Golden Crown [43]

[A/N: It's the longest chapter so far with 1566 words!]


"Ugh." I groan out. Rubbing my eyes I start to look around to a familiar scene of Guren and Karin hugging me.

It's been a few days since I've come back from the forest of death and I've been spending most of my time relaxing and bonding with my subordinates.

Asashi has been making heaps of progress with his bloodline just like Guren.

Remembering some of the moves Guren used in the anime, I gave her some tips on how to improve her abilities. Moves like [Crystal Armour] that are extremely useful and depending on how much chakra used can harden it. This move was seen to also be used the most for gauntlets for taijutsu. [Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance] and [Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon] are another two things I've told Guren, but it will be a while till she can use these moves. The first one is literally spawning hundreds of shuriken and controlling them to your will and the second one is spawning a big crystal dragon which you can use as an attack and transport mid air.

Sneakily making my way out of the bed without disturbing the two, I start to prepare myself to head out.

I'm not really worried about the Chunin exams right now as my strongest opponent is a mid Chunin which is usually something I would struggle with if I lost my speed.

I've got plans today that don't include training at all as I don't really need to prepare for the Chunin exams anyways.

"Morning Master." I hear Asashi say quietly as I exit my room.

"Morning." I return the greeting with a nod. Asashi was going to be my "body guard", or in other words just there to look pretty.

He has been conditioning his body a lot lately and is taking advantage of his already big build for his age. Asashi will become a taijutsu monster if trained right. Pair this with his mud release that is basically a more thick magnet release, then you got a potential kage level shinobi.

Today I'm going to be opening a pizza resturant called Goldren Crown.

Why you ask? Well I'm not the one who named it, Danzo was. I mean he's the business man not me, so I don't mind what ever little tweaks he does to my store. Right now I'm making my way into the side buildings of the Shimura clan with Asashi to visit a very familiar man.

Looking through a stone path with weird but lively trees on the side, I made my way to a decently big house with three stories.

Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds before someone heard it.

*Tap tap tap*

Multiple foot steps could be heard heading towards the front door.


The sight of a woman with Brown hair and purple eyes in her mid 20s opens the door. Looking at her I realise who it is.

"Hello my name is Raiden and the guy next to me is Asashi. I'm here to speak to Toki-san" I cheerfully tell her while noticing that she seems to be pregnant.

'Always wondered why I felt two people in the same spot, I considered a pregnant lady but was never able to confirm it.' I thought to myself

"Ara~ Hello Raiden-sama, I'll call my husband right over. While I do that, makes yourselves at home." She tells us as she opens the door, letting us inside.

"So this is the place!" I call out in with an excited grin. Looking at the building that is already all prepare and set up, I couldn't hide my excitement.

We were currently in one of the most populated areas of Konoha which was where Danzo bought me this plot of land to start off my restaurant.

I've already trained some people prior to me going to the Chunin exams on how to make a pizza and how we are going to open in a few days.

"You like it." Toki says with a grin. He was the one who helped me the most with getting the building built in the first place.

"Of course." I reply giving him a fist bump. The restaurant is opening in a few days, but tonight I invited a few clan heads and some friends over.

These includes my subordinates, Kakashi, Ino-Shika-Cho clan heads with their families, Hinata's family, Shino's Family, the Hokage and Danzo.

Quite a hefty amount of people, but it should be pretty doable.

Looking down at the paper in my hand, I started to look if I missed out on anything.

After a bit and finding out that everything was in order, I headed inside of the building with some staff I hired already here. I started to prepare for tonight as it's a pretty important not to mess up.

"This way Hokage-sama." I can hear one of my servers say while guiding the Hokage to his reserved table. His seat was next to Danzo who was already sitting at his spot.

The Aburame clan and Hyuga were sitting on the same table conversing quite happily as they were unofficial "allies" so to speak.

The Ino-Shika-Cho families were on a table together as expected, while my subordinates were sitting with Kakashi.

Everything was going pretty well as we got all the pizzas to their tables with a lot of drinks. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot.

—Third Person's POV—

"Shikamaru you've gotta try to pepperoni slices!" Choji says in joy as he scoffs down two slices at once like a burger. Choji has eaten quite a lot of pizza by now which also includes his father who has eaten two times his amount.

"I can't because you've already eaten all of it you idiot." Shikamaru later grumbles out having to resort to taking a flew slices from Ino.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!"


Shikamaru getting caught in the act, gets slapped on the back of head by Ino who was enjoying her food.

"It was Choji's fault. He ate all the pepperoni pizza." Shikamaru told Ino making her look at Choji with an invigorating look.

"But I want moar." Choji pitifully cries out. The adults on the table started to laugh at their children's antics.

On another table could be seen Kakashi having a chat with Guren while Karin and Asashi were being loud.

"Shut up Habanero, stop eating all the Hawaiian pizza." Asashi complains while protecting his food with his hands. Karin kept taking all of his favourite pizza so he had to protect his own slices.

"Just one more dirt boy." Karin says while reaching over to Asashi's plate. Guren and Kakashi not minding the two trouble makers calmly eat there food while having a "normal" chat.

"Guren here." Kakashi says in a whisper to Guren. Guren looking down sees Kakashi handing her a book.

"What's this?" She questions. Kakashi getting a wide grin that is hidden by his mask starts to tell her about how it's a romance book.

"Read the the rest of the books afterwards okay? This is part one, if you need the others just tell me." Kakashi cheekily tells her. Guren still not sure about this, stashes the Icha-Icha One Book. "You can use the tricks in the book on Raiden in the future. You would have to wait till the third book to see the really good stuff though." Kakashi tells her in an amused voice. Guren hearing Kakashi blushes in embarrassment.

Kakashi now with the smile of a villain can't be stopped as his emotions are being masked by a mask.

Only god knows what will fall upon Raiden in the future.

--POV Raiden—

Making my way to the Hyuga and Aburame's table I see both Danzo and Hiruzen conversing while playing a chess match.

I also recently made the board game public in this world and I hope it will be popular and make me rich!

Taking a seat in between Hinata and Shino I started to talk to them.

"You guys like the pizza so far?" I ask the both of them, which Hinata ended up answering first.

"The pizza is amazing, the sausage pizza is the best though." She said with a giddy look. Hearing this I started to smile and looked over to Shino which made him squirm around a little.

"I think the plain pizza with extra cheese is nice." He says in a near whisper after a little bit. Hearing Shino, I got surprised as I didn't think he would actually answer me.

"I can make another one if you want." I tell him as there wasn't anymore plain pizza with extra cheese.

Shino hearing this gets stars in his eyes and cutely nods his small head.

'This was a pretty amazing party wasn't it. It's nice being genuine friends with these guys, these are the type of people I need to cherish more.' I said to myself in a joyous mood. After a bit, I went back to the back of the restaurant to make Shino's pizza.


[A/N: I think this is one of the best chapters in this Fanfic so far. If you want more chapters like this comment here! Give me some situation you would maybe want to see in the future]