Chapter 20: BLACK GIRL



"Señor Mauricio, ya le pedí disculpas en nombre de todo mi equipo"

[Mr Mauricio, I already apologized on behalf of my whole team.]

"No quiero tus estúpidas disculpas. Quiero hablar con tu padre. En cambio, eres solo un niño que no sabe nada de negocios."

[I don't want your stupid apologies. I want to speak with your father instead you are just a kid you know nothing about business.]

The middle aged man bluntly replied and all I did was stare at his hand which showed everything he couldn't say

'Kid, I know your father won't speak to me so I will use you to end it all since I have gotten a better offer but I can't terminate the contract, only you can' that was what his hands said and it was the truth.

I have been in this business since I could walk he can't get rid of me that easily.

I smiled and got up stretching out my hand but he hesitantly shook it.

"Edmundo Alvarez, 1999" I murmured as I held unto his hand which immediately turned cold and his eyes widened in despair.

I finally let go of his hand and turned to leave.

"Mr Powers, please have your seat" he begged and the smirk naturally found it's way with a smile plastered right on my face.

"What do you know?" he asked and I turned to face him.

"It depends but what I do know is that I am paying half the price for that island" I concluded and the fear in his eyes switched to anger but he was smart enough to pick 150 million dollars over jail.

"It's a deal" he assured me and I laughed.

"This is business Mr Mauricio you don't expect me to take your word for it. You are a cunning man desperate for money and I am Alexander Powers a kid who knows everything you don't"

I snapped my fingers and Dave came in with the new contract which I handed over to him.

"This contract is modified and you have nothing to do with the island or resort after you have been paid" I explained and he slowly took the pen and signed.

"I guess we are done. I will send a copy to you and we are done. Thank you for your cooperation"

I left his office and went to the car.

"Hello Neerja"

"Make sure Mr Mauricio gets his money by tonight and ensure you transfer only half of it".

"The other half goes to Mr Alvarez's family and also ensure they get the new contract signed by tomorrow"

"Also speak to the architect to have a private lodge mapped out for Mrs Lydia Alvarez on the resort's layout and Mr Powers shouldn't know about it"

"Thank you"

Dave got back into the car and he handed me tacos and a bottle of water.

"Your dad just called and he wants a report on the deal with Mr Mauricio before tonight. He is waiting at the penthouse in Platinum" Dave reported and I gave a deep long sigh.

"I guess we are both dead"

"Not when you took care of everything. He hasn't heard about the incident so we are safe until he finds out. The private jet is ready and it's gonna land on the hospital's helipad to avoid any suspicion by your dad" Dave said and I just nodded dozing off almost immediately afterwards.

Standing in front of my dad wasn't my favorite position so I gave him a quick report of the deal with Mr Mauricio leaving out the part where we almost lost the deal.

"Why is it taking so long?" Adrian Powers asked the least expected question and I looked away from his cold blue eyes.

It's just one month and this deal was supposed to take three months. I worked day and night and he just said it was taking too long.

"I am sorry sir" I apologized and all he did was slam his hands on the papers on his desk. I just uttered his least favorite word 'sorry'.

I don't know why but it stirs more anger in his soul than it does in mine. I mean I hate apologies but he becomes a viper when he hears 'sorry'

"Sorry won't bring back the time you lost so try using your head better next time"

"Yes sir" I said and turned to leave.

"Did I ask you to leave?" he fumed and I ran back to him.

"How are you getting along with Gabriella?"

"Daisy and I are still friends. Nothing else sir" I reassured him and this time he dropped his pen and looked at me.

"Friendship won't get you a business deal with Dylan Sanders so make sure his daughter is well pleased with you even if you have to marry her. Understood?" he snapped

"I don't think a business deal with them is worth it. They are losing a lot currently" I commented and just when he was about to throw a punch Dave ran in and took the hit.

"I am sorry Mr Powers, you have a meeting and the shareholders are waiting" he interrupted standing upright right before my dad as if he didn't just get hit right on the face.

"A little loss isn't the end of a business" dad said and he left immediately with Dave trailing behind him.

That's not what he says when shares drop just by 0.001% in Powers Corporation. He literally almost fired everyone then.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Dave who was standing by the door waiting for me.

"You don't want your handsome face to be ruined" he joked

"It's not funny" I objected and he just nodded knowing fully well I hated people butting in my business.

"You have a photoshoot with some magazine tomorrow and your dad just said we can't miss school until everything is settled with Daisy and you also can't miss any business meeting"

I tried to thank him leaving out my cold self but it didn't come out the way it should have. I just sounded like my dad which is totally cool very very cool.

"It was really nothing. I guess sir Adrian is growing old so his punch isn't that painful anymore" he protested and I just stared at his face cause his lips were bleeding.

"Are you sure cause you are bleeding from that old man's punch"

"I guess it was a bit painful but not as painful as that black girls tackling. I mean she almost broke my arm"

"I thought you were a better fighter than I was where are your skills?"

I am pretty much the opposite of what everyone sees. A strong guy I mean I don't think I can even kill a cockroach.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I am the opposite of wattpad's possessive, overbearing rich CEO according to Rachael Powers. I am not even CEO, Adrian Powers is.

"Are you defending that black girl?" I asked.


"Did you send the letter to her house?"

"Of course, I did" he affirmed and I hid that smile knowing very well she was probably regretting the day she met me.

She deserves it, she stole my seat and called me a homebred idiot. Wasn't that too much even for a window seat with the perfect view of the garden.

I am Alexander Powers and I took after Adrian Powers so I am stone hearted. She has to suffer and she has to be out of Hillspot high but she is a good means of releasing stress.

I mean one minute she is tough and the other she is on her knees. How funny!!!

Since I don't have time for comedies why not just watch one for free with nothing at risk unlike making such mistake with a shareholder or an investor.

"Are we going to the mansion"he asked and I told him we weren't.

He drove to one of our hotels and took a car from there and we both separated.


I had things to attend to till dawn after the photoshoot and business meetings on Sunday and I desperately wanted to just sleep in but I also know fully well that my dad was going to keep his eyes on me.

I took a shower and dressed up standing right in front of the mirror to look at my eyes.

I had a rare eye defect which is heterochromia resulting in two different eye colors. I had one blue and one grey eyes with green flecks around my pupils.

Meaning I had complete and partial heterochromia. It isn't much to be proud of since it's a defect.

Apparently you won't notice the complete heterochromia because my eyes match up with my clothes and both eye colors tend to look similar.

I wore a light blue T shirt with a blue jean and white sneakers making both eyes automatically seem blue since I didn't want to wear contacts.

I called for a blue car and went ahead to wait in the garden.

"Anytime you want to remember me look at the flowers,smell them and I am their" I remembered her exact words and the last hug I was given before she finally left.

She was the most beautiful red haired woman I ever saw in my entire life. She had those beautiful brown eyes and her smile was breathtaking.

I would rather stay with her for the whole day than sit with my own mother for just minute but she left just like everyone else.

I heard the horn of a car and went to meet Dave who came down so I could drive.

"Good morning sir" he greeted and I almost went to shake him but I withdrew myself and acknowledged his greeting instead.

I am not the cliché friendly to friends boss and cold hearted to every other person character. I mean Adrian Powers is cold to everyone including his wife and children so who am I not to be?

Even if we have been together for years. He never saw more than the cold hearted person everyone else saw. He was always told to regard me as 'sir' even if I didn't compel him to.

"You have a business meeting this morning with those at the Powers clothing line. After which you have a lunch meeting with some probable investors for the resort"

"but we should be back to school before lunch" he concluded and I just nodded knowing fully well coming back before lunch sounded impossible.

I wore my shades and got down from the car leaving Dave to handle getting it into the parking lot.

"Good morning sir"

"Morning Mr Powers"

I walked past all the stunned employees into the elevator that contained a bunch of others except these ones haven't noticed who I was.

Those in the elevator didn't seem to recognize me since they continued their chit chat which I don't blame them for cause I had a private elevator.

"I love your cologne Bella. It smells so expensive and like lavender with roses and spices and the smell of lilies and citrus just makes it glorious "

"Thank you even if you are quite wrong"

That ended right there and almost immediately another discussion sparked up between two other ladies.

"That sketchbook didn't belong to Miss Nessa"

"I do know but that poor girl is only an intern and if she tried to take any further action it would cost her both her job and career. All for what?"

"A sketchbook. She is new so she will have to get used to it" the other added.

"Remember Becca? Her designs were used at the Belle Ville summer fashion show in 2021 but who took the credits?"

"Miss Nessa of course"

"Why isn't the elevator working" a lady noticed and I looked to see the buttons still on.

"Don't worry, it's just jammed. It will start working again in a few minutes" another answered

"Well let's forget that. Have you seen Mr.Rights photoshoot pictures on Vogue magazine."

"Yes I checked it out this morning"

"A photoshoot, what am I missing out on?" A third voice chipped in.

"Thank God I have a copy here" she said ransacking her bag.

"Oh my goodness. Don't you think it's a crime to be this perfect" A fourth lady commented.

"All I see in his eyes is fire"

"Who looks so perfect in jeans?"

They all commented until someone finally noticed my presence.

"Mr, which floor are you going?" Someone asked and I checked my wrist watch.

"The one that takes you back to the way of your various homes would be ok" I answered and almost immediately they noticed who I was but the elevator already stopped so I got down.

"What took you so long sir?"Dave asked

"Call someone to check the employees elevator. It gets jammed too frequently" I commanded the secretary who looked like she was coming from a masquerade make up party.

That amount of makeup should be illegal not that I don't like it but still don't lose your identity while wearing makeup.

"Work ethics" I turned back and reminded her pointing to her face as she was fretting about for some kind of phone book.

I walked into the conference room and took my seat as they all stood up.

"Straight to the point" I requested and Nessa stood up to show me a bunch of designs projected right on the screen.

They all were simple yet intricate designs and knowing Nessa well even if she was good she loved flamboyant designs. She definitely didn't design this.

"Call up the new intern" I declared and she stopped to look at me so did everyone else.

"Which intern" she asked as if she didn't know who I was talking about.

"I don't repeat myself, my actions do and you don't want to see the results of such actions" I threatened and she called in her secretary who was looking a bit more decent after rubbing off most of the makeup.

After a while, a girl came in. She was around 5'4 with her hair tied in a messy bun that left some strands stuck to her face. Her brown eyes looked so lost in the midst of everyone seated and her lips looked chapped.

She had on a high waist African print overlaying skirt that accentuated the slight curves and her white top fitted in perfectly with the white heels .

I stood up and went ahead to hand her a sketchbook

"I am giving you 10 minutes to sketch a perfect clothing for a middle age woman who happened to have been invited to a high profiled party themed 'back in time'" I explained and she asked for permission to step outside which she did but with Dave watching her closely.

"Nessa, you do know I am not a fool to believe you designed all this"

"I did Alex" she defended and I glared at her. I hate lies.

"You are fired" I declared and stood up to leave.

I snapped my fingers and a lady came running.

I went through the horror of using the private elevator and it also got jammed but maintenance was working on it.

"Find the lady named Bella and ask for the girl who commended her perfume this morning in the elevator" I said to the lady who followed me.

She picked her phone and called the HR department.

"Mr Powers" she quavered and I could see how tense and stiff she was.

"Have you gotten it?"I questioned in the calmest tone I could possibly use and she nodded.

"Caitlyn Jones, age 25, level 2 fashion designer and she started working here 3 years ago" she read and I was pretty impressed cause she was quite efficient.

"Send her details to Dave and ensure he signs her up in any of the Powers Cosmetic Companies" I commanded as I stepped out of the elevator.

"Mr Alex" the intern from earlier called out and I didn't bother to stop. I already texted Dave what to do with her.

"How did you know about the sketchbook?" Dave asked when we got into the car.

"The employees were gossiping about it in the elevator and Nessa only confirmed it by showing me the designs"

"I asked someone to send details of a certain Caitlyn Jones to you. Get her a pretty good job at any of the Powers cosmetic companies, she would make a pretty good perfumer and cosmetologist"

"How do you know that sir?"

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have questioned you sir " he apologized quickly.

"She pretty much revealed each and every ingredient of my perfume within a minute of staying around me which shows she has a great sense of smell and has more lining in her that even she knows nothing about."

"Ok sir" he responded.