Rank-Up Plan! [34]

"I'm going to be graduating tomorrow Ojisan."

I tell Danzo with a confident voice. I mean I should be pretty much set to become a chunin right now if not for the restrictions placed on me.

"I'll spread rumours of the new genius of the leaf with your obstacle course time. This should make it easier for you to gain fame outside of battle."

Danzo says.

"When will you apply your plan for the Uchiha."

I asked curiously. I still wanted some time if possible to get the rank Chunin and join Anbu if possible.

"I will be implementing the plan as you know it in three & a half months. I'm also curious on what your plans are for the future."

Grinning at his words I start to think to myself.

'That's heaps of time.'

I should be able to become potentially an Anbu member if I do well enough. I have three future goals I want to achieve in the time span before the start of cannon.

The first goal is to become a Jounin/Anbu as fast as I can. Not only will this sky rocket my fame which is always a good thing, it will help me in the future when doing business with civilians.

For second goal this one is linked with the first one and it's to become a hunter ninja for the village.

The reason?

I want to hunt down Aoi Rokushou. He is currently in possession of the Sword of the Thunder God. A sword that made Aoi who was a Chunin at the time an A-rank threat.

Thats in the leagues of people like Zabuza Momochi. Fucking Elite Jounins and Anbu Captains.

The sword by itself could slash through multiple rasengans and a chidori by itself, the only reason Aoi lost was because in the end he got overwhelmed and didn't train his other shinobi skills.

It's the perfect sword for me to use before I try to obtain Orochimaru's kusunagi in the future.

It was a sword also used by the very not racist Tobirama Senju, what else needs to be said?

And this brings us to the final goal before canon, becoming a Jounin sensei for Karin, Asashi and Guren. You better believe I ain't letting some cunt influence my subordinates, and if I can I would probably get a Root Jounin to reside over them anyways so it should be fine.

"As you already know of my plans to be a chunin as a fast as I can with your root agents help will be happening in a month. I want to also become an Anbu member before you implement you plans so everything goes smoothly."

Danzo hearing this keeps his poker face but starts to scratch his chin.

"I'll be able to get you to an Anbu position with my connections but what type of specialist do you want to be?"

He asks.

"I want to become a hunter-nin. The reason for this is because of my skill set being extremely valuable for quick and stealthy kills with my kekkei genkai and when you pair it with my sensory skills there aren't many who can kill me."

I say making Danzo nod.

"I also want to use that opportunity to get more battle experience to help me fully become a Jounin level shinobi if I don't become one after the Chunin exams. This will also help me with becoming a stronger individual shinobi and help me with my traps."

I've showed Danzo all my possible reasons for his support now, there isn't really anything much I could say now.

"I'll agree to help you on the condition that you will help me in return as I help you."

He says making me slightly nervous as I've never been asked about something like this before.

"In Kiri there's a civil war no? I want you to help the rebellion while gathering all the info you can so we can always eliminate them when possible. This in turn will also give us a secure alliance. I want things like their estimated total numbers and what their rank is, locations of important buildings like their academy and hospitals."

He says making me gulp. Isn't that a bit much for just a little help on ranking up in the shinobi system!

"If you manage to do this then I'll on top of helping you give you a little gift of your choosing. You know of my plan already, I'll gift you a pair of three tomoe sharingans if you agree."

Calming myself down after the roller coaster of information I start to think to myself.

'I could test out with my clone if immortality/eternal youth is possible with the izanagi and then use the second eye to do the same thing if it works.'

This is a winning situation for me everytime as this will help me get accustomed to "war" as well as combat with multiple opponents who aren't behind a moral wall.

"I agree to take the mission but I want to be able to do things my way while there when supporting the rebel forces."

Danzo hearing this agrees with me pretty fast for some reason.

This will give me more freedom to roam and spread my influence to others while maybe finding a subordinate or two there to "kidnap" if they are worth it.

'This will be fun, but I'll have to graduate first.'