Graduation [35]

"Are you sure you want to graduate this early?"

Hanaki sensei asks me with a serious expression. Quickly nodding to his question Hanaki adopts a tired expression


"I've gotten permission from my clan head."

I tell him.

Currently I'm at the academy after the end of all the classes as I want to do the exam in private. Theres no need for people to know my abilities.

They just need my results and I'll give it to them.

Walking into the empty classroom I see Hanaki sensei holding multiple papers seemingly looking between them all.

"Just sit anywhere Raiden, I'll give you the test papers and tell you the rules shortly."

He explains.

Quietly making my way to the closest seat I and sitting down my eyes started to dart around the classroom.

'This place is really spacious.'

I think to myself.

Not long after sitting down, Hanaki sensei was finally able to get the test papers and started to make his way to me.

"Raiden the test will have the time limit of three hours so try your best and double check your answers."

Hanaki sensei says while handing me a neat pile of papers.

Taking the papers in his hand that I see are in order, I immediately start.

'This is stuff I learnt when I was three man.'

I thought to myself while answering questions.

The first section of the test was maths nothing too special and was dealt with easily.

The second and third part were History and some Geography which were very interesting subjects. History was a subject I loved a lot as a kid in the Naruto world of course. So much information the anime didn't give us like Hiruzens feats of destroying whole battalions of enemies by himself. Honestly with all of his achievements no wonder he's called the God of Shinob.

After an hour I finished the test and gave it to Hanaki sensei who was a bit sceptical at first but ended up shaken when he marked the sheet.

"A perfect score Raiden, well done!"

He says still in shock.

"It's now time for you to show you aim with your Shuriken and Kunai now."

Seeing Hanaki sensei calm down I start to smirk.

"Here are all the equipment you need, begin when you feel like it."

Hearing this I just immediately without wasting anytime proceed to throw 5 shuriken in each hand all at the same time.


All of the Shuriken hit the middle of each of their targets flawlessly. This same happened with the Kunai throwing test with me getting full marks.

I ended up getting a few more extra marks when I got a perfect score for senbons as well.

"Another set of full marks Raiden."

"Okay Raiden your final goal is to use the three ninjutsu that this school teaches while also showing either your Tajutsu, A C-rank Ninjutsu or to put someone in a Genjutsu."

Hanaki sensei explains.

"Sensei I think I'll do the academy jutsus, ninjutsu test and the genjutsu test."

I tell him with a straight face.

"For these final few tests you have the option to have others grade you with the chance of a better or worse grade, or you could only have me grading to keep in consistent."

Hanaki sensei questions me.

"I'd rather just have Hanaki sensei grade me, there's no need to complicate it."

I answer him.

Its better for him to grade me as he won't be bias, if I do my part to the best of my ability then I should be fine.

Now inside of the training grounds I start to do the first three academy jutsu first.

"First, the three academy jutsu."

Hanaki says in a neutral voice.

Making my way in the middle of the field I start with the clone and body swap technique. This was to demonstrate my mastery over these jutsus.

Making a ram seal i create a clone over myself and I body swap with myself with a rock that's being hidden by my clones legs.

"My heart can't take this man, what do they feed their heirs."

I hear sensei mumbling the latter to himself after seeing me do a one seal jutsu.

Walking back towards the clone I transform into Hanaki sensei flawlessly and end up getting a few marks over the perfect score because of my demonstration.

"Okay let's get the genjutsu over with."

Hearing the go sign I start to make hand signs for my [Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique]. In quick succession I'm able to pull of the genjutsu and now I wait.

Just a few seconds later sensei snaps out of the genjutsu with a cold sweat.

"Next your ninjutsu."

Positioning myself correctly I proceed to do three hand signs and put my hands on the ground and used [Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall].

Instantly after I put my hand on the ground, an earth wall a couple of metres in height starts to get pulled from the ground making a wall.

"A B-rank ninjutsu, that's pretty good."

Hanaki looking back at his paper's seemingly checks off a few more boxes before looking back at me with a smile.

"From here on out you are now an official Konoha Genin!"

Hanaki sensei congratulated me with a warm smile. Seeing the headband with a Konoha symbol in the middle, I walk up to Hanaki sensei and grab it.

'This is just the start.'