Small Spar [38]


Two swords could be heard exchanging blows at the Shimura Clans's training grounds.

A ninjato being used by a boy with the constitution not fitting his young age, while another boy (me) using a Katana parries his hits.

"You need to speed up, adapt to my hits and react accordingly." I shout. Catching Asashi off guard, I start to go on the offence without using much of my strength.

Using my superior speed I slice down in the middle with a bit of power forcing Asashi to block it.


The slash being too powerful for him to deflect sends him a few steps back tumbling.

"Why do you fight so desperately Asashi!" I shout. Giving him a few seconds to gain his footing I quickly go in for a few more hits to straighten out his stance.


"I want to be free! Free from the danger of this world and to be able to sleep without worry for the next day!" He shouts with vigour returning a few hits.


Asashi adapting to my low Genin level speeds, starts to gain an equal footing.

'Not bad, he's learning fast. His reasoning is a bit weird though.' I thought to myself as I duck under a ninjato slash.


"I can't be weak!" He roars out.

Taking a few steps back after that exchange I start to adjust my footing.

Looking over at Asashi you could see that he was in a trance, the only things you could see on his face was determination and pure will.

"Hah!" Asashi roars out. Seeing a slash heading my way I deflect the hit to my left and kick him in the solar plexus. The impact sending Asashi a few metres away, knocks him out.

'He's still a work in progress, in the future though if nurtured well can be my right hand man.' I critique him in my mind. He's physically and mentally gifted, but it's too early to tell what he'll be able to achieve.

"You two take Asashi to his room so he can rest." I tell the hidden Guren and Karin who was watching us spar behind a tree.

The both of them making their way over here with a blush for getting caught, take Asashi away.

It's been a few weeks since meeting Zetsu and I've made a lot of progress in terms of missions completed.

I was already qualified to do the Chunin exams when I did my first C-rank mission, but that isn't enough to get me recommended into Anbu. So I need to make my record as clean as it can with a perfect mission success as well with a lot of missions completed.

Grabbing a familiar card from my pockets I take another look at my information.


Name: Raiden Shimura

Age: 6

Rank: Genin

Missions Completed: 88

D-rank: 69

C-rank: 15

B-rank: 4

A-rank: 0

S-rank: 0

Information: Is able to use three elemental B-rank ninjutsu and specialises in kenjutsu and speed. Has a great head up on missions and doesn't break under stress. The only thing holding him back is his constitution and age.

Potential: Anbu Captain


'I think I should focus on C-B rank missions for now on so as soon as I get Chunin, Danzo can recommend me for Anbu.' I thought to myself. I'm kinda getting burnt out right now so I'll take a week off before grinding more mission.

I still have some time before the Chunin exams and after the exams should have a month or two before the massacre hosted by Danzo and executed by Itachi and Obito.

Speaking of Danzo I will start to take some precaution about it. I know I'm doing what Zetsu wants me to do but it's fine.

He told me that for a reason, Zetsu is smart. He wouldn't tell me something like that unless he found something about Danzo and wanted me to be able to retaliate.

'When Danzo "becomes" Hokage, he might try to dispose of me. Which is probably the e play after he gets his full use out of me.' I thought trying to put myself in his shoes.

I mean he killed my parents so he never had any mercy for me anyways. I'm not gonna go emo mode because my parents are dead, I owe them nothing besides bringing me to the ninja world.

The only reason I'm alive anyways is because I'm valuable in Danzo's eyes.

Sealing the card up in one of my glove seals, I start to head back to my house.

Talking about my glove seals though I have improved them quite a bit since before.

Each finger has a small storage for both of the gloves. My right palm like before has a storage seal for my Katana while my left palm has a new seal modification that temporarily stuns an opponent.

Quite the best ability, I've tested it out on some shinobi and it works quite well.

For a Genin you stay stunned for 10-15 seconds depending on your chakra

A Chunin takes around 4-8 seconds while a Jounin is about 1-2. It's almost instant but in a fight to the death, every second counts.

This seal can be re-used every 4 seconds if I charge it up with chakra.

-Third Person's POV-

"Why am I even here." A man says with a joyful look while crying. The said man's surroundings is currently littered with corpses and huge splatters of blood everywhere.

An estimated number of 70 people dead in one sitting just slumped on the cold pavement. And in the houses of many are dead bodies of women and children.

The floor, walls, trees and anywhere that has a surface area in the vicinity.

A big fight happened here just a few minutes ago with only one victor in the end.

The same man who did this killed countless men, woman and children indiscriminately without a second thought.

He went from village on a whim trying to find out his own reason for living.

A crazed lunatic he is, but for some reason he still searching for a reason.

What reason exactly?

No one knows but in his head he keeps screaming to himself to keep on going.

"I can make a lot of graves with this." He says with a crazed look with tears still streaming down his face.

The said man looking around the small village he recently massacred sensed someone.

"There's still one more." He say's surprised. Regaining himself he calmly walks through the small huddles of corpses into an alleyway, this is where where he spots a child with purple hair in a barrel.

Getting closer the man gets a good look at the kids face.

"A red ring?" He says confused.


[A/N: Hopefully the quality has improved a little as I've taken some tips some of y'all have given me and implemented them. Not sure if you guys like this better or don't see a difference.

Typed on a phone kekw]