Chapter 23: ANGRY GRACE

"Wake up girl, you can't die in prison" the resounding slaps jolted me back to reality and despite the pain I couldn't help but thank her because I knew what could happen if I continued in Dreamland.

"I told you to let her go right now" someone yelled and despite my clouded sight I knew who it was right from her voice.

"If something happens to her, it will be on you and I promise I will sue every one of you" she continued and almost immediately an officer came openi_

"You know she has been here more than once and they kept passing her around but this was the last draw for her especially when she saw you shaking like that" the lady said and I lifted my head from her legs which I apparently laid on.

I mouthed 'sorry and thank you' to her since I probably just freaked her out and she had to go through the stress of waking me up.

"Thank her instead because she continuously told me what to do from there and she really loves you, don't let her down by coming back here." She said as she helped me up to my feet.

The cell was littered with a few bottles of water and only then did I realize my cloth was wet.

"Get out of my way"Grace yelled at the officer who was taking forever opening the gates. She grabbed my hand with one hand, laid the other at my back for support and escorted me out of that place.

I turned back and gave a last look at the woman I left there. I mouthed a thank you again and waved her a good bye.

I guess I will be coming back here again even if it's for a visit. Grace helped me to the back of the car and I tried to ask her where Katrina was

Key word: tried.

I felt like I lost my voice and I ended up sounding like a screeching weasel or even a broken record.

"Don't talk to me. I am angry" she declared and I didn't bother trying to say anything partially because of my voice and probably because she really did look angry.

Guess she was channeling her anger towards me to the policemen to get me out.

"How could you?"

"How could you spend a night in jail?" she yelled.

"How could you tell them you had no family, no relative even if you called me a guardian I wouldn't be so offended" she said hitting the steering wheel.

"Get out of the way you fool. If you can't drive at least be smart enough to put a learner's tag"

She was angry. She turned the steering wheel so furiously the whole car and all it's content including me were swirled to one side and then almost like nothing happened she drove faster and by the time she noticed the traffic light already turned red she applied the brakes.

The seat belt saved me cause I could have flew out of the wind screen.

Note to myself, never allow Grace drive when she is angry. You might never resolve anything if you end up dying.

"How could you not even try getting across to me and how could you be so stupid to allow Alexander set you up like that".

"For crying out loud, could you not identify a freaking black card. It was a freaking limitless card with millions and probably billions in it and only that fool could use it."

Grace ended her lect_

"And then you wanted to become super woman by spending a night in jail and not getting me into your mess and the cops"

Did she read my kind cause that was definitely my reason. I closed my eyes once more but this time I was determined not to sleep.

The car soon came to a halt and Grace got down from the car.

What are we doing at the hospital?

"Hold on to me tightly" Grace informed me as she stretched out her hand towards me.

"What are we doing here" I finally asked her and she gave me the _isn't it obvious look_.

"Look Grace, I really appreciate your kind gesture but I don't want to be here"

"I really appreciate your comment ma'am but do I look like it matters to me"

She glared at me and I could almost swear her eyes were going to come out of it's sockets.

I really never saw hospitals as an option because it always felt like they were waiting for me, like they always anticipated my coming and at the end I wouldn't make it out alive.

"Grace" I called out again in the softest voice.

"Please, I am fine" I lied. My hand was still trembling, my head was about to fall off and I felt cold. My body felt sore and I didn't even have the strength to stand up. This was always the case but I never took a big leap to get any special drugs or go to the hospital.

I had rather believe it would all be gone after I sleep. All my wounds were stitched up at home when I got them so that explains why they were continuously tearing apart but if I tried going to a professional doctor back then I could have been identified and then what?

They would come after me and make sure I was dead and afterwards kill my brother and my mother and then everything would have been fine.

"Did you take a look at yourself in the mirror? Do you even know for how long you laid unconscious in that woman's hands? Do you know how worried I was that you could end up not waking up? Do you?" she yelled and even if she didn't know it she was crying right now.

I dragged myself to the door and I hugged her waist. "I am angry"

"What if those wounds get infected, how do we deal with that and what if, what if you are seriously hurt, what happens then. Tell me?"

"It's all going to be fine. I will constantly clean the wounds and I would get it bandaged if you like that and it would all be fine" I assured her and she only scowled at me.

"I just need to eat and sleep and see your beautiful face and that of Kat and I will be fine."

She nagged but finally heeded. "You are running a high fever so I have to stop by a drug store to get some drugs and disinfectants."

She drove us to a drug store and even if she did calm down a bit she was still reckless. "I need to give something to someone so we are waiting here a bit" she said and I really wanted to question her but I also knew better than to turn on her cuckoo button.

We waited in a secluded area almost away from everyone's attention and the busy roads and I also wanted to ask her 'why' but would you save me from the death glares?

Nooo so let's just follow whatever Grace wanted to do. She stood outside the car while I sat still in the car and laid my head on the seat.

"Thank your stars she is fine because I wouldn't think twice before running you over" A faint noise woke me up and I just couldn't help but wonder what it was.

I got down from the car and saw Grace talking_ no yelling at Alex.

Really Alexander.

Oh my Goodness, only I could do that to him since I am already his target. Why does she have to put herself in the spotlight.

"Do you really have issues with sorry because I clearly don't understand why you can't apologize and say it was a mistake you gave her and it was a mistake she spent a night in jail" she shouted pointing her fingers at him.

This was why she picked this place, to double cross Alex while he was coming back from school?

I managed to speed walk over to her side and try to pull her away but she wasn't budging.

Not even a step. I tried again this time countering every word she said with an apology to Alexander.

"I am sorry Alexander" I begged and he scoffed and folded his arms again leaning back to his car.

She attacked him again clearly with words and I held her back from stepping right to his front cause I felt she could end up slapping him or doing something worse.

"If you think with your money you have everything under control then don't because your money can only temporarily hide your flaws and controlling attitude but it can't change who you truly are" she barked.

"I am so sorry, she isn't in her right....... hmm...." I paused cause she would definitely turn against me now but I feel it's better than getting more involved with him.

"frame of mind. She....she is a bit tensed and stressed out" I said faking a smile and the flare that came my way almost sent me half way across the street.

"Really?" She turned to me.

Plan succeeded. "Are you sure I am the one not in a right frame of mind or is it you? Should I just have a psychiatrist check you because clearly you don't seem to understand this guy set you up. I mean look at yourself " she said not in a mean way but rather in a sisterly yet controlling and demanding voice.

I caught a glimpse of my swollen eyes in the mirror and I just turned away cause even my hair almost made me look like I was possessed.

"It's fine Grace." I declared in a rather commanding and cold tone as I pulled her away and luckily this time she moved.

"Maybe you can get yourself a heart with 'that much money's because you look rather tired of life as a teenager" she said throwing the card right at him.

We got into the car and she drove away. I didn't say a word to her even when we got home I went directly to my room and laid on the bed.

She knocked on my door and I just turned to lie on my side turning my back to her.

She opened the door and I shut my eyes. "Stop pretending. You never sleep on your side. You always prefer to lay on your back even if you can feel the pain in every part if your body."

That was so true but still I didn't move a nerve. "Come on, are you angry?"

No I am not. How can I be when you just risked yourself and appeared in front of the one I had desperately been trying to keep you from.

"At least, take a shower and eat something and also take your drugs. You can remain angry until Katrina becomes a doll"

What is she saying? I almost burst into laughter but somehow I controlled myself.

"I just spoke to him. It isn't a big deal like you are making it seem"

"Not a big deal. You confronted Alexander, the holder of the secret seer, master of business and slavery so what are you saying, not a big deal......... I signed a contract Grace and one of the terms was that if by any reason myself or my family _"

"Did you just call me family?" She asked smiling ear to ear.

"That's not the point Grace, if he experiences any form of physical or even verbal violence from any of us he can call off the deal, ask us to pay back in a week with 50% interest and payments for mental or physical damages which totally depends on his net worth and his insurance."

She bowed her head and her whole face was filled with remorse and guilt. Tears were freely falling from her eyes now and I just don't know what to do because what is all this?

I am so tired and I am so scared because right now I have probably lost my scholarship and then I am risking a lifetime in jail with Grace if we can't pay back the money and guess what?

Nigeria also awaits my doom and destruction.

"Grace" I called out to her but she didn't answer. She jammed the door close and I was left in the drowning silence.

I got up from the bed and took a seat. I drafted a letter to give to Alexander and I finished up my assignment.

I took a shower and went to bed early. It's been a long day.