Chunin Exams Part Three [44]

"Guren what are you reading?" I ask her as I get prepare myself for the day. Today is the last part of the Chunin exams and it's going to start soon.

"I'm reading a romance book master." She says with a blush. Not trying to pry any longer, I went to the closet to stock up on my ninja tools. Going to a battle without stocking up my gloves are a no go after all.

"Shuriken, metal wire…" I murmur as I start to get some items. While this was happening Guren and the rest left the house and made their way to the main arena to spectate.

I don't know who my first opponents are but I'll need to be better than him at everything to impress. But if all goes wrong and they're too weak, I'll show a [Rasengan] to impress everyone.

Making my way outside the compound and through the busy streets of Konoha, I take a look my my resturant.

The place was bustling with people with the waiters constantly moving around the place.

"Not bad." I said impressed at the amount of customers trying it out. Golden Crown seems to be getting a lot of repeating customers as they like the pizza a lot.

'Next I'll infect them with burgers.' I think to myself with a grin. I should add that in the future because it isn't created till Boruto.

After a few more minutes, I made it to the stadium and entered through someone using the [Body Flicker] with me.

Now at the stands, I start to look around the area which I vividly remember visiting last year.

"It's just like the anime." I murmur. Looking around the stadium you could see heaps of spectators waiting eagerly to see some battles.

Some spectators were wearing expensive robes while others had casual clothes and just having a great time.

'It's show time.' I thought to myself in anticipation. A few second after my though, an instructor walked out to the middle of the battlefield and started to talk.

Danzo said he "rigged" the matches, but what he actually did was to have my battles last.

Because in the end of the day you will remember the most recent thing rather than the past, considering that I will show off then the others won't really be remembered much.

"The first battle will be…"

Just like that the first two battles passed as a Isoka Yosaru and Rakuta Tari won their respective battles. These two were some interesting opponents.

From what I've seen and read, Isoka isn't the strongest person but got through the exams through his wit. I don't think he would be promoted but could if he impressed the spectators.

While Rakuta is a knucklehead with a stick okay, there isn't really much to say about him. My match was going to be next as only seven people passed.

So initially there will be three matches with one person get a skip for free.

Looking down at the stadium on the spectators area. I waited for a few minutes before my match as there was a break.

"The next match will be between Raiden Shimura and Komogi Yokko." The instructor calls out after th e break has ended. Hearing him call my name out, I jump down from my position into the battle field.

"Isn't he a clan heir?"

"He's pretty small"

"Shouldn't he be starting the academy?"

Multiple voices from the crowd could be heard as started to walk towards the centre of the battlefield. My opponent doing the same starts to stare at me. I assume he's trying to intimidate me but he's only looking like every bandit I've killed before they died to be honest with you.

"You got this Raiden!" I hear Karin shout making me smile for a second. Looking on ahead towards my opponent I start to remember some of the information I have on him.

My opponent Komogi is someone with a lean and agile build. He has brown hair in a ponytail with a "mean" face that he is using to stare me down.

'This mf bro.' I think to myself as look back into his eyes in a calm manner.

He specialises in stealth and speed so he really isn't in his comfort zone right now. I guess he's trying to get every advantage he can get and trying intimidating me is one of them.

Now in position, the instructor quickly explains the rules and soon after tells us to start.


Hearing this I quickly made space to separate the both of us. My opponent doing the same, pulls out some shuriken and throws them at me.


While three shuriken piercing the air towards my location, I pulled out three shuriken of my own and threw them at his with precise accuracy.

*Ting ting ting*

I've gotta remember I need to show off as much as I can to the audience while not looking like a retard to the higher ups.

Taking three shuriken in each hand, I throw them with swift release and chidori somewhat at my opponent confusing them.

*Ting ting ting*

The six shuriken ricocheting off each other in a spectacular way, make three of the lot hit Komogi.

"Fuck!" Komogi shouts as he gets hit on the back, left arm and right leg.

Not letting up I make a [Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique] with one hand seal.


The raging waves of my jutsu clear for everyone to see, makes it way to my opponent who was just hit with some shuriken.

My opponent reacting tries to shove himself to the other side but gets burned a little on his left side.

Komogi making some handseals makes hundreds of clones around the field. Clones start to pop up everywhere from the floor and even the side of trees.

'I've seen this in the anime before.' I thought to myself. None of these clones can do anything besides move around, they can't touch any objects. I could already sense where he was but to make this interesting I'll ignore it.

After a few seconds they all started to make hand signs untill I suddenly felt a gust of wind from behind me.

"[Wind Release: Breakthrough!]" Komogi shouts from behind me as sends a gale of wind at me. Already knowing his location beforehand , I use the [Body Flicker] to get behind him and [Clone] as distraction.

"Night night." I whisper in his ears.


Before he could reply I quickly punch him in the back of his head sending him rolling towards the ground.

*Thud* With Komogi's head hitting the ground, the instructor walks up to him and taps his shoulder a bit. Now knowing that he was knocked out, the instructor announced the winner.

"The winner of this round is Raiden Shimura!" He shouts out as the crowd starts to cheer at the one sided battle.

"That was amazing kid!"

"Dad did you see him beat that big brother up?"

"He practically disappeared and reappeared!"

The crowd's noise after a while started to die down as I made my way back to the stands waiting for the next battles to be announced after the short break.