I mean "WHAT THE ACTUAL HEAVENS" I cried out after looking at my rainbow colored hands.
"How did this happen" I mumbled to myself running out of the bathroom into my room just to check out my hair.
"Oh my GOD. I am so dead" I yelled into the mirror and within a split second I ran back into the bathroom and turn on the shower head as I ran my hands through my hair continuously so I could get the thing off my hair but the more I tried the worst it got.
I have to get to work in probably less than an hour and yet I have a rainbow on my head. How bad can this day get.
I really need deliverance. I remembered buying a bottle with "Shampoo" but now I have a "rainbow hair dye".
The only difference was the content and the difference in the label was shampoo and rainbow hair dye, it was produced by the same company and the packaging was similar.
How did I make such mistake?
Oh God I am getting late. I took a quick shower and changed into a washed jeans and a black hoodie.
I prepared my school bag with all the books I needed so I could get my assignments done during my break at work. I pulled the hood over my head and hailed a taxi to the mini restaurant.
"Good day Miss Grace" I entered her office after knocking on the door.
"Hi Amore, what's wrong?" She asked and I couldn't even think of an answer.
"I didn't realize it was so cold outside normally it shouldn't be until ........but then climate change"
She started rambling as she continued checking out some paperwork, without any hesitation I took off my hood.
"Are you alright?"she asked without looking up from the papers but soon after realizing my silence she raised her head and burst out laughing.
Is it that bad or is it so funny?
I don't even understand anything.
"So you" she laughed and took a deep breath
"you wanted to create a unique style with your hair and you chose a unicorn style. Is that it?" She said in between her outbursts of laughter.
"No that wasn't my intention. I bought a"shampoo" some weeks ago and I decided to wash my hair today.
I supposedly washed my hair today without a clue that it was a rainbow dye" I took a deep breath.
Does that even make sense to an idiot?
"I only wanted to wash my hair but now I have this. How it happened I don't know but I really need your help ma'am" I begged and after laughing a bit more she took deep breaths and calmed down.
"Just put the hood back on if you don't want me laughing all day" She said and I pulled it back on .
"When we are done with work we will deal with it. For now avoid me as much as possible if you don't want me laughing my butts off. Do you understand?" She said laughing but this time she controlled herself.
"Thank you ma'am" I said and started my walk towards the door but she stopped me "Amore"she called out and I turned to face her again.
"I actually have a name and it's Grace so please just call me Grace ok"
"Yes ma..... Grace"I corrected myself and left for my shift.
I am getting off work late since I had so much to do but then I just finished everything and yes it's quite late but I have no choice but to finish everything up so the work would be easier for Amy tomorrow.
"Ma'am" I knocked on the door but there was no answer.
"Ma'am..... Ma'am........ Ma'am" I called out continuously as I also knocked repeatedly
"Ma'am...... Ma'am Grace" I called out again and this time I felt I heard some movement in her office.
"You know I have a name and if you are not gonna call me by my name that door is going to remain locked" she said and I continuously slapped myself.
"I am sorry ma......"I paused
"No no ... Grace Grace Grace Grace" I repeated trying to get used to her name.
"Just continue saying my name and the door was opened" she said and I turned the door knob only to be find it opened.
"You are welcome Miss Unicorn" she said and started laughing .
"Let's get going "
"and she is your responsibility Miss Unicorn" she said pointing to Katrina who was looking at the both of us in a weird way.
For a one year or two years old she is definitely smart and overexpressive. Her expressions make it seem as if she hears every single thing.
We packed everything and I carried Katrina as Miss Grace locked the shop. She jumped into her car like someone who has no worries or problems.
I got into the car and buckled in my seatbelt as I carried Katrina.
We finally got to her house and she led me to Katrina's room to lay her down. She really is beautiful and I just can't believe she is only about a year old.
After making sure she was still asleep I left her room and I went back downstairs.
The house was kinda huge and at the entrance to the main house there were paintings and pictures of a certain woman she looks just like Grace but she had red hair and beside her pictures were that of Katrina.
The sitting room, kitchen and dining area were made together with the idea of an open floor plan.
So far so good the house was simple and beautiful with the hard wood floors and colored walls.
"Amore come upstairs we have to fix the Unicorn" Grace called out and I went upstairs following the trail of sounds I heard which finally led me to the door of her room.
I was about to knock but "Come in you don't have to knock continuously" she stopped me.
I entered the room and she invited me to sit on a couch at the farther end of her queen sized bed.
"Make yourself comfortable cause I need to get something done.....Wear this robe and meet me in the bathroom over there" she pointed and I just nodded.
I changed into the robe and I went into the bathroom. I sat on a stool which she placed in front of the counter and the mirror.
The counter had a hair dryer, hair spray, hair dye , hair straightener ,bobby pins..........
She looked at my hair and she laughed before regaining her composure.
She washed my hair dried it and did some other things before applying the dye. She made the tips gold and the roots were black and brown I guess.
When she finished my hair, I arranged my things in place and was about leaving to when she called me.
"Amore you know you can sleepover at my house since it's quite late and I am a tiny bit lonely here".
"Hmmmm, Mi.... Grace yeah Grace I don't want to be a burden to you and you have already helped me a lot today. I can always call a cab don't worry"
I said in a calm and collected tone but then Grace wasn't gonna accept defeat.
"Thanks Amore you are the best ...."she said and after remaining silent for a while she snapped her fingers looking shocked and surprised
"You know we can watch movies and eat all night long" she said and finally dragged me out.
"I didn't even agree ma'am Grace"
"You don't have to, silence is an automatical answer for me. So let's go I will get some food for us . You can change into that pyjamas" she said and left me alone.
I changed into the pyjamas and started arranging her things back in place. I was finishing up when I heard Katrina crying so I went to her room and brought her to Grace's room.
"Now we have a third personality here the great QUEEN of England" she said placing the food and snacks on her side table.
She left to change into her pyjamas and when she finally came back we settled down to watch a movie .
Question of the CHAPTER: Has someone ever tried to buy you with money whereby they decide to flaunt their money?