"Can you stay a bit longer" Grace pleaded as I was packing my school bag to go back home.
"It's ok. We are both going to see each other at work"
Well that totally sounds off track.
"Come on" she declared and after much persuasion I finally agreed. She wasn't going to give up anyways.
"Can I at least get some clothes from my house" I asked and we finally took the car and drove to my house.
I got down and finally went in to pack my clothes.
Daphne wasn't in her office so I went straight upstairs passing the scattered office.
As I opened the door I noticed a white envelope and I opened it.
I stared at the contents of the letter hoping it would change and that I mixed up the words or I was an illiterate.
Anything except a letter telling me to evacuate the house immediately.
I freaked out and started running downstairs hoping to find Daphne so she could give an explanation but she wasn't there.
I ran back to Grace.
"What took you so long" she asked with a smile and after noticing my look her smile dropped immediately.
"What's wrong?" she asked and I gave her the letter.
"Well you should have expected this"
How could I have expected that leaving my house for about a week would cause me to be evacuated.
"What do you mean by that"
"I mean he would go to every extent to make you suffer"she concluded and I was totally clueless about what she was saying until she handed the letter back to me.
Powers Corporation
Alex is behind all this again.
"Well at least let's be thankful he didn't pack your loads out and he instead gave you notice."
"I have nowhere to stay and I don't have enough money to rent a new apartment"
"Well you can stay with me for the mean time. Don't ever think you are alone"
"Look Grace you have done enough for me and I wouldn't want to add to your stress and be a burden."I retorted and she gave me an obvious sad look.
"You can't be a burden and the only way I will be stressed out is if you don't agree to stay with Kat and I."
"You can stay with us until you get enough money to rent a new apartment or we find a new apartment for you"
I tried to argue but she insisted and we finally went ahead to pack my things and surprisingly we finished packing everything within 5 minutes.
"You really have a lot of things. I mean they were so much we spent a few minutes packing"
We were going back to Grace's car when I noticed a familiar person leaving the building.
"Miss Daphne, wait up" I yelled and I was almost sure she wouldn't but she reluctantly came to a halt.
I managed to speak even if breathing was a struggle after the short run. "Miss Daphne, what happened?" I asked hoping for a better explanation than what was brewing in my head.
"I am really sorry but I couldn't do anything. I really have no explanation so I am really sorry " she begged and looking right into her eyes revealed how tired she was
Eye bags and she managed to have wrinkles in just the few days that I was gone. The glow in her eyes were gone.
"I am tired" she declared reaching into her bag for something. She brought out a white envelope with my name written on it and handed it over to me.
"Thank you" I said collecting the envelope and hugging her.
Many times we often ask what people really need. The truth is many just need a tight hug and reassurance that it will all be fine.
"It's all going to be fine. Things can only get better" I assured her and I saw a tiny glimpse of hope in her eyes.
It might be insignificant to anyone else but it meant a lot to me.
"Yo_ you are not angry?" She asked and I managed a smile.
"I must admit I was at first but I am sure you did your best and that is all that matters."
"Thank you" she mumbled and left .
"Let's go" Grace was patiently standing beside the car with the total opposite of my expression, JOY.
"Grace" I called and she gave a hmmm sound.
"Can we check out some apartments since she gave me a pretty good amount." I requested and Grace nodded hesitantly.
We have been checking for an apartment for hours and all apartments around my old apartment were newly sold so there was nothing in my budget at all.
"Let's just go back, it's sunset already" Grace said as we left the last apartment.
"Don't be so moody, you have a home." Grace said trying to make me feel better but it didn't work at all.
"It is all my fault" I managed to say.
"It's isn't. I spoke to one of those guys from earlier. The ones inspecting the old block of apartment down the lane" she described
I nodded "well they said all apartments around that area were bought by the POWERS REAL ESTATE AND HOUSING CORPORATIONS."
Way to go. I feel so much more better Grace, come on tell me some more.
As if reading my thoughts she started speaking again. "Well what I was trying to say is that the guy also said they started deliberations more than 6 months ago but the deal was finally sealed two weeks ago not by Alexander Powers but by Adrian himself and that they were planning on building high class condominiums and since the beach and town wasn't far from there it's a plus. Also_"
How did she get so much Information?
"If you are wondering how I know so much. Please worry not cause as long as I am this pretty even a civil engineer would gawk and spill out anything" she cooed making me laugh because I remember how the guy was blushing by the time we were leaving.
She blew him a goodbye kiss and the way he caught it with so much energy was exhilarating.
We finally got back to Grace's house and I prepared dinner while she unpacked my loads.
"Grace can I use your laptop, I want to call someone"
"Go ahead"
I logged into my fake email account hoping to see her message and I actually did.
She left about three messages in the past 1 month and each telling me their new number and when to call. Luckily it was still within the time range.
I called the most recent number she sent and after a long ring she picked up. I spilled everything to her.
"I didn't expect that from you. You definitely know that for no reason should you be the centre of attention anywhere" my mom said and I felt bad because she was right.
"I am sorry mom."
"Hey sis" my brother greeted probably trying to ease the tension seeping through mom and I but I just couldn't help but stare at how much he has grown within such a short time.
"You look horrible bro"
"As expected you look like you just got back from a trip to the zoo. I am not surprised though you will always find a way to your source." he lashed back and my mom left us to insult each other for the next half an hour.
No matter how beautiful you are, you can never hear that from your brother. If you are now ugly like I am you will never rest because he will always remind you till death do you guys apart.
"I miss you" he declared and an automatic smirk came right on my face.
"You are obsessed with me so I am not shocked you can't last without me."
"I can smell arrogance all around you but the truth is that I am tired of hiding."
"Seun was mur...."mom cut him off before he could finish that sentence which made me worried cause Seun was the only person mom trusted. He got me the fake identity and he got me here.
"Go and work on your assignments"she commanded.
"I have no assignment mom" he argued but but she whispered something to him and he reluctantly left.
"Don't bother calling us again for now except it's an emergency."
"It's not like I do anyways" I rudely replied angry at the fact that she was so distant and wouldn't even_
"Look miss I don't like your tone at all. Stop making me look like the bad person cause everything I am doing is for your good and that of your brother if at all we are both going to make it out if this mess. Your brother already dropped out of school and we changed locations for the fifth time in a month because of what..."
"Well we are on the front cover of every newspaper, the first news on every radio and television and everywhere on the internet in Nigeria because we have been declared missing with more than a million ransom on each of us but we both know if we are found we are dead and that is only a trick to get more people to search for us"
"He is gaining the sympathy of the whole country and he is termed as a hero, a patriot and a father to the people because he is still contesting and campaigning in the next election despite the fact that his family were kidnapped to stop him. He has lied to everyone and he is gaining sympathy."
"So am I still a wicked mother not to call you or am I wicked not to ask you to call us anytime you want to. Am I?"
"I am sor_"
"Seun was murdered and do you know what they said, they said he was an underground drug baron and that they had been tracking him for months. So what do you want me to do?"
"I am sorry. I didn't know all that, I am really sorry" I begged but she only smiled. Talk about a strong woman and I will tell you my mother is a definition.
"I didn't tell you all this to make you feel bad. I am telling you all this so you can use it all as a driving force to becoming a better person even without us. We have all given up on our dreams but somehow we are hoping in your dreams that through you we can get to live again. I am not pressuring you my girl, you have gone through a lot so enjoy all life has to offer and except there is a need forget you have a family and keep it all on the low. You are Amore Cleve now and you have no family."
"I have a family" I said amidst tears and she shook her head.
"We love you and we will keep the fight against the system till the very end. Ma bi nu oko mi(I am sorry my love)" she said sniffing and wiping her face.
"I_" she cut the call. I couldn't say anything again. I tried calling back but she it was switched off.