Preliminaries [42]

"It's finally time!" I excitedly say. Getting out of bed, I start to do my daily routine I've been doing since I had arrived here.

Everyday was just me waking up and doing chakra exercises and a few warmups. It was quite a bore to be honest with you.

At least I didn't have to wake up to the smell of dried of blood like I did the first day though. That shit was nasty.

"It's soo boring here." I groan out as I prepare myself. After my Shower and putting my clothes on I exit my room and make my room to the cafeteria.

Entering the Cafeteria you could see multiple tables with groups of three and twos with the exception of one table where a guy is eating by himself.

'The solo with Chunin level chakra passed eh.' I thought to myself. Less than half of the groups passed with only six out of the twenty three remained.

I'm guessing some of my opponents were scroll hunting for no reason other than removing the stronger competition. The team I thought would have the best chances of winning ended up not even qualifying, so it's kind of weird.

Of course strength isn't the only factor that matters in the Shinobi world unless you are so strong you can brute force everything.

As a wise one has said.

Violence isn't the answer. Violence is a question, and the answer is "yes".

A quote that applies to people like Madara the most. 14 people have passed to the finals which isn't too bad for a Chunin exams from what I've been told. There's even been a case where only one team passed and they had to fight each other.

Looking around the room I made my way to where Kabuto and Tsubaki were sitting as there was already a tray of food next to them for me.

Sitting down on the open seat I ask Kabuto if he got the information I wanted with Anbu hand signs.

"Here Shimura-sama." Kabuto says while handing me some cards. Looking down at the little information cards I start to grin.


Name: Rakuta Tari

Age: 15

Village: Kusakagure

Missions completed:

D-rank: 134

C-rank: 37

B-rank: 4

A-rank: 0

S-rank: 0

Specialties: Uses a Bo Staff as his weapon, height is 5"8 with a buff buff build and his hits generates a decent amount of power.

Weaknesses: Easy to taunt, Is slow because of his build, cant do much against you if you keep your distance, and he has a slow reaction time.


'He seems to have been a rather experienced Genin.' I thought to myself.

Looking at some of the information cards that Kabuto has, has helped me out a lot. I'm not actually worried much about being in combat with them.

I want to know their general weaknesses and advantages so I can flex my skills in the main tournament. I mean killing my opponent in front of everyone doesn't look that impressive, so beating a guy way bulkier and larger than me would impress a lot of merchants and higher ups of the village.

"Because there are too many of you right now, we will hold a preliminary stage where all of you have to battle each other. This will be a one on one situation where the only person helping you is yourself." The instructor tells us as all of the participants including me make our way toward the battle arena. The arena is quite huge with two stories of spectating areas, one for the Genin's and the other are for the Jounin sensei's if the team has one.

Not every team has a Jounin sensei because of the war a few years prior to my birth. So a team without a Sensei is pretty common.

The Hokage never came to tell us about the real purpose of this exam so I'm assuming he came because there were multiple clan heirs in canon.

After a few minutes of waiting we got notified on who our opponents were.

"Kabuto are you gonna lose on purpose." I ask curiously. Kabuto hearing my question nods without explaining further.

'I guess his "job" I can infer at this point is to scout for talents for Danzo/Orochimaru/Sasori and to see who would be a dangerous person in the future to look out for.' I say to myself while humming. It took me a little bit to find out his job but I figured it out in the end.

It's as Danzo says. It's better to cut the root of the problem before it grows.

After a few battles with Kabuto and Tsubaki both "losing" their battles, it was finally my turn.

"Dota Furumi and Raiden Shimura come down to the battlefield." An instructor calls out.

'Finally.' I thought to myself. I was the last person to battle out of the seven fights that happened so I'm little bored right now.

Jumping down from my position I land smoothly on the ground.

Looking straight ahead I see a girl with a small build that is probably used for her agile and flexible attacks.

'Her specialty is Senbon and Genjutsu, nothing too difficult.' I think to myself remembering her information card. I've broken out of Genjutsu made by Kakashi so I dont think it should be too difficult for me.

"Start!" I hear the instructed shout.

Letting her the first move, she proceeds to throw three senbon directly at me.


Dodging the three of them by ducking down, I start to do some handseals.

A second later I put my hands on the ground using the jutsu [Earth Style: Earth Wall]. An earth wall ten feet tall comes in between the two of us as I unseal three shuriken from my gloves.

*Tap tap tap*

My opponents footsteps could he heard as she ran towards the left side of my wall.

Using the [Body Flicker] while making a [Clone] in my place I get right behind her.

While she was distracted by the clone I throw three shurikens on her back causing her some pain.

"Fuck." She groans out. Not letting her recover I use Genin speeds to get next to her and punch her solar plexus.


Getting the air in her lungs punched out, she proceeds to faint right after.

"Winner Raiden Shimura." The instructor announces as he starts to clean up the battle field as it was the final battle.

Walking back towards the stands I see multiple lines of metal threads on the ground.

'I guess this was her Genjutsu trap, she was trying to bait me to her by engaging in combat I assume.' I thought while making my way back.

I didn't want to finish her off as quick as I could as I waited five days for this battle.

It wasn't too bad, she just got unlucky with versing me as I couldn't really lose to her unless I let her stab me.


[A/N: got my eyes checked today and I just experienced two flash bangs for both of my eyes separately. In the end I was told I need glasses.