I ran out of school immediately the closing signal was made.
It was more like fire in that school. The eyes, the people.....Everything in there is nothing like the best feeling.
I got down from the bus which I took after running half the trip to the coffee shop.
I started moving faster the minute I got to the Powers corporation. Can't risk running into the devil himself.
"Hey guys" I said in between my panting.
"You look like you just had a trip to hell and back" Amy commented and I couldn't help but smile at her joke.
She hit the nail right on the devil's head. You know what I mean....
"Here have this" Dora handed me a glass of water.
"Well, I have to get back to work since that dull ass of a guy called Caleb isn't coming to work today........he went out on a date with some legendary witc...I mean queen" she explained.
I really don't understand Amy and also Caleb. Caleb basically hates me and also one minute he and Amy are laughing at some stupid stuffs, the other minute they're angry at each other.
I drank the water and went to see Grace who was drowning herself in some paperwork.
"Thank God you are here" she said raising her hands up.
"Why" I asked
"She hates me, there is nothing I do she is always looking serious. She never laughs" she said pointing to Kat and I couldn't help but pity her.
Within a few seconds Grace jumped up and smiled like she wasn't looking like her whole world was crashing down just a second ago.
"I want to hear every single detail "
"Every single detail____of what?"
Does she know already cause I am confused like really confused.
"of the guy you killed and dumped in the river.....how did you kill him. Did you remove his heart and his intestines..."
"Ok stop" I commanded and she burst out into fits of laughter.
"If only you could see your face right now. When I ask you such questions isn't it about Smith"
"Do we really have to talk about him?"
"Why, what's wrong?"
" It was all a lie, he was Alexander all along, he was an imposter"
"Ohhhhh ok __soooooo" she said
"What do you mean by soooo"
"Well you haven't told me anything yet. What was your reaction, how did you know? Come on, you should know I always want full answers"
I started explaining it all to her.
Yesterday went like that and today is a new day.
I am already late for school, I mean even if I hate the school I need a perfect attendance to maintain my scholarship. If I miss school for a day I get queried.
I packed a small bag since Grace told me I needed to stay with Kat overnight till the weekend. I packed the cereals in one hand and carried my bag over my shoulder.
I closed the door and flew downstairs. "Bye Daphne" I said but she didn't respond so I turned to look at her and in her eyes I saw guilt. It was soo evident.
The other evident thing is the fact that I am late so I continued running outside. Luckily a cab was passing by so I flagged down the cab.
I went directly to class since the bell was rung about 4 minutes ago meaning I have 1 minute to get to class before the lateness bell is rung.
My luck has really been shining since I stopped seeing that imposter cause the teacher wasn't in class by the time I got there.
The teacher came inside with this angry look on his face but he started class immediately anyways.
I spent the last two hours thinking of how i was going to start studying hard because I feel like i need the extra efforts so i won't even have time to think about this school and the students.
I stood up and was on my way to my locker when I bumped into Daisy and for the first time she just stared and then smirked and then left. Nothing else.
I guess luck just remembered me today. I got to my locker and after several attempts to open it I couldn't. Lord please help me.
I tried again this time but it didn't even budge so I swiped my card again and waited patiently but when it didn't open I placed my books on the floor and pulled it.
Oh my Goodness, I felt a cold sensation flood over me. All the color was definitely drained from my face. I felt like my head spinning.
It wasn't a joke it was really spinning and then I turned, it was Daisy and her dolls.
You know what's wrong THERE IS A DAMN SNAKE IN MY LOCKER. HOW CAN I BE CALM and she...she was laughing.
Is this funny at all.
"The day you begin to fear you will die then you will never live again" I heard a voice and I mustered all the courage I could gather and turned to my locker but then I turned back again.
"Don't get into trouble" I heard my mom's voice again clearly . I shouldn't do this.
"The best way to overcome your fears is facing them" Mom's voice came again clearer than before.
"Don't let anyone hurt you because you are weak and vulnerable, let them hurt you because they are scared of what you can do if you are stronger than they are" Again it's mom.
I am doing THIS, I don't care.
"The best way to catch a snake is to take it by its neck"someone says and I turned just to find nobody but myself and a bunch of people laughing, talking, commenting and giving the saddest expressions ever.
I gathered enough courage to turn back to my locker and this time there was no turning back. I studied the movement of the snake for a while before I tried grabbing the neck but I got bitten instead.
"Ouch ouch" my hand was now red but then the snake probably had no venom since she wouldn't dare do that or would she?
With more determination this time around, I grabbed the neck and I caught it. I feel like i just got a call from the U.S President and I was just given my freedom from this hellhole.
I started walking towards Queen Daisy herself and i could see something evident in her eyes, she was scared to death.
The closer I got, the more the fear.
"Call animal control, animal control" she yelled and her friends were scrambling all over for the phone.
Now I was very close to her so I stopped. "Baby love, you don't need animal control"
"I am right here, I got it alllllllllllllllll under control" I cooed and heaved a sigh but still continued anyways.
"How intelligent are you? Have you forgotten that in Africa they worship snakes. Well, I don't worship snakes but I am African so it MIGHT JUST be in my genes"
I was the one smirking now because I had something in mind. Something real big.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" AlI could hear were some dolls screaming like dolls and barking like dogs.
"Hope that won't be an headline tomorrow though" I was satisfied seeing how the snake moved around her body. She loves it.
"NO no no no np......get it off me" she was screaming.
Mission accomplished.
I turned back to my locker and for the first time I could walk with my head held up high only to be faced with this hands_ guy but it was short lived since he turned to face the door leading to the garden.
Could that be Alexander.
'Yes it could be Alexander.' my irrational side concluded.
'you don't even remember how he looks, you only met him once and you didn't even raise your head from the desk. You don't_'
"It's ok" I whisper yelled holding my hands to cover my ears. Hope no one saw that.
I turned back again only to wave at Daisy who was still running around while some guys were trying to help her get the snake off her neck.
Her handbags were no where in sight.
I went back to my locker only to find a letter "To the snake herself, only if you are alive to read this "
"What about the CCTV?" I thought to myself and looked around only to find out that my locker was at a blindspot far from the CCTV and the incident also took place within the blindspot. That's why I have not been summoned by the committee.
I shut my locker and went for my next class.
Now I am feeling guilty cause I didn't see Daisy for the rest of the day.
Immediately the bell was rung, I was the first person to leave school cause everyone was staring at me.
Everything seems like that moment I called the imposter an homebred idiot.
O Lord.........what am I going to do.