Chapter 22: MEMORIES

A police vehicle?

A suspect could be anywhere here and then I could get caught up and I might not get to school early enough.

I resumed my speed walking again.

"Stop" A cold, rigid voice put me to a halt and then my gaze met with the most unhappy person on the planet.

Ask me how I know he was unhappy and I would kindly show you the look of disgust and fury he had on his face.

Another police officer appeared from the blue and he stepped right in front of me with a handcuff.

"You are under arrest for theft. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be_"I unconsciously tuned out of his ranting as I was beyond shocked.

"Theft?" As those words rolled off my lips I could feel the bitter aftermath and my head was so foggy I couldn't even think straight. So many things can happen if I end up in jail even for a crime I know nothing about.

I would certainly lose my scholarship.

I could get deported.

I would be back in Nigeria.

The worst of it all would be the look of disappointment on my mom's face since she spent her last penny to get me here and then my brother would sacrifice his education for nothing more than my deportation.

And then I would lose the chance to fight for my future or for my life even my brother's life and ____

I was beyond dazed and it felt like everything was working against my very own existence. Even blood couldn't save me and now I drag everyone down the drain with me.

I am not scared of going to prison but I am totally scared of disappointing the ones who have made sacrifices for me.

Somehow the sudden bang on the table dropped me back into reality and I can tell you it totally hurts seeing myself encaged behind these four walls.

"Howdidyougetdblackard" he asked and I didn't answer because the words were so jumbled together and my head wasn't processing what he was saying at all until he snapped.

He looked like he was going to hit my head on the table and with that glare I didn't doubt he could and would do it.

"You freaking black dummy_" well that was a pretty interesting insult.


"Where. Did. You. Get. The. Card. From" he stressed each word for over a minute and with the amount of saliva he got on me from shouting I pretty much understand his question now.

"Well offic_"

He scoffed "at least she can say a freaking English sentence without sounding like an Idiot" he chimed.

"As I was saying, I am Amore Cleve, a student of Hillspot high" I paused allowing him laugh finish before I continued. Was this all a joke to him?

"You Hillspot high?" he wiped a fake tear off his face and went into another fit of laughter.

"Yes sir. I am a student of Hillspot high and I was given that black card because Alex wanted me to get him a cup of coffee. He gave me the card himself"

"So he gave you a limitless credit card so you dumbass could get him a cup of coffee because he was handicapped and was surrounded by handicapped and incapable people who couldn't have brought the cup of coffee over to him in a nanosecond. Right?"

I swallowed the hard pill of insult before trying to reframe my words but he wasn't even ready to listen. He already had a conclusion and nothing I said could convince him so I just bowed my head in shame I would say because only a miracle could get me out of here.

After questioning me_ well the proper word would be accusing me I was finally escorted into a cell.

"Do you want to call anyone or your legal guardian" the lady asked and_

I am torn between calling my mom or calling Grace and BOTH seemed like impossible options.

I couldn't call my mom because on my documents it says I didn't have a family since my mom and dad died and my guardian also passed away so pretty much everyone related to me was dead on paper.

And even if I wanted to, what could she do? She was trapped in Nigeria and I was in the U.S.

What could she do?.

She also probably changed her number for the fifth time in 2 months and was probably hiding in a place with no cell reception because she didn't want to be tracked down or identified.

MY MOM literally screams of a DEAD END.

Calling Grace wasn't an option either since I didn't know her number by heart. I never called her and don't blame me, I don't have a phone and I never had a reason to call her.

And I also don't want her involved in my mess. She is barely starting a new life and I wasn't going to ruin that by getting her involved with my mess and the cops.

So yeah there was no way out of it. I was spending a night in jail but I hope everything can be sorted out by tomorrow.

I just realized I was already locked up and the bench was calling my sore body to come and have some rest so I just laid back on the bench.

My eyes were so cloudy from what I didn't realize was cr_ying and all hope of getting some sleep was completely gone.

Who was I kidding? I never slept for more than two hours without any pills and even when I took the pills the side effects of my constant overdose was always tugging the base of my brain.

I remember when this all started and how strong I was. I was so strong not even my mom was convinced I was fine_yes she wasn't.

She was so worried she would crawl every night to the bare floor where I slept and stroke my hair trying to comfort me and all I would do was to smile at her all night and at the end she was the one sleeping right in my arms.

My inability to sleep shouldn't affect others. Right? Everyone should continue their whole life and just play along with my destiny and what my fate was.

She always thought dad's death was her fault and every other thing was her fault but I never blamed her.

I am not broken and I was never broken. I definitely can be repaired and be put back together but that is only when the damage is fully done.

Why try to put back something that would eventually be ruined again. I am not broken_yes there are a few cracks but it's alright, Right?

It's ok to be cracked a little.

Oh NO, was I getting emotional in prison cause that shouldn't be happening at all.

I should be thinking of how to bend some iron bars and squeeze myself through it to get out or how to grab the keys from an officers pocket or how to cause a distraction that would be to my advantage.

I stood up and starting walking around the cell despite my throbbing head and my failing knees. My body was damn sore and I could feel my left hand getting out of control.

It was shaking and with every passing moment it was getting worse. I took a seat again and tried to calm myself down but it wasn't working_not at all.

It was continuously shaking and staring at the wall clock hung at the reception wasn't helping either.

It only made me lose hope every passing moment and I was almost sure that was the end and it actually was. It was already past 9pm so what could happen again.

I laid down on the floor now and turned my back to the iron bars. I started humming different songs in a bid to keep myself calm and it was working a little.

I continued and eventually I watched as the whole station transited from frantic movements to a _drop a pin and everyone will hear_ silence.

"You are not a street kid and you are innocent, aren't you?" I heard someone ask and it was right then I turned my back to notice a woman seated on the other bench.

I just nodded my head in response to her question and she scoffed. "What happened?" She questioned with the most caring look on her scary face. I don't know how to describe her. She would look so beautiful if she were properly taken care of course.

The glow on her brown eyes seemed to have vanished from all the struggles and her blond hair was a mixture of so many others colors. She had the perfect jawline for a Victoria secret model and her shape night just have fitted perfectly into the modelling system.

"Stop staring and start talking" she hissed and I just couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"You actually do know this is prison and you not expected to be laughing especially with a wound that bad on your back" she commented and I felt like she just splashed cold water on me.

I immediately turned and slept on my back and the pain that launched right through my body was undeniably killing me. She must have seen it when I turned my back to the iron bars and my cloth probably pulled up.

"You look_"

"Why are you here ma'am?" I interrupted her ranting and she immediately turned cold like I just rubbed salt on her wound but that reaction only lasted for a second.

She recovered her countenance and she was back to her old rugged, selfless, uncaring self. I could almost say she was totally broken.

"I am here because I tried to kill a man" she declared in the coldest tone and I just couldn't tell why I didn't believe her.

"I really did" she said glaring at me and again I laughed.

"Sorry about that. You just looked cute" I said and she sighed as she rolled her hair up in messy bun.

Was that blood on her hair?

"Just get some sleep, you might need it but you should be getting out soon since you don't even look like you could steal a loaf of bread to save your life."

I really wanted to question how she knew I was arrested for theft but I knew better than to anger her especially with that murderous look she had now.

I closed my eyes and I imagined myself to be in my mom's hand and she was stroking my hair.

"She needs to be alive so make sure she isn't too hurt but you can break a few bones"

I stood transfixed to the ground and I was watching it all happen right before my eyes. I desperately want to get out of here but I just can't. I am buried in this spot and even if I wanted to deny it, I couldn't, it was my reality.

It is REAL, it isn't a dream. I could hear the constant groans that I emitted.

I could feel it all. As those two men surrounded me, I constantly moved trying to distract them and to buy myself enough time to attack. I was studying them.

I glared at them and despite the blood flowing out of my nose I still maintained that same dangerous look.

"Even in pain never give the enemy the last laugh. State right into their eyes and make them know that FEAR isn't your forte"

One of the men grabbed my hands and at that point I knew it was my chance. I twisted his hands right to the back and with all the strength I had I snapped it.

His hand was broken and he was crying in pain. The other man never retreated and he struck from the back.

He yanked my hair and I yelped in pain. "Never allow pain or anger control you, channel them and use them as a driving force to achieve the impossible"

I channeled the last of my strength and energy, the pain, the anger that was raging in me and I pulled his hands from my hair, turned to face him and then I hit my head against him.

He stumbled and then I kicked his groin twice until he fell and lost balance. I could feel a smile crawl up to my fac_

"Bang" that was the loudest sound I have ever heard in my entire life and then I placed my hands at the back of my head and brought it to my face again.

"Blood" hot tears I never knew were held back now fell and I was on my knees now.

Immediately I got on my knees, I fell to the ground and___