Chapter 19:First Letter

Grace dropped me off at the closest parking lot to the library and now I was walking down the same dreadful hallway with no joy whatsoever since I was losing everything.

I took only the note for my first class since I couldn't carry so much in my hand and I left for my first class.

I sat right at the back waiting for the teacher to come and leave and YES he came into the class but NO he didn't leave just like that.

"Miss Amore Cleve" he called out through the microphone and I wanted to sink right into the ground.

"Miss Amore Cleve" he called again making me stand up and walk slowly to the middle of the class.

World History definitely has nothing to do with Amore Cleve so why me?

"Please make your way to the front of the class"

"Today in our class we are going to speak about a continent"

"a well known one to be precise AFRICA but we are going to be dealing majorly on the GIANT of AFRICA, Nigeria".

"Luckily we have miss Cleve here to tell us about her country and you are free to ask her questions" he declared in the most wicked tone and with a devilish grin right across his freckled face.

I pulled my hoodie closer to my face and cleared my throat.

"You do know your grades can depend on this presentation leaving your scholarship on the line isn't a good idea" he mumbled right beside me as he went ahead to fix my microphone.

Is that a threat?

Is this guy really threatening me.He is so smooth, he was one of my favorite until today.

He looked so innocent but I guess with time the TRUTH is revealed.

The mask is pulled off with TIME.

"Miss Cleve,we asked a question.Do you have an answer or not?"

"Please can you rep_"

The screeching noise made by the microphone alongside the chuckles and murmurs made me keep quiet.

"Tell us about Nigeria"

"Nigeria is found right in the heart of Africa,West Africa.There are 36 states and over 200 local governments.There are almost 300 ethnic groups with 3 major ones Yoruba,Igbo and Hausa".

"So you have over 200 languages in Nigeria.How do you communicate then?"

The same blonde haired guy with Smith that day asked and I almost ignored his question.

"That I would have regarded as a stupid question but I guess it wasn't" I rudely remarked giving a scornful laugh right into the microphone.

"Well since we were colonized by the British for decades, after our independence in 1960 we adopted their language as our official language. English is our official language allowing us to freely communicate".

Questions or somewhat rude remarks kept on coming but I accepted it all until I was so tired of standing.

I answered all their questions.

I grabbed the wooden table tightly so I wouldn't fall but it seemed nobody noticed because an idiot still stood up to ask a question.

"Why is your country then so full of illiterates and criminals if all you have said were true.How come many Nigerians are beggars on our streets and criminals everywhere they go and how come they are a burden to nations of the world and people.A good example is you" simeone who I didn't bother to raise my head up to see because someone's daughter would have gotten a piece of advice.

I took a deep breath and pulled the hoodie closer again. I started walking back to my seat with the urge to totally ignore that question but they were all laughing and making comments like

"it's true"

"what a burden" and many other comments in

I still don't care. I am a coward that has to hide.

I walked back to my seat only to hear the robot signalling the end of the class so I walked out and went to my locker.

The hallway was empty since everyone else didn't need to come and exchange notes every period they had their laptops and tablets while I had nothing.

I shut my locker after taking my note and started the journey to another dreadful class, Advanced Calculus.

I felt my head turning and then I ran into someone and fell right on my face but she just ignored me and left so I managed to get myself together and walked back to my locker to get the maps.

I need to get to the clinic.

"Why do you need that painkiller?" she questioned and I was racking my brain for an excuse.

"You see I was in an accident sometime ago and the doctor prescribed that painkiller for me but it finished and"

"and and" I repeated

"and now I need it but my doctor is out of the country and I lost the prescription"

"Do you want to visit the school's hospital? There are good doctors over there" she imposed and I gave it a thought since it was a good idea.

I nodded and she went into her office and all I knew was she was having a conversation with someone over the phone.

She came back into the room and held a telephone in her hand.

"What's your doctor's name and which hospital please? They need more info on your case to set an appointment" she asked and I freaked out.

I don't have a doctor.

"I just got a text message from my mom she already booked an appointment for next week. Thank you so much ma"

"Are you sure?" she questioned and I just told her a yes.

"Don't worry, no ambulance service is needed doc" she dropped the phone and I got down from the bed.

"I just need any painkillers and sleeping pills to hold me off till next week ma'am" I begged and she finally agreed to give me some.

I left after the nurse lady made me stay and rest for the rest of the period because she felt 'I needed some rest' after she checked my temperature and it was a little above 39°C.

She called up the students secretary right before me so I could get some rest and not worry about sanctioning.

I had lunch and went for the rest of my classes.

"Hey Amore" Amy greeted and I just waved at her walking right into Grace's office.

I couldn't just open the door so I decided to knock.

"Come in" she said and I jumped right in. She first gave me a questioning stare but later she recovered and was back to her work.

"Can we talk" I asked and she didn't even spare me a glance.

"About what?" she retorted and I felt pain and pained.

"You can't ignore me forever"

"I think I can't"

"but only until I am not seen as useless will my anger wear out"

"You are not useless Grace"

"Says who,says you?" she spat in anger and I was taken back by her tone.

"I am useless, you have shown me everyone else has shown me so why try to change it"

"Grace please, you know you mean a lot to me. You helped me at my lowest moments"

"Helped..." she scoffed

"I didn't help you.I merely used you.Helping you meant I was going to defend you and make you see the light ahead but I didn't"

"Grace,please" I begged

I didn't want this to continue any longer.I was tired. I needed some rest. I just can't hold on any longer.I am tired.


"Make sure you teach her father a lesson or two and then end the whole game" he yelled and then they started cutting with the knife.

"Help,help,help" I yelled and then I continued yelling and screaming.

It all continued.


"It's all fine. It's fine, xou are safe" I heard a voice and then

It was all a dream.

"Help,help..." I barely said holding back the tears I so much wanted to let out.

"I am sorry sis, I am sorry" Grace begged and I pulled out of the hug to look at my surroundings.

We were back at home. I am in Grace's room.

"I am sorry Amore" she continued and I forced a smile.

"Grace,I am sorry" I apologized and I smiled again.

"Stop smiling, it makes me feel you are fine when you are not. You fainted earlier at the coffee shop and you were burning up with new bruises and all I did was get angry at you when you were in so much distress" Grace exclaimed and looking at her face she looked like she bawled out her eyes for hours.

"You looked like you just cried out the whole Atlantic ocean. I hope earth isn't floating on your tears" I joked and she hit me on my arm, the bruises.

I hissed in pain and she started freaking out and apologizing until I stood up and gave her a hug.

She was crying again.

"I promised God I wouldn't cry again if you woke up but I can't stop".

"I would have gone back to drugs and alcohol if you didn't wake up and then that would end me this time because I will make sure it does"

"No you won't Grace"

"You won't go back because you are strong enough to overcome it all"

"I am weak" she confessed

"Yes you are because you let yourself believe it but you are not because you never gave up"

"I did, I already did" she concluded and all I did was hug her more tightly until she was calm.

"What happened today?" she questioned.

"Well I got into a small accident when I was coming back" I told her and apparently she didn't take it nicely.

"You what?"

"Why didn't you tell me, let's go to the hospital" she yelled picking up her phone and bag but I pulled her back to the bed.

"Can you please calm down"

"It was a small accident. I took some pain killers in school and later became drowsy so I missed the traffic light and almost got hit by some car" I explained but she didn't look convinced

"I promise.I am fine"

"You are not, we have to get those wounds restitched and properly treated or they would get infected so let's just go"

"Grace you know we can't go without having proper answers as to how I got the wounds"

"Ok........ok but if you don't get better we will go and I will make up some excuse so you can't say no"

"I guess I won't"

Kat was crawling all over the bed and I carried her while Grace went downstairs to get something but apparently came back with ice cream and snacks.

"Movie time" she screamed jumping right on the bed.

We switched on the TV and watched every movie Netflix had to offer till dawn when she fell asleep but you see Kat stayed up with me until I forced her to bed.

That girl is so smart and I start to wonder if truly she was just about a year old.

I finally slept after taking some sleeping pills.

I woke up quite feeling nauseated and I went downstairs to get some water only to find Kat buckled to the chair with Oreos on her laps and the TV was on and she was laughing.

Isn't that a horror movie?

Who in the world leaves a child to watch horror movies.I took the bottle of water and went over to Kat.

She handed me some papers and I checked them out.

"I need to finish things at the coffee shop so I left quite early" I read one of the papers out.

"That little girl is after my life, which child prefers horror movies to cartoons. I tried my best to be a responsible mom but all she needs is someone who is insane" another paper read and dusted with a long stare at Katrina.

I laughed.

"There is water in the jug inside the refrigerator. Don't try opening a bottle cap and there is an ice pack in the freezer for your wrist"

"If you don't feel too well call Amy or call the shop or phone the ambulance. I left my phone in the room and laptop for your assignment"

"I love you and I will be back very soon"

I heard the doorbell ring and I went ahead to answer.

"I am looking for Miss Amore Cleve"

"I am Amore Cleve. How may I be of help?" I asked and he went through a sack like bag to bring out what seemed like a letter.

"Who sent it?" I asked and he brought out a book for me to sign.

I shut the door and I opened the letter that had Prince Charming printed on the paper

Hey black girl,

I know you are so happy to receive this letter right now. I mean it's from a star who wouldn't be. Well since you are a debtor who has to pay me back let's start with this.

I have an English essay to submit on Monday about myself and my dreams and since I am a busy businessman I don't have time for it so in simple terms draft the essay out and submit it on Monday

Note:I am an A+ student so it has to be PERFECT.If it isn't you know what is on the line

I agree he is dumb but I never imagined it was this heightened.