entry point to the school and now I have been walking around for a while now and it looks as if I am perambulating.
After a while, I decided to follow the trails of different cars passing by.
It's like the school is a racing ground for sports cars cause WHAT IS ALL THESE?
A Chevrolet after another Chevrolet.
A Ferrari after an Aston Martin and I can sight the best of the best vintage cars so WHAT IS ALL THESE OPPRESSION FOR?
I just couldn't help but face palm myself.
Finally I got to another path but I got confused cause I could choose to turn left or right.
Let's see, the right is always positive while the left is always negative. I write and eat with my right so.
God what am I babbling about, ok.
It's left, what luck.
I am not surprised since things are always the total opposite for me. I write and eat with my left.
I turned left and then finally finally I saw a huge building and there was a sign which says administrative building.
I went inside the large building and I was more confused than ever,firstly it's so big I don't know where to turn and the map confused me more and more.
I kept on walking through the chandelier lighted hallway and all I could see were some doors with inscriptions like
Conference room 18, Conference room 05, Workroom, Cinema hall, Gallery and so on
"Miss Cleve, you are welcome to Hillspot high and I am Principal Carter".
A voice rang through the hallway and I turned left, right, middle, centre Every damn whe-
calm down and mind your language.......there was nobody.
I could hear someone chuckle but where?
"Miss Cleve, I guess you couldn't decode the map. I am not surprised" he muttered the last part but still I am not deaf.
"Just turn to the hallway on your right, the third room on your left . Fête vite mademoiselle"
I finally found the room but it was locked.
What sort of nonsense is all these?
"hello anybody there"I asked in a calm voice.
"Who are you"an abnormal voice sprang through the intercom.
I cleared my throat and introduced myself.Immediately, the door lock clicked open and it opened automatically.
So much for an IVY LEAGUE school.
Wahala INTERNATIONAL [literal way of saying problems on a higher level]
I looked around the room but there was no one.
"Miss Cleve the table in front of you has some files and documents that needs to be signed by you " the principal says and I looked at the empty table and chair in front of me.
I moved closer to get a second opinion but it was still empty I was about to talk when out of nowhere some papers and a pen appeared on the table .
Everything here is already driving me crazy .
I read through the documents and signed where necessary after which I took my schedule, locker entry card and some other stuff.
"You will be informed when your personal properties are ready so for now goodbye" he said and I left the room totally confused about the way out of the building.
I finally got to my locker and I swiped the card on some card reader.
I took out my note for my current class but before I could move something rang through the hallway
"It's time for another class students so move fast you have 5 minutes" A funny commanding robotic voice sang through the hallway and I could feel myself smiling.
Why not just ring a bell?
Students started coming in from different directions most of them busy with their expensive looking phones, Tablets and smart wristwatches even laptops.
I had NONE.
I replaced my notes and textbooks with that of physics and I walk to the class checking the map every now and then.
I finally got to Lecture ROOM 095 and I was quite dumbfounded because that could mean there are about 100 classrooms in this school and more.
Soon enough class started and I could feel the hot gaze of some of the students on me.
I am too beautiful to be avoided or shunned.
"Miss please can you introduce yourself" the teacher requested without sparing me a glance so I walked halfway through the class and gave a brief introduction.
"Hi...." I greeted expecting a response but I guess that was stupid of me because no one even took a glance of me.
"I am Amore Cleve. I am a Nigerian and I am sixteen years. Done"I said louder than my normal voice.
"Do you have anything to ask her" the teacher asked through the ever present microphone on her desk but they were all busy with their laptops.
What a bunch of snubs. They just tramped on the drop of pride I had left but since I didn't want to answer any question either. It's ok.
Ohhh I forgot to add that all the students had laptops except me and according to the documents I read earlier they were gifted by the school and are only used for things concerning the school nothing else.
I proceeded to my seat and was careful not to fall into whatever grave they have dug up with their eyesssssssssssss.
The teacher continued whatever she was teaching and I made sure to pay maximum attention in the class.
The other classes continued abnormally because even teachers were discriminating but you know what "I don't care" maybe living in Nigeria has thought me more than I can imagine, you can't please everyone.
Now it's lunch time and lucky me I have no food to eat, no time to go to the cafeteria and no strength to keep looking around for the cafeteria continuously so instead I settled for the school library which was big enough to contain millions of books and thousands of computers.
This place is enormous , gigantic, large, big all the English I could probably get in the dictionary in place of large isn't enough to describe this place.
I entered the inner room for reading after swiping my school identity card on some kind of blank screen.
I spent almost all my break in the library and few minutes before the robot thing sounded I went to class.
I took my seat at the back of the class beside the window which had great view of what seems like the school park.
Finally the teacher started class and the computer did most of the talking. Let me give a brief explanation of the features of few of the classrooms or halls have gone through.
1) The classes were big enough to contain about 300 students but counting we weren't as much as that
2)Each Hall or class in simple English had a kind of large screen which was as large as those in movie theatre.
3)Each student had a carved out case or space to keep his /her laptop while seating.
4)The teachers had direct access to open and close the doors of the classroom
5) Everywhere is safeguarded with security cameras . You know what I mean aside from the electronic ones the kind of human security camera that digs a grave for the living.
6) The school is so large I cannot explain and it's well equipped with God knows everything what. Don't mind me I only use that when I feel stupid.
7)To be continued..............
So back to reality, the stupid damn robot thing just finished talking and I am off to another class.
Seems as if I need to get used to this but at least I got two legs and a mouth to complain that my leg is aching after walking aimlessly for hours without getting proper attention.
In summary, I am lost right now
The stupid thing just told me I am late for class "Anybody on the hallway is already late for class "I mimicked the stupid robot.
"Miss Cleve you are late for your next class which is S30E now move fast" A voice sounded from the electronic loudspeaker or whatever all I know is I am late.
"South 30 degrees East "I mumbled to myself continuously.
So now I have three options
1)Sit and understand the damn map 2) Skip Class 3)Walk aimlessly like the lost soul I am.
Oh I have a fourth option
4)Run like a mad girl I am going to be if I keep standing here so I think the best option is .........please pick for me.
After much deliberation I picked the fourth option and you know what I am such a great athlete I never realized that until today, you can be one of my fans and my name will be pick race (in Nigerian slang language it is JP short for Ja pa).
"Miss you are late for class" The teacher said and while I was deliberating on what to say the damn damn damn thing signified it was time for another class.
Again why not just ring a bell.
Guess am unlucky I better get to class before it's too late "My apologies sir I need to go for my next class" I said and ran out of the class with a question on my mind please answer for me.
"AM I MAD".Guess I won't know until someone answers my question.
As soon as I finished my classes I went to my workplace and I was very happy to know I had an hideout where someone at least respected me and treated me a bit nicely.
I had to work double shifts because Caleb was absent and I also took care of baby Katrina while Miss Grace was busy with work.
At least she gave me some money to buy groceries.
I got home late at night and after dropping my bags I was off to bed .
Bye sweet dreams to myself.
QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: I want you all to tell me if you ever had a black friend and how it felt with them their behaviour and everything. Also vice versa for blacks tell us about your white friend. Please state if you are black or white just for identification nothing else.