The priests of jgari stood before emperor Klaxon as he sat on the throne
"Brotherhood of the jgari, long ago you were accused of high treason and barred from imperial presence. Today, I emperor Klaxon, pardon you from the charge of treason and rescind your banishment. Your emperor further calls upon you this day to serve in my court as my council of elders. Do you accept?"
"Your highness, your servants are humbled by your generosity, replied the elder standing at the head of the little group of robed figures, who stood before emperor Klaxon. "May I remind your highness that the elders who make up the council have always come from the people. It is tradition that the elders are chosen from among the people themselves..."
"I know that, but I must have a council to consult with immediately. Peace talks with Earth's authorities shall begin shortly.