It has been almost two weeks since I met Smith and he is quite nice, different and fun to be with sometimes but other times he is worse than the worstest (if the English even exists).
He loves expensive things and he can't manage anything.
About two days ago, his car got a small scratch after HE collided with another car (IMPORTANT WORD:HE) but after handing out an insurance card to the man the victim continuously apologized to him for causing any damages even if he wasn't at fault.
I asked Smith what happened and he said the man was at fault and he just did the right thing by apologizing to him.
On that same day when I got back from work, I saw a totally new and elegant sports car. When I asked Daphne she said Smith owns it.
His parents are not even millionaires I guess but he spends so much I could mistake him for a billionaire.
I lecture him everyday on cash management and how to get discounts on goods but then he spends lavishly.
Back to School (worst nightmare)
Since the incident with Alex things have changed like really changed. Girls stare at me like I stole their boyfriends or make up kit, I am not sure which is the most important though .
I think their boyfriends since everyone of them are beautiful and apply little make up, they are rich what do you expect? I have to say the truth.
Back to the topic , even teachers treat me like a princess.
Please note the sarcasm..
I also made a new worst enemy. Let's fill out the form:
NAME: Daisy George
Position: Richest and Most Fashionable female in HILLSPOT high.
Occupation: Model, designer, brand ambassador and worst of all my worst enemy.
Personality/Style: Naturally beautiful, uses less make up, elegant and she definitely isn't a slut. In fact she is part of the top three students and she totally kills fashion.
Back to the day, the robot just did it's normal duties and now it's lunch .
Smith asked me to meet him at the cafeteria during lunch so I exchanged my books and started my walk to the cafeteria .
"Hi Amore" Smith greeted as he walked beside me
"Hi Smith, so how was class?" I asked and he simply said it was fine so we continued our walk in silence.
Smith swiped his Identity card on the card reader and the cafeteria's door began to open.
"Hey" I called out while trying to get my hand out of his but it was impossible with his tight grip.
I could feel everyone already throwing glances at me. Smith isn't even half as handsome as the other guys in this school.
SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM and it's not like I am comfortable with all this.
We walked into the cafeteria and I couldn't help but simply lose my mind. I have been here twice in the past weeks and it still doesn't look like I have ever been here.
I took a seat at the lowest hierarchy where I was told I belonged since I was black and also a scholarship student .
Like really I just can't believe it but then it's easier for me since I don't have to use an elevator or stairs to get to my 'Class or hierarchy".
Believe it or not there is an elevator that takes you to the next floor.
People like Alex whom I have never seen and Daisy alongside her friends have a seat at the top floor and are separated from Alex by glass walls and doors which I can't see through.
The next floor below Alex's dining area was also filled with rich students depending on their status and it is also surrounded by glass walls and windows which I can see through and it is tagged Sub-section A.
The next floor is also similar to the sub-section A but it has less richer students and it was section B . The next floor is also similar to the others but it was filled with white scholarship students and it was section C .
The next floor which was more open without any glass walls or windows was occupied by the one and only, a round of applause please.
The one and only, different, special, beautiful, important, intoxicating and unforgettable goddess of beauty Amore Cleve, a big round of applause.
"Amore, hey" Smith tapped me and continually called out my name.
"What?" I asked
"I am gonna get us some lunch" he said and started walking away.
"Wait, come here" I said to him and he made his way back.
"Isn't the food expensive?" I asked in a low tone and he smirked with a smile plastered on his face.
You know somehow he looks more real with that kind of facial feature.
"Don't worry. It's on me" he said and disappears like he always does every time for the past three weeks.
"Weißt du was, sie wird eine professionelle Schlampe und Heuchlerin"
I heard the sound of hypocritical laughter behind me but I didn't want to turn since I wanted to make it a known surprise for me .
You know that kind of surprise in which you already have an idea what it entails but you still don't have enough courage to unsurprise it, that's the kind of surprise.
"You know what girls. She probably can't understand in normal language so why don't we speak in her own language"
Another voice different from the initial one says to the others and within a sparkle and shine I felt myself being dragged out of my seat outside the cafeteria .
If only I could do something but I am helpless I can't get myself into more trouble so I can't do anything.
We finally came into a halt and I was faced with Daisy who had gloves on and a nose mask alongside her friends.
"Don't you ever mess with me" she growls and pulled my hair again and again. Thank God for patience and my family cause if it weren't for these things I would also try pulling her face off.
"And don't try messing with A......" but even before she could complete her sentence and land a hot slap my way Smith came and they disappeared
"Are you OK Amore?" he asked and I nodded.
Without second thoughts I walked out and went on to pick up the notes I needed for next classes.
"Do you know you just signed a death contract which I wish you never did cause you invited trouble. Good luck fighting the war you started unarmed" I mumbled to myself remembering every word and details he prophesied.
I think I now understand the words of wisdom he gave. life is such a DRAMA.
Today was one heck of a day at school so I decided to go take a rest at home since my shift starts about an hour and a half from now.
I boarded a taxi and when I finally got to my apartment I rushed in and dropped dead on my bed.
I have a pounding headache after the fight with Daisy. She almost pulled my hair off my head.
Speaking of my hair. I haven't washed it since I arrived. I was trying to manage things but I think washing my hair is the best thing I can do for now so I rose up from my bed and changed to shorts and an oversized top with a towel wrapped around my neck.
I took a seat on the stool placed in front of the counter top and I poured the shampoo in the center of my head massaging it into my scalp and hair.
It's extra silky compared to the last one I used .
I massaged the shampoo deeper into my scalp and finally I removed my hands and stood up ready to rinse my hair but WHAT THE HEAVENS!!!!!.
Question of the CHAPTER: Worst thing you have ever experienced in details. If it's too personal then.....