I resumed school early in the morning to avoid any confusion like that of yesterday.

I had to take some painkillers, I deserved it you know after running and working double shifts yesterday.

The robot has just talked now,I have a class before lunch thank GOD.I went to my next class and lucky me it wasn't far or hard to identify.

I took a seat at the back and laid my head on the desk. I can't help but feel tired.

Even after all the craziness I couldn't get more than two hours sleep.

After a few minutes the class was filled with students who were busy with their laptops and tablets

The teacher started class and discussed some main points before the bell for lunch was rung at last I am free.

I packed my books and went to the library to do some researches and assignments I couldn't wait till I got home.

I would be tired from all the work so I prefer to get everything done in school while I have the resources

I took a seat close to the window so I could have a perfect view of the garden.

I started my assignments and WOW.

Ask me what happened.

A white BUGATTI VEYRON just pulled into the school parking lot and the car is HOT.

Well I am quite obsessed with cars especially sports cars and this is very rare.

A brand new looking sports car in the school is cool.

My irrational side was waiting "TOUCH it AMORE, FEEL it, SMELL it" but my rational side was winning finishing my assignments and getting to class ASAP.

After struggling to finish my assignments.

I mean it was a war I had to win cause I couldn't help but stare at the car nobody came out of and the windows were tinted.

I packed my books and when I was just about to leave a guy came out of the drivers seat he was dashing. He had the athletes physique and brown hair but that was all I could see before he left.

"He left just go and take a look" my irrational side cried but I couldn't bring myself to it so I walked as fast as I could causing me to hit my head on an actual wall.

I placed my books in my locker picking the ones I needed for my next few classes.

I have AP mathematics after lunch.

I have been searching for a while now and it's quite confusing to me.

"O Lord please just give me an hint" I mumbled to myself and kept walking.

Miraculously, I found the class and went in just in time before the bell was rung.

I took a seat beside the window and closer to the back of the class.

The teacher came in sooner than I expected and class started without any delay.

The teacher stopped for a while and the door of the class barged open.

Guess it's a chance from heaven to get a nice rest so I laid my head on my desk. I need this break badly my head isn't storing any more information.

"Hey, that seat is occupied please get up" someone said in a nice British accent which sounded great but why would he tell someone to get up.

I wouldn't stand up if I were in such position.

"Hey I am talking to you" the person said but this time he was tapping my desk and I was the only one seated there.

"Hello" he called out snapping his fingers over my head.

I turned to face him but I didn't bother raising my head. It felt heavy.

"Sorry I didn't realize you were talking to me."

"That seat is occupied already" he said again but this time picking his words one by one as if he was talking to a toddler.

He is actually talking to me.

"So you mean I should get up" I asked without sparing him a glance.

"Yes"he replied in a duh tone.

"Actually this seat was empty when I got here and according to what I know you don't have your name written or scribbled anywhere here".

"I don't need to have Alex scribbled here cause he owns this seat. OK" he replied and I couldn't help but get annoyed

"Look in simple terms I need to concentrate and you are not helping at all I would have lent you the seat if you asked with respect or if you gave a better option but since you didn't " I made a brief pause

"Get another place for Alex and stop hindering my peace of mind" I replied as if unaware of the fact he was Alex.

"¿Sabe quién es Alex o es simplemente estúpida?" He mumbled in Spanish. Does he think I am that stupid like he says I am.

OK then.

"Suena como un idiota perezoso y criado en casa para mi" I replied and he gave me a stunned expression just like everyone else did .

"Did she just call Alex an homebred idiot ?"

"Does she speak Spanish?"

"Does she have an idea who Alex is?" These were some of the series of questions that were sent across the hall.

I didn't say anything wrong he basically called me stupid.

He called me stupid let's talk about that and not my response to his insult. He is rude talk about that also.

I can't believe a teacher is inside this classroom.

"Do you know you just signed a death contract which I wish you never did cause you invited trouble. Good luck fighting the war you started unarmed" He left .

He left me with an unwavering thought of who he is.

I brushed my hair backwards with my hand and tried my best to continue listening but I can't I can't , everyone is just stealing glances at me.

I know I am beautiful but they are giving me the ~what a pity your life is gonna end like this look ~

The class was finally over and without any hesitation I packed my books and flew to the next class which I hope is better and nobody heard about the trouble I made in my other class

"Who is Alex?"This was part of the question running through my mind.

I finally reached the door to my next class but I couldn't enter even if the door was opened since it was an automatical wooden sliding door but it only opens itself when you scan your fingerprint.

Even the door regards me as a NOBODY.

Luckily, some girls walked past me and the door opened so I managed to slip in but the beeping noise made made me step back.


I scanned my fingerprint again and finally took a seat but I couldn't ignore all the intense stares directed at me.

All the stares was accompanied with murmurings, hissing and all sorts of reactions.

I guess news spread likes wildfire but it wasn't even up to 30 minutes ago.I won't be surprised if the principal heard of it.

My friend please who is Alex and what have I done.

"She is that stupid girl" someone says pointing to me and hisses .

Now I understand Newton's third law of motion

It states that "For every action there is always an equal reaction " but a word is missing it should have been for every stupid action there is an equally stupid reaction, I am a very good example of that.

Sir Newton I drop my hat for you, you summarized my life in a single simple special phrase.

A round of applause for him but back to my life.

Who is Alex maybe I should personally apologize or perhaps write a letter of apology but ohhh my my I am a dead meat .

My wounds have not yet healed completely and I am on my way to get a new one, what a marvelous situation instead of writing a letter of apology why don't I write a tribute and and an autobiography with an ending that says

"I was a nice loving girl but I died too young because I forgot the Zip lock code to my mouth and probably because I never knew how to keep to myself how stupid some people are naturally.

To everyone out there keep your mouth shut sometimes it pays I died an heroine.

I fought for the right to own a seat. #stupidity

To every Alex out there I don't know you but one of your kind named Alex.......... killed me, find him and make him share copies of my autobiography on the streets of London, Paris and Nigeria barefooted and in shorts only during winter .

Also make him create a garden around my grave, if he doesn't make him eat dog food every day with a cup of ocean water


What if Alex is from the Mafia or he is the principal's son or a don or a mafia's son.

You know what I will just call my mom and tell her my goodbye. I was a good daughter to her.

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts "Wake up call, class is over " The girl said and burst out in laughter with her friends as they left the hall.

What's so funny I was thinking about what I would write in my autobiography and they are here laughing instead of laughing they could be nice enough to tell me who Alex is but again I am the only one here and I can't ask anyone of them so it's better I leave for my next class.

Wish me best of luck since this is a WAR I STARTED UNARMED .


Question of the chapter:Have you ever been in a similar situation when you probably said something bad to someone or about someone and you realise you got yourself in trouble . Explain in details .....


Doesn't she know who Alex is or is she just stupid.

Amore's salvage reply : Sounds like an homebred idiot and a lazy person to me ....