Chapter 24: PREGNANT MEN

I know I wake up early but today I woke up extra extra earlier. I only slept for like 2 hours or is it 1 hour.

I prepared breakfast and lunch for Katrina and Grace and I also took a shower, packed my bag and I left.

I needed a walk so I am going to walk to school or at least a bearable distance.

As the cold air of the morning grazed my skin, I could feel every strand of hair on my body rising and falling. And then with every step I took the gentle breeze carried my hair and danced with it swaying it left and right and the sweet sounding melodies from the birds seemed to make rhythm with the wind.

I continued my quiet walk with different things on my mind and with each passing second they weighed heavier on my mind.

"Where do I really want to start from" I muttered to myself. I continued walking till the next 30 minutes and when I saw a cab I hopped in immediately.

I let my hair fall and clipped a bit of it leaving the little strands on my face, I actually like it this way. That walk was my way of de-stressing and telling myself that even if today was my last day in that school I would smile throughout.

I won't let anything or anyone ruin it and not even Alex would destroy it because I am totally free from him. I am out of school so I don't have to see him and even if I end up in jail for breach of contract, his annoying face is still out of the picture.

Despite how tired and torn I was feeling inside I still smiled like real toothy smile.

'Confuse the enemy even if it's the principal', that was my goal.

I walked down the hallway, took the turns to my isolated and secluded locker still SMILING.

I shoved the books I didn't need in my locker and took those I needed in my bag but then I noticed a strange envelope.

"Am I not given the chance of an hour in this school" I groaned because I wasn't expecting a letter of expulsion so early in the morning.

I opened the envelope and the content caught me by surprise. It was a letter of invitation to a party at a certain HOTEL GRANDE.

"This must be a mistake" I muttered as a zipped up my bag and dropped the invitation in the nearest bin.

I took a window seat like always and laid my head on the desk.

After about half an hour, people started coming in and finally the teacher came in and the whole class began.

I made the most of my last day and jotted down almost everything I could get and that was basically how I continued for the next few periods until lunch.

I went back to my locker but on my way I saw the letter from earlier sitting right in the bin. I ignored it and dropped my books in my locker.

I should be expecting a call from the principal anytime soon. I picked the little money I had and strutted away to the cafeteria.

I entered the cafeteria but somehow I was welcomed by silence and emptiness. Nobody was here, that's shocking or do I still have classes?

God, this probably wasn't lunch time. I must have possibly skipped a class. Am I that hungry or am I so eager to leave here?

I turned around to leave when I heard the snap of someone's fingers.

"Snap" I heard and then the door beeped and the card reader switched off. I ran to the door and tried to push or pull but the door didn't budge since it doesn't work manually.

"If you don't know what it means then I should probably tell you, you are trapped with ME until I allow you leave here so will you agree?"

"Alexander" I muttered to myself trying as hard as possible not to have a mental breakdown because I am so sure that with my fists clenched and my eyes as red as blood someone is in trouble. BIG TIME trouble.

I turned around only to find him leaning against my lunch table with his arms crossed and long legs stretched out showing off the expensive multicolored AIR JORDAN he was wearing.

"Alexander, just let me go you are wasting my time OK?" I growled expecting him to snap his hands again and get the door opened again but noooo

He stepped away from the table and started moving closer to me. I cleared my throat so I could catch his attention because he might probably be doing this involuntarily because his brain is too weak to register it.

Damnit, I just insulted him.

I started taking two steps back as he took a step forward. I don't know how but my two steps backwards seem to be useless because he is closer than expected.

"Alexander" I mumbled.

"If you don't stop this, I would actually kick you where the sun never shines and I won't look back because you deserve it." I stated trying my best not to falter or stutter in anyway but also sounding too confident for my own good.

"That's why I like you for the job. A nutcase like you won't fall in love with me overnight and pester me for any form of commitments."

"I would repeat it again so your brain can register it. Alexander Powers, you are wasting my time and your precious time" I said this time stepping away from his line of view.

"Then we have a deal" he asserted putting his hand in his pocket as he walked back.

"We don't have a deal because I never agreed to anything you didn't say." I retorted.

"I sent an invitation." He argued.

"An invitation?" I repeated.

"Well seems it's your brain that takes a while processing little data. Well, it isn't your fault probably your genes so it must be dominant".

"You will be my 'date' " he said air quoting the word date

"to a masquerade ball on Friday and you are going to help me get a deal"

I was sincerely shocked but more than shocked it all sounded funny to me so I started laughing. I took a seat and continued laughing because this was funny.

"You and I" I tried to say but I was caught off by my own laughter and even when I managed to stifle it and manage a sentence. It still came out as laughter.

"The one and only Alexander with a black girl at a masquerade ball"

"Yes" he reassured and I straightened up and stared right into his eyes because it wasn't funny any longer.

"You are crazy Alex. You are" I stated bluntly and he just rolled his eyes. He rolled his eyes at me .

I would have laughed in any normal situation but I just couldn't because he is set to kill me.

"How much do you want to be my one night stand to a party"

"One night stand really?"

"So what do we call it then.... my one night girlfriend or date. How much did you want?"

I was about to reply but he cut me off

"and please don't give me the not everything can be bought with money or I am priceless or worthless talk because this is a deal to get a bigger deal"

"Well I am still not interested because even if we have a contract you can't keep pushing me around. I told you right from the beginning and this_this is my limit Alexander. Ask any other person aside from me and_"

"I will pick you up after school on Friday. Wait for me at parking lot F and you can just tell me your price after the party" he snapped his finger and poof the fairy godmother disappeared.

I left and I went to the garden to cool off and unsurprisingly I wasn't wrong. It was lunch but everyone was here sitting on the beautiful, perfectly lawn green grass with different chefs standing by different food stands.

Soothing music was playing in the background and different groups sat together.

I guess I was the only clueless person left to go the cafeteria for lunch today.

"So much for trying to cool off" I muttered walking away from the garden. I decided to walk around and it wasn't such a bad idea since I never tried it before.


I unlocked the door and I was happy to find everywhere dark and empty. They are probably asleep yet again.

Call me a creep or a fool but I have been doing this for the past two days because I didn't have the guts to face Grace yet.

I managed to use my inner eye to get to the stairs without making so much noise. I took each step car_

"You can't avoid me forever. We both live in the same house you know"

I almost tripped when I heard her but I held on to the railings before it could happen and turned to look at the dark living room behind me.

Then the unavoidable happened, I slipped and landed on my left hand which was swollen and hasn't been the most useful to me.

The light switched on immediately and I had to shut my eyes to adjust to the lights.

"Can we talk?" Grace who was standing right in front of me with her arms crossed asked and I nodded hesitantly knowing fully well it was about time I faced her.

Why have I been hiding from her?

I walked behind her and we both took a seat on the couch.

The silence was a bit awkward since no one offered to speak first.

"I am sorry" we both apologized in sync and only then did we stare right into each others eyes.

"It's my fault so I will go first." She declared and I just nodded. "The only reason I did that was because I wanted to be useful for someone I cared about just once in my life. I didn't know it was stupid of me, I allowed the anger I was feeling towards myself overwhelm me and eventually I ended up causing more damage to you which is all I have ever done in m_"

"It's ok Grace" I cut her off and she shook her head.

"It would have been if I never existed. It would have been ok if I didn't manage to be a problem to everyone around me. I just wanted to help you, I wanted to protect you and at the end I caused more harm to you."

"Grace" I called out to her leaving out every other feeling of constraint I was feeling because somehow I managed to hurt Grace more in the process of protecting her from my problems and even Alexander.

"I read that letter you wrote for Alexander and I realized I messed up big time " she stated and I felt responsible for her breakdown.

The letter wasn't meant for her, it was my way of telling Alexander I was ready for whatever the consequence of my action were but I didn't have the courage to take it the day after I wrote it and since I wasn't expelled yet I didn't want to push it.

"I am not pushing through with the plans any longer. " I said moving closer to her until I had her hand in between my palms.

"You see I wasn't summoned by the school like I expected and I might have a way of getting us out of the deal with Alex" I reassured her with a smile and she looked confused.

"How is that?" She questioned and I just smirked.

"Leave it all to me" I finally said giving her the _no more questions_ look.

I don't know what I will do but I can't stand Alexander any longer and I am definitely not taking that deal.

"I have to know what you are getting yourself into"

"It's not a big deal so let's just forget it" I switched topics and she fell for it as she stood up to get us a dinner.

"I was too depressed to try making us dinner so I ordered pizza and that was the best decision I made because the delivery guy was so cuteeeeeeeeee but unluckily he thought I was married" she sighed and took a bite out of her pizza

"and here I am single as pringles and wasting away my beauty in it's full splendor" she sighed again and took another bite as she placed her legs on my laps and stretched out on the couch.

She also overreacts a lot. "I must have married all my future boyfriends and husbands in my past life and that's why I have none left now" she sighed again and this time she cleaned a fake tear.

"Speaking of which how are your wounds?"

"My wounds?"

"Yes your wounds"

"Oh what can I say, my wounds are wounding. We thank God" I stated and she was supposed to glare at me but that look says otherwise.




They were written all over her.

"How did you get them" she instantly switched topics like I assumed.

"Can I lie to you?" I asked expecting her to give me a go ahead because she understood that it's all easier to lie about all of it.

Call me a fool but I am not I just live thinking the opposite.

"Who gave you those wounds?" She asked again seating up to look right to my face.

I cleared my throat and bowed my head. It wasn't easy saying that the one you were supposed to look up to, the one who was supposed to protect you, the one who was meant to love you and safeguard you was the threat to your life.


I cut her off "my fa___ther did. Every scar I have on my my bo_dy, in my heart he is responsible for everything."

"Wh_why I mean how?"

"It's a long story but don't worry about it."

"I am sorry" she apologized sniffing in and wiping her eyes.

"It's all going to be fine. We will be out of this mess very soon." I comforted and she leaned on my shoulder causing me to squirm.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked sniffing in and wiping her eyes.

"I probably need alcohol to clean them. Do you probably have a strong antiseptic"

She tensed and I couldn't help but wonder why?

"Alco alco_hol.......I don't" she stammered and stood up immediately.

"Is everything ok Grace" I asked worriedly and she only nodded as she climbed up the stairs holding on tightly to the railings.

I followed after her immediately I realized she already spent quite sometime away.

The sniffing and muffling sound gave her away once more and I opened the door.

She crouched on the floor holding tightly to her knees.

"I am sorry I am such an emotional mess. I am either always crying or probably angry at you. I am sorry" she apologized and I crouched down right beside her.

"Well it's true but it's ok as long as you are fine but you aren't" I said giving her the _tell me about it_ look and she bowed her head afterwards.

"She raised me as a single mother but somewhere along the way sh_ she got sick and I didn't know. I was busy trying to fill the void of not having a father or any sibling and I ignored her. She never told me." She paused and swallowed an invisible lump.

"She was dying right before me and I didn't even realize it. She struggled with double shifts. Sometimes she went to other places to work. She did all sorts of menial job just to put food on the table and send me to school. She was the best, she made out time and even if she wasn't the most knowledgeable in terms of school work she still helped me out "

"She died and all she ever said to me was to love. Love everyone because it will heal all wounds. She prayed for me, she prayed for everyone but she still died and I wasn't even there with her because she didn't want me to be."

"After her death, I couldn't finish high school. There were debts,loans and even our house and the business was mortgaged. I tried but there was no family, I had to hide to get out of the sight of social workers and banks but that wasn't the problem. I was the problem"

"I started drinking and doing drugs and I got hooked. I was on the streets, with the streets and for the streets. A month passed, two months, three months and even a year but it was all still fresh. I couldn't even go to her burial because I couldn't face her and social workers were ready to take me if I did"

"Finally I decided to go to rehab and I did. It took a long time since I was already an addict but I managed and then the doctor advised me to get a companion or something to divert my attention. I decided to adopt since it seemed like the best option but wherever I turned everyone saw an addict. All the orphanage turned me down without second thoughts. I slipped back to alcohol and drugs very soon and I was determined to die in it"

"That fateful day I was coming back from the club. Drunk and mentally exhausted I dragged myself through the streets. I always had a knife in hand though" she laughed through the tears slipping through.

"The knife was to kill anyone in my way and finally end mine because it wasn't worth it but Katrina saved me. The faint noise of a child crying stopped me and even if I desperately wanted to ignore it, I was my mother's child despite everything. I remember my mom would give her food to street kids and when I wanted to do the same she would tell me I needed to grow first and I could do that afterwards."

"I actually didn't pay attention to Kat cries until I got back home and couldn't rest because it was ringing in my head. I went back and carried her, she was in the midst of garbage. I carried her and took care of her for the time being until I realized a week passed and I didn't drink because I wouldn't be in the right state of mind to feed her and take care of her."

"I finally spoke to my lawyer and adopted her. I managed to buy more time to pay back the loans and here I am wishing I could have made mom proud and that I didn't allow her die alone like she did.

"You are strong Grace and I am so sure that your mom is proud of you right now because you are not just beautiful but just like her you have a golden heart that is worth exhibiting to the whole world because you you are a savior"

"Th......thank you"

"Should I get al_ alcohol for you since there are no strong antiseptics here and I doubt the drug store have any strong enough for you"

"No worries. I will get it myself. Just stay here and prepare everything so we can watch a movie." I requested and she nodded.


"I am sorry but you need a doctor's prescription to purchase ciprofloxacin and any opioids" the lady said scanning me for the umpteenth time after my request for the drugs.

I walked for another 10 minutes in search of a store to buy alcohol so I could clean and disinfect the wounds to avoid any bacterial build up or infection since it was my mom who stitched up most of my wounds.

Funny mom stitched up my wounds with sewing needle and thread not a surgical needle or thread.

And no she wasn't a nurse or a doctor or a medical practitioner in fact before that time she couldn't stand the sight of blood or an open wound or cut.

She always hated anything science related because of blood even if she knew that not everything in science was related to such. I mean she was in law school up until she got married though.

How that happened is a story for another time because I am being followed.

After stepping out of the store, I started my walk back but I couldn't help but notice the shadow of a strange figure hiding behind the covers of darkness and when I turned the shadow was still trailing behind me.

I held the bottle at the neck waiting for the best time to strike which was in the next few minutes after I took a turn. I started walking faster with my breath growing faster, deeper and more forced.

My heart was beating a million times faster every nanosecond and the shadow was getting closer. As I approached the turn, I held on to the bottle tighter and____

"STOPPPP" the person yelled and I stood still with the bottle a little distance away from his head. A little distance means my pinkie finger could cover the distance between the impact of the bottle on his head.

"Stopp" he commanded again and just then the moonlight shown right on his face.

"Who are you?" I muttered in horror at the guy standing right before me dressed to kill in a black hoodie, black joggers and even sunshades at night.

"I am Dave and I was told to give you this" he said coldly but shifting my gaze to the black box with red ribbon which I kept on screening.

"Hope no surprises?" I asked and he nodded.

"Open it" I requested and even if he was reluctant he still obeyed and opened the box revealing a gown I suppose, a clutch bag which I bet was designer, the red heels laid right beside a box which he opened and the diamond studded necklace was wowing.

"All this is for what?" I managed to ask and he closed the box stretching it for me to carry.

"For tomorrow's event"

"Well tell your boss I am not following him" I started walking away but I couldn't leave without making a snarky comment.

"Don't you get tired of your boss. He is irritating and annoying and he also treats people like they are not humans. Have you ever thought of leaving him so you can be human" I declared making sure to add stress the human part.

If I can trust the moonlight then I can surely say his face changed from cold to coldest. Thank God for the sunshades or I would be frozen right now.

But thanks to the sunshades I can say the cold can't bother me anyways.

"It's better you don't judge him..... ma'am" he said and he left.

What can I say?

Birds of the same feathers flock together.

Now I see why they're inseparable.

"PREGNANT MEN ALL AROUND" I scoffed and continued my walk home thanking God I didn't kill anyone.
