Chapter 11: Alexander Powers

You know that Smith guy is really weird. His accent sounds so fake like his attitude...... I might not speak German but that accent is not real enough" I continued to recall everything Grace said.

It's probably because she doesn't have an idea who Smith is. I mean he is a cool guy and...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Daphne

"Hola mi amor" she was sitting at the front desk with some papers scattered around,bottles of soda and takeouts in the bin and the surrounding area.

She has been acting weird lately "Everything alright" I asked and she gave a curt nod so I continued my journey to my apartment.

I stopped dead on my tracks after going back to my previous thoughts "Is Smith in?"

"Yeah I saw him go in about an hour ago, I am not so sure if he is still in" she said and I gave a simple 'thank you' before leaving.

I basically ran upstairs eager to learn something new about Smith probably about his accent and all. I hope he is inside cause this can't wait.

Well guess he is inside cause he was stupid enough to leave his front door open. I mean is it everything I have to teach him.

I walked into his apartment and I couldn't help but feel like.....

I don't know, the living room smelt expensive. It had the smell of a rich extravagant house.

"Smith" I called out but no one replied so I went ahead to check the kitchen but it was also empty.

I am not so familiar with his apartment since this is like the first time I came here.

"Smith Olive" I called out again but there was no reply so I stepped out of the kitchen and I continued walking until I found another door.

What if he is dead or he committed suicide. I opened the door but......

"Hello, hello, hi"I called out.

I stepped further into what seems like his room. I guess he isn't in here either so I started walking towards the door but something caught my attention. What's that?

I stepped in front of his dressing table which had a mirror and I could see different things. A make up kit, hair dye, contact lenses, eye glasses and so on.

What is he doing with all this. "That Smith guy of a thing is weird he sounds as fake as he looks".

She doesn't know who Smith is she is probably mistaken. I started walking back to the door but suddenly I felt a bit weak so I placed my hand on the wall but I grabbed one of the decorations which was a vase.

I heard a door open so I turned back and truly I saw the wall literally parting. I didn't realize I was already walking to the room until I stepped inside.

"Wow" On the walls were expensive looking paintings.



"I am sorry Mr Powers"

"I am sorry. What does that change.........Does it change the fact that you just lost a 30 billion dollars worth business deal because of your stupidity and inefficiency."

I started walking closer to the sound until I saw a door widely opened.

"Mon Dieu, Mon Dieu......... You and your team are FIRED" the person yelled and this time I couldn't stop myself from peeping.

All I saw was a large room with a king size bed and gold polished furniture. Also a brownish black shining hair gelled to the side

"Mr Alexander,lo siento ,por favor. Please give m........" he slammed the laptop shut and ran his fingers through his hair gently

Snap out, snap out. I have to get out before Smith notices me............ I started tiptoeing back through the hallway and finally I got to his bedroom and without thinking twice I started running out.

I need to think, get out, breathe, think again and again and again

"Mr Alexander, lo siento, por favor. I am sorry Mr Powers."

Alexander Powers........I heard that name somewhere before. Ale......wait Alexander Alexander.

Isn't that the principal's son? So Smith and Alex are the same


Wait calm down.....All along Smith was a cover-up

"I never realized that, they both are different"

Smith is nice but Alex doesn't seem so nice...... Alex is arrogant well Smith can be a pain in the neck.......

I need to get this out of my head...........I slammed the front door shut and I went into my room without hesitation.

What else do I need everything is right in front of me...... Alex, Smith, Grace's thoughts, my thoughts......What exactly do I want.

"What exactly do I want...... Amore do you want to go back in time and change whatever happened?.......NO. You messed with the wrong person and that's it...... Smith, Alexander whoever, are not your problem".

"The problem is you, it's you and him." I pointed to the mirror yet again and again.

Well guess what.

I woke up again after spending the whole night sulking and blaming myself for getting into so much trouble that Smith had to step down from his throne to get a house next to me.

I finished taking my bath and now I am preparing my breakfast but the worst part of this morning is that I have an headache and my body is not in the best condition.

I packed my hair in a ponytail and I took my lunch, I was about putting my lunch in my bag

"Shit" I dropped it.

I packed it up and dumped it in the kitchen bin. I took my bag, left the apartment.

"Good morning Amore" Miss Daphne greeted and I just waved at her walking away from the building.

I flagged down a taxi "Hillspot high please".

"I said Hillspot high. Are you going or not?" I asked extremely annoyed about his reaction when I told him my destination.

"Sorry but it's just that..."

"It's just what.....I don't belong there....I know you don't have to rub it in my face. I already messed up my life the minute I came into this world through the contribution of__ I basically regret coming here now." I completed my long speech after realizing I was probably boring the man out.

"You know, I don't really have an idea who you are or what you are talking about but what I know is that you have surpassed a lot and you can surpass anything more" He continued after taking a deep and sharp breath.

"The only reason I was staring was because blacks like us were never allowed in such 'highclass shit'".

You can't continue releasing your anger on everyone. He did nothing to deserve your aggression towards him.

"Ohhhhhh I really didn't realize you meant that. I am so sorry, I was just tired and angry that's all" I pleaded.

Finally I got to school and I paid the man. "Just keep it girl get yourself some food or something during lunch I guess" the man said. How did he know I had no food?

"Sir, thanks so much but I can get lunch at school with my money. Thanks" I countered and he smiled.

"If you say so but whenever my daughter looks like that, it's always because something relating to food is missing".

Ohhhhhh that's how he knew about my lunch. It was a lucky guess.

"Bye sir. Thanks" I waved goodbye walking into the school gate and then the school hall and directly to my locker.

Then guess what, he I mean Smith was walking towards me.

I felt the urge to confront him but I saved it, I can't waste my time or my saliva on someone this useless so I just avoided him.

I got a backseat luckily so I passed the period sleeping and the next and also the next period after that so basically I wasted all my morning classes sleeping.

Finally, lunch was announced by the robotic thing and I happily sprung up ready for lunch. I dropped my books in my locker, took some cash and my water bottle.

Do you believe a bottle of water here costs more than two large cups of coffee at Grace's. I mean water isn't gold.....

Water is a necessity...I think there should be a right like the right to FREE, clean and odourless water.


"Hey it's being a while" The hierarchy's chef asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I know what you are thinking, YES we all have different chefs. He is the chef for all scholarship students either blacks or whites.

"Hi sir. I want any food below the range of 4 dollars" I asked and he smiled.

"Here have this" he said and I smiled knowing fully well enough whatever he sold couldn't have been below 4 dollars but it's better being sure.

"How much is this?" I asked removing more money from my wallet. Only Scholarship students paid for their food according to what I know.

"Don't worry. It's free. I always have extra" he confirmed

"Sir just take this please"

"I said don't worry" he said sternly yet calmly. I began to hear mumbling at my back so I just dropped the money on the table and left.

As much as I need the money, everyone else needs it.

Today, I don't really want any trouble. I just want a quiet and peaceful breaktime with no advances against me.

So far do good, God heard my prayers. Nobody came to fight me but ......

Smith came in and I couldn't help but stare. I don't really have an idea who Alex is especially in looks but looking closer with a clear mind he looks FAKE.

I didn't know when Smi_sorry Alex approached my table and the most annoying fact was that he had some juniors about a grade or two lower than his swooning over him.

I could see their saliva dropping on the floor. OK that's an exaggeration.

I have seen one of the girls somewhere before.

He snapped his fingers across my face making me crash back into the painful reality that he was my enemy.

"Hey Amore. How are you doing" he smiled making me want to just to puke.

Just flow along "I am fine. I hope you are though".

"Obviously I am" he said pointing down to himself.

"If you say so..

Alexander" I completed giving him a hug.

I placed my lips in his ears

"The least I expected from you was to be an hypocrite but then I guess I was thinking so highly of you

You don't have to pretend any more. Game over" I started clapping. By this time, I already stopped hugging him and I was staring directly into his eyes.

"A round of applause for Mr. Alexander Powers. He proved to be a great hypocrite and liar." I spat in anger.

"I remember correctly calling you an homebred idiot but then I realized you are more than that.

Congrats you got what you wanted so now you can be who you are. A RICH SPOILT ROTTEN BRAT and an imposter "

I blurted out in anger.

I moved closer to him and took off his glasses putting it on the table.

"You look more realistic this way" I said calmly and decided it was best I stayed away from him so I retreated and started packing up everything.

I could see a smirk plastered on his face and he just SCOFFED at ME

I can't believe this guy.

"Mi amor." he called out.

"If you think you made fool of me Alexander the IMPOSTER. I am happy to tell you that you didn't,cause as great as you are, you came down to my level hashtag stooping so low just to get some attention which you are not worth" I hugged him and patted his back softly.

"Buddy go grab some common sense" I mumbled into his ears again softly.


But I left the cafeteria. I guess the whole school knew he was Alexander then.

God save me. I hate this damn school.


QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: Who is that person you really miss a lot even if it's being a while and what would you like to say to that person