Chunin Exams First Part [39]

It has a few weeks since my break and I'd say I'm currently in my best form yet. My body feels amazing while it feels like I can do anything fluently.

It's now time for the Chunin exams in Konoha so my "team" and I make our way to the first part of the exams.

A small building near the academy will be used for the first test. This will obviously be where they test our ability to get information without being caught, or in a certain someones case a lack of information.

"Keep on going." I say in a neutral voice. Looking over to the side I could see a decent amount of the Genins battling it out?

There seemed to be some conflict near the bottom of the building and I have no intention of joining it.

My other two teammates who at this point act like robots, nod at my words and proceed to follow me.

'I wanted to Kill Kabuto originally, but he's too on guard.' I think to myself. Danzo regards Kabuto to be a useful asset for some reason even though he's only 13. If I kill him now then that would give me an unnecessary amount of trouble.

But the thing is Kabuto kind of started the whole war or kept it going per se with his revival bullshit he stole from Orochimaru which Orochimaru stole from a scroll. So I'll have to postpone his death to canon time Chunin exams.

Entering the main room for the first part of the exams I start to use my senses to check who has the most chakra in this room.

'Three with low Chunin chakra while the rest are Genin and bellow.'

Nothing too difficult that I can't handle, everything should be fine.

Most of the shinobi in the room were from Konoha but there are a few teams coming from Suna and a few lesser villages.


A loud noise could be heard as a door slams against a wall. Everyone's attention being drawn to the noise, a person with a tall but buff figure with black hair and dark skin enters the room.

"I'm not here to babysit you lot of idiots, get in the room for the first part of the exam." The man says with a rough but loud voice.

Not wanting to create any issues, I make my way into the room while my other teammates after further instructions went to an upper floor.

'Well that was boring.'

I groaned inwardly. The test was exactly like the anime but with a twist in the end. You had the option if your team failed to pass you could vote for one of them to get to the next round.

This honestly just seems like bait to teach the Genins a lesson but anyways there was a second twist for the people that passed.

'What was it again?'

It was so irrelevant that I forgot about it anyways. Not like it would matter. Right after all the test scores were piled up, all the Genins were gathered up at one spot.

"To everyone that has passed today's test, you will need to meet up at the same time you did today at the Forest Of Death." The man said with a stern tone. Shortly after this everyone went their seperate ways to rest for tomorrow.

"Damn that was boring." I groan out.

"Shimura-sama do you want me to eliminate some people in the final exam for you?" I hear Kabuto saying to my side. He seems to take his role pretty seriously but with my knowledge it's all an act.

His true master was Sasori of the red sand.

"I will be fine, they can't really hurt me if they tried." I say in a cocky voice. I thought if Kabuto gonna be next to me making a biography of me, I should give him some fake information.

Most of this was my personal habits and strength though as I never released my cards too often other than when I'm on missions or training.

Now back at my very humble house I started to look around for my subordinates. Usually I would find them at this time of day lazily sleeping on the couches or eating together.

Walking towards the back of the house to where I sense the three of them I start to hear their conversation.

"You just need to be able to serve Master well." Guren says with a cheerful look as she slams her palm on Karin's solar plexus.


Karin receiving the impact gets sent to the ground tumbling.

"I need to get my revenge first." Karin says while slowly regaining her balance. "Those bastards used my mother as a healing beacon while I was going to be next in line."

Karin getting up with vigour regains her strength and charges at Guren with a fighting stance.

"Hiyah" Karin roars out while giving Guren a few jabs and punches. Guren unfazed returns all Karin's hits back with a single slap of her hand.


Guren without any mercy slaps Karin with her hands.

"Are you just gonna waste the chance Master has given us then to live a new life?" Guren questions Karin who is now crying on the floor with a slap mark on her cheek.

Trying to stand back up but failing, Karin starts to shout out loud.

"I just want my mama and papa back! I wont stop until this ache in my heart stops!" Karin shouts with all her tears now loosely getting out.

Looking at her current state I started to smile.

'This should make my life a little easier.'


[A/N: Typing this was kind of a pain, as if you couldn't already tell that this is my first time making a fanfic]