Chapter 21: FREE SHOW

I had to finish my assignments this morning because someone was a busy man and couldn't do his assignments.

Now, I am sitting and waiting for Alex to appear so I can hand his assignments over and get some rest because I had to write about someone who I wasn't and his dreams.

Oh my goodness, I went through every interview Alex did and every gossip I could go through even if I didn't spend so much time on them. I basically formulated his essay from my own story and perspective.

Don't blame me. We both know I know nothing about him aside from his busy life. According to a write up about him, his first business meeting was at age 6 and since then he was fully involved in the business world.

Simply put, he had no life since age 6 and that is why he behaved like the whole world was a stock market and he was the businessman.

My life was even a business to him. I grabbed the sandwich off my plate and took a bite.

The filling spilled on my clothes and I had to go to the restroom to clean it off. On my way back I met the only guy found in movies and stories not in reality.

Dressed in blue jean and light blue T shirt with a white sneakers and shades.

He was speaking on the phone and he wore a smile with such charisma showing off his oyster-white teeth that lit up the room. His brown hair was ruffled and his pink lips were dripping honey.

That T shirt perfectly hugged perfectly showing off his lean not too muscled body which I must say wasn't bad at all.

He finally removed his shades and his Artic blue eyes were like an ocean with the green color around his pupils. It was worth a second glance or even a lifelong if only it weren't Alex.

This was the first time I ever got a good look at him and even with a smile that's a one in eternity offer.

I feel like I just won a lottery

I didn't even come across a picture of him smiling in my 10 minutes research.

I definitely hate him but I gat to appreciate God's creation. I can't be arrogant and ungrateful for such masterpiece even if he wasn't worth it.

I mean my future husband would surely be better than this since he is a spec.

I have my standards and Alex is way below standard in terms of attitude and even looks.

Don't stare at me, half baked bread is better than none. Half the truth is better than lying to myself. Ok, he isn't below standards in terms of looks. He is just there, not a pass neither a fail.

We both would crash if anything changes between us. I mean if I stopped being a mere business deal to him then I must be six feet under because I can't stand his arrogance for more than 24 hours.

Don't ask me what will happen if I have to, it's not a story for children and don't think dirty cause NOTHING is happening aside from me getting locked up for murder. OK.

I am sorry he might be the man of your dreams but he definitely is the horror story I will tell my children of about high school.

"Sit back with you popcorn kids. I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time in my life right before I met with your dad, I was faced with a two legged, two eyed, two eared, two handed monster_"

"That sounds like a human being" one of the kids would interfere.

"Yes kids, this monster surprisingly came in human form but sadly his brain was fried. All he thought about was how to turn everyone to busin_"

I didn't realize Alex was walking up to me until he finally approached me and don't worry safety first we are totally far apart.

I can't allow my life to be a high school romance story. I need horror stories to also tell Katrina since she loves them.

"I always knew you would want a picture of me but you are not just worth stealing even a glance of me or I would have helped you with a portrait"

I told you he is below standards cause why would a well mannered gentleman say this.

If only you knew what I was thinking you would ask for poison rather than try to annoy me

"Well I guess the mere thought of you thinking about me gives me the joy that I have a place right in a psychopath's brain."

Did I just that out loud?

Give me a gun right now.

"I have to go" I excused myself but he pulled me back and then my next line of action was to kick his groin.

I didn't kick him that hard and I didn't feel the impact so it's fin_

"Ouch hmmm" Alex cried and only then did I realize I probably went too far or he was a spineless fool who only had the mouth and the looks but not the strength or ability.

It wasn't my fault, he held my wrist and then the pain flashed through me sending a signal to my brain, ADRENALINE kicked right in and I did the best thing I could.

Moreover, I couldn't be caught in the spider's web. If I didn't kick him it would have been a typical definitely know what I want to say.

Besides, he

Get your acts together woman he is in pain.

"Are you ok?" I asked staring at his almost kneeling figure but he glared at me in response.



"I am so sorry, I was just caught off guard" I begged and he tried to stand upright but what can a spineless fool do.

I had to start dragging him towards the cafeteria so he could get a seat.

"You definitely know I can sue you for assault right" he stated and I glanced at the direction of his head.

CCTV footage!!!!

"I am so sorry Alex" I continued begging as I opened the doors to the cafeteria.

"Clause 38 of the contract says I have a right to terminate the contract if I am physically assaulted for any reason by you or your relation and if that happens you only have a week to pay off your debts with 50% interest and you have to pay for any damage you caused to my PRECIOUS body "

He just had to stress the precious and I couldn't help but roll my eyes

"I am really sorry" I mindlessly apologized for the millionth time and he just scoffed.

He scoffed.

I helped him seat at my table. I couldn't help him all the way up there.

"please forgive me" I begged and all he did was glance upwards.

"You really love being the centre of attention, don't you?"

All the other levels were watching.

"A free show with your hands on Alexander's waist is really award winning" he commented and like I felt an electrifying shock run through my body, it wasn't the nice tingling one anyway. I immediately removed my hands.

"You weren't hurt, were you?"I asked rethinking whatever happened earlier.

He definitely dodged the kick so there was no one I hurt him. I almost ACTUALLY hit him out of anger but I didn't want any trouble again either.

I went back to my seat opposite his and I caught a glance of his essay.

I threw it to him without caring and ate the rest of my sandwich.

"You really wrote it" he asked as if he didn't threaten me to do his assignment.

"Well it's sad I have no use for it but it would definitely find a place in the shredding machine. Don't worry black girl"

I had sleepless nights all for nothing.

I packed my food in a haste and stood up to leave.

"I want coffee" he reques_ no he commanded and I just eyed him and left or was about to leave until he said this

"That's not how slavery works. I ask and you do it not ignore me black girl"

I went back to drop my things and off I went.

"Do you even know where to get my coffee or how I want it?" he questioned and I wondered if coffee wasn't coffee.

"What do you want, how do you want it and where do you want it from....sir?"

"Caffeine addict downtown, that's the place and just show them this"he said and he threw a black card on the table.

I took back my things to my locker and took the little money I had.

This guy was going to drain me of everything even life and most importantly SARCASM.

I had to keep my comments to myself just because I couldn't afford to pay off the debts and now I miss lunch.


I boarded a cab and we have been on the trip for the past twenty minutes.

"Are we closer sir" I asked and all he did was nod.

I can't afford to miss any classes or be late for any.

"We are here" he declared and I finally paid him after recounting the money over and over again.

Half of it was gone and the coffee shop was nowhere in sight.

"Was I just cheated?"

I walked down the road, everywhere was bricked and there was this homely feeling even while on the road.

Finally, the only glimpse of hope was shown. A man dressed in security uniform stood by what seemed like the checkpoint.

"Sir, may I ask where caffeine addict is"

"You see I boarded a cab but it dropped me right at the beginning of those bricked walls."

"Well he dropped you at the right place but this is a private area so cabs are not allowed. This is caffeine addict, it's behind these brick walls. Take a walk down and you will find a doorway"

"Thank you sir"

I continued walking down and I finally found another guard by a doorway.

I went in and it was shocking. This is so cozy with the hardwood,bamboos,flowers, bricks.

This place is just in another world. The swings were all filled up and even the couches and benches were no different.

The smell of coffee wasn't overshadowed by that of flowers neither was the smell of wood left out.

It was just the perfect mixture. After realizing that I had stay the whole day if it were left to me. I walked up to the waiter.

"What would you like to order ma'am?" he asked and I was confused.

Alex didn't tell me and I didn't bother to ask him. I checked my bag for the black card Alex gave him and handed it to him.

He stared at me for a while but recovered soon.

"Your ID ma'am" he requested disrespectfully scanning me over and over again and I heaved a sigh of relief thanking my stars I didn't leave it in my locker.

I searched my bag but shockingly it wasn't there. Where could it be?

I am pretty sure I was freaking out because I was almost sure I had it in my bag but it wasn't.

O GOD, it was probably stuck between the book I_

"Do you have an ID?" he asked and I still continued searching my bag.

"I don't sir. I probably forget it in school"I finally answered and at that point I could feel him boring holes into my skull.

"Ok ma'am" he answered coldly without a hint of emotion even on his face and his eyes basically scanned my body. He left after throwing a quick glance my way again.

How rude if I must say.

He finally came back putting back, the phone right in his apron.

"Mr Powers regular" he told a lady who was wearing the same uniform as he was and she left.

I heaved a sigh of relief knowing Alex wasn't so stupid to leave me clueless about what he wanted.

"Can you guys make it quick. I am in a rush" I clearly informed him because I felt he was intentionally delaying me.

I forgot to ask "how much for everything?"

"50 dollars"he said and my heart stopped.

"but don't worry ma'am it was all taken care of" he completed and I started breathing again.

I don't even think I had up to 10 dollars on me.

After eternity passed, he handed me a bag with caffeine addict inscribed on it and also the black card back.

I thanked him and rushed out. Now looking at those brick walls there were flowers planted all around and it was just so beautiful here.

It's so quiet aside from the security there was no one and no cars which was quite surprising cause I wouldn't believe none of those rich looking people had a car.

I thanked the security guard who was speaking to someone over the radio. I walked faster every minute since I was definitely late and it's all because of who again, Alex.

Why do I feel like someone was staring at me. Am I just paranoid?. I turned my head and to confirm my thoughts the security guard was boring holes into my head as he took slow and steady steps.

WEIRD RIGHT. I hastened my footsteps until I was past the brick walls but somehow what I saw next caught my eyes.