Back Home [43]

"You guys ready?" I ask my team as we were going to leave the forest of death. It's been a few hours since the preliminary round with everyone starting to pack up and leave the place.

The third round will be held in the huge stadium near the academy where a lot of important people will be spectating.

I would know, because I've watched a few Chunin exams before as Danzo has brought me to a few. The people who go to these events are usually merchants, daimyos, clan members and of course citizens.

Unknown to almost everyone though for some reason, your grading in becoming a Chunin half depends on the merchants ratings on if they would want to hire you.

This makes sense as if you did well and showed your power, of course a merchant would want you to protect them in an escort mission. This in turn would help the village earn more money and missions.

So the more you impress the more of a chance you got as you get the village more money.

Simple right?

"We've already packed up Shimura-sama." They both reply. Hearing this I signal for sensei to [Body Flicker] us back to the village as I'm too lazy to do it myself.

'I wonder how they're doing right now.' I think to myself while smiling.

Making it back to the house with a weird look in my face, I start to head to the backyard.

'How is Asashi floating right now?' I though to myself with a confused look. Quickly putting all my things away like my storage gloves in my room, I make my way outside.

Opening the door, I get greeted to the sight of Asashi practically flying in the air with mud under him?

"Asashi you can fucking do that?" I ask with an incredulous look on my face. I was extremely surprised right now.

I just got back home to the sight of Asashi controlling mud likes it's magnet release.

"Master you're back! I just started to train my mud release a few days ago." Asashi responds in unbridled excitement. Asashi was currently floating a few metres on the air with dried up mud under him.

"That's amazing." I call out. Asash now distracted suddenly loses control of the mud floating him up which makes it deform.


"Wait wh-"

Seeing the falling Asashi I watch in amusement as he hits his back on the ground.

"Fuck." He mumbles in pain as he rubs his back. "Master you could of caught me you know." He says in mild irritation. But I can tell he's just joking around, he knows he shouldn't of lost focus like that.

"Maybe if you were a cute girl I'd consider it." I jokingly reply. "So what you doing here and not in the academy?" I ask as Karin and Guren are still at the academy.

"I made a shadow clone to go in my place, Bird taught me the jutsu as soon as I hit Chunin reserves." He says in a proud tone.

Well I don't blame him for being proud and cocky, the man works almost as hard as me when he trains and he's basically a battle junkie.

I've seen his reports from the academy and it's safe to say he has a bit of a superiority complex with anyone that isn't a clan heir being trash.

"Ya wanna talk about your suspension?" I ask with an amused look. Asashi hearing this starts to get a flustered look not expecting my question.

"They insulted you so I beat them up, pretty simple stuff." He said while shrugging. "They were also low borns." He adds at the end making me pinch my nose.

He is correct with his logic as only people of high birth can really achieve anything besides Might Guy.

As ironic as it is, when Naruto beat Neji. Neji said that your power depends on your birth and family which was "proved wrong" by Naruto with "hard work".

*Cough cough* Plot armour.

But if Neji survived the war and found out Naruto's dad was Minato, he would be rubbing that in his face the whole time.

"I mean as long as you don't have that attitude with people related to me then I don't really mind, just don't overdo it aight?" I tell him. Honestly having pride in your strength is a good thing for Asashi. Having an arrogant subordinate is actually amazing unless they underestimate their opponent, that's when it gets bad.

"Yes master." He says seriously.

Asashi and I spent the rest of the time before the others arrived coming up with attacks with his new unlocked powers.

Some of the attacks we ended up thinking of were [Mud Release: Mud Burial] where he uses his mud like a quick sand in a wide range on the floor, [Mud Release: Mud Disk] can be used for transporting himself and other mid air, while also being able to throw this at opponents from anywhere his mud is, [Mud Release: Mud Armour] its self explanatory., [Mud Release: Mud Enclosure] a huge dome starts to form around a certain area which starts to enclose suffocating anyone inside it.

He's also able to use his chakra to harden the mud when he wants to or to make harden mud last longer.

"Master!" Two familiar voices squeal out from behind me. Not bothering to turn around I keep looking at the TV "not noticing" them.

The two girls Karin and Guren launch themselves at me without any second thoughts.

'Would be funny if I dodged them.' I thought to myself as I felt their chakra mid air. 'I'll just pretend to lie down.' I say to myself, chuckling inwardly.

Leaning downward from my position, two girls could be seen missing their target and hitting their forehead on the floor.
