I have been staying with Kat for the past two days and it wasn't so bad since I just had to babysit her at night and during the day I take her to a babysitter not too far from Grace's house.

I prepared a meal for all of us since Grace said she would be back today.

I haven't spoken to her since she left on Wednesday because I didn't have a phone.

Staying with Grace makes me feel like I have a family and that's why I don't have to worry but then I do because...

"I am back"

I heard Grace yell from the living room. I am so happy because her presence means life.

"What is all this?" Grace asked probably because of the way I tied Katrina around my back in the African style.

"I don't want her too far away from me so I decided to do this. It's much better" I replied and she smiled.

"It's hard to know who her real mother is because of you" she retorted but even before I could reply her she hugged me.

"Is everything going to be fine?" She asked with sadness lining her voice.This isn't the Grace I know.

"I am not sure what you are talking about but it might not get better but then again you are stronger than you can ever think, braver than you could imagine so it's easy for you to make the impossible very possible and I am always here for you"

I could feel my shoulder getting colder as if water was dripping on it.

Is she crying?

"Grace what's wrong" I asked because I was getting worried.

"Nothing I just missed Katrina so much"

"and I also missed you" she completed with a half smile.

"Let's go out and have dinner" She said walking into the living room


"No buts you are coming with me. Stop worrying about money everytime besides we don't go out often so......"

"but__" I interrupted and she also interrupted me again.

"You can always store the food boss lady. It's not everytime am in a mood to go out".

"I don't have any nice cloth to wear" I said and she gave me this look I find confusing

"Ohhhhh yeah I got you a dress" she replied removing a black gown with some silver decorations on it.

"Grace isn't this too much" I asked

"Isn't taking care of Katrina like you are her mother just too much".

"It isn't, you are paying me and aside from that you treat me like family"

"Well this isn't too much cause you are family. Understood" she was beginning to get angry now.

"Just take this,you are making me feel like I am useless".

"It's not like that" I said collecting the dress from her since I didn't want her getting mad at me.

I changed into the dress which was fitting me perfectly and it was just a bit below knee level.

I also changed clothes for Kat who was lying on the bed.

Grace drove downtown to a Nigerian restaurant

"you must be missing home so this is just to give you the vibes" she said

We both got down from the car and it really felt nice seeing the Nigerian themed restaurant.

It wasn't even called a restaurant but instead a buka and that was quite funny cause bukas in Nigeria were never the high class restaurant but they had the best meals I bet you would bite your tongue after tasting their delicious meals.

We entered the buka and I could only smell home.

They had the nicest colour blend with decorations made from local things like beads, feathers and even adire and Kampala fabrics.

We took our seats and waited patiently for the waiters who were serving others.

"What would you like to order beautiful ladies and mademoiselle" he said smiling at Katrina whose face was lit like she just saw her prince charming.

After seeing the way Grace looked at the menu I took it as a cue to order for everyone.

"Two bowls of Ofada rice and a plate of suya, two roasted fish, beef and snail stew." I ordered swallowing my spit every ten seconds.

"For the drink we would order..."

"Palm wine" Grace cut in giving me the _yes I am totally fine_ look which was

We broke the stare when the waiter cleared his throat. "The palm wine is measured in cups an..."

"We want three litres" Grace intruded again gaining stares not only from me but also from the waiter.

"Is there any problem with that?" she asked and the waiter gave the negative reply and left.

"Is everything ok?" I asked her and all she did was give a curt nod.

"Is everything really fine"

She smiled and this time with a don't worry I am ok which sounds forced.

The waiter brought in all our orders and I could see Grace beaming with a smile.

I mean who wouldn't with everything right in front of us.

I stood up to get the palm wine since the waiter forgot that and I also wanted to tell them to have it very diluted so I wouldn't have a drunk Grace.

I stood at the counter for a while before a man in his mid 40's answered me.

"Good evening omo mi(my child)" he greeted and I smiled knowing very well he left the hint of Yoruba for me to catch unto.

We conversed for a while and I completely forgot about what I came there for.

"Dunsin" he called out to a young boy around my age who had headphones on.

He completely ignored his call and continued walking until he tripped because someone laid her feet on his path.

"Learn to respect your elders because they are still elders to you. I am so sure if you had stayed back in Nigeria you would have been taught better manners" I muttered and his dad affirmed with a yes you are right making me realize I was actually loud.

"What did you say?" he questioned removing his headphone now.

"Well Dunsin hope you already met Amore Cleve she is a Nigerian just like you are and she is also around your age so you are not the only one"

"Hi Amore" he smiled and brought his hand forward for a handshake which I ignored and turned back to the person who I just realized was his dad.

He is acting like nothing just happened.

Well nothing actually happened.

"Nice meeting you. I am Jake and I attend Achievers high"

After a long period of silence he completed. "I am sorry about earlier. I just didn't hear you"

"I think you owe your dad an apology not me" I said and he was saying something about his dad not been something but again his dad intruded.

"you were talking about palm wine or something earlier"

"Ohhh yes" I responded remembering the sole reason I was even there and how long I left Grace there.

"Yes I said I wanted it super diluted since I don't want to carry a drunk person home"

"OK...I will do that immediately" he said and he left leaving Jake and I so I took the chance to also take my leave.

I got to the table and was met by sarcastic Grace "wow you are back so soon. I could have grown some grey hairs in those few minutes you were gone" she said and instead of looking at her I stared at the table confused.

This very table was filled with food but now all I could see was half plate of rice which was supposed to be two and a plate of snail stew was gone with most of the fish devoured.

Are are you sure I am at the right table.

"Come on take a seat and let's eat" she joked and I took my seat but was surprised to see her holding her spoon again.

It really wasn't a joke. I guess she is really hungry. I dug into the half plate of rice left and served myself.

I started eating when someone brought the drink. It was Jake and he was smiling ear to ear.

"Sorry about earlier" he pleaded and I could see Grace's eyes boring right into my face.

I need to get rid of him before Grace intrudes because that would mean I won't have peace of mind for the rest of the year.

"That's ok" I forcefully said giving him the expression that he needed to get out immediately but all he did was ignore me.


Now I got to do something before this gets bad.

What do I do?

I cut Grace off before she could say anything.

"Did I introduce myself earlier?" I asked and ge shook his head in the negative.

"Well...I am Amore Cleve and I attend Hillspot high" I cut in without thinking twice but luckily he wasn't able to complete his greetings to Grace who was busy staring at me.

Now he was also staring because oh my God. Did I just tell him I attend Hillspot high? Oh no......his expression is terrifying.

"Hil...Hil......Hillspot high"

"Yes it is. Beauty and the Brains right" Grace answered.

"Beauty and the Brains" I muttered beneath my breath.

The one thing I avoided happened after all Grace answered him and his attention was now on her.

"Hi...I am Grace, Amore's sister" she said and that was another shock for Jake.

"Her sister sister" he asked and I was about to tell him we weren't blood related when Grace intruded again.

What's up with the intruding personalities tonight.

"Yes..... I mean sister sister she is the younger one so I guess I took all the white trait before she could grab her copy" she lied smoothly and I almost fell for it.

"Well that doesn't seem like a problem since you both look exceptionally beautiful" he said trying the good words charm which seems to be working on Grace and Kat if I may add cause she was jumping on my laps.

"So you are not a full Nigerian" he asked me and Grace nodded.

They both started a conversation immediately and I continued eating feeling more uncomfortable every minute that passed.

I started rushing the food so I could ask for the bill and get out of there.

"She is single as pringles if I may add" Grace said and I ended up choking on the food and was coughing heavily.

He handed me a glass of water but instead I took the glass of palm wine right on the table completely ignoring him.

"I would have that" Grace collected the water from him and they both smiled.

"The bill please" I asked

"Oh it's ok.It's all on the house" he said and I was about to refuse but Grace did that before I did.

At least we agree on something tonight.

"No no no. I am not accepting that and in fact I was planning to buy so I can take home. It would just be too much." she said but Jake refused all forms of payment and left.

Grace stood up to leave and she left some money which was more than enough on the table right under the glass of water.I followed Grace and we left for her car.

I placed Katrina at the back inside the babysitter which was already made for her comfort and protection and I was about to get into the front seat when Jake stopped us.

He was panting and couldn't talk but he handed a small bag with takeouts over to Grace.

"He said you should have this courtesy of the restaurant" he said catching his breath after every word and after he forced he forced it into Grace's hand he stepped back and waved.

"It was nice meeting you Amore and Grace thanks for tonight" he said and went inside and we drove back home.

"Thank you" I mumbled as she opened the door to the main house.

"No you thank you" she said and went upstairs with Katrina.