Semi-Finals [45]

"That was amazing." I hear a familiar voice say in awe to my left. Sensing the same presence hurling themselves at me, I ready myself as a ball of red hair smacks itself into my embrace.

"Raiden you will easily win this tournament!" The now identified Karin says with a giddy look. Smiling at her words, I sense my other subordinates, Asashi and Guren making their way to my position.

"Karin stop bothering master, he needs to rest." Guren says with haughty look. Karin looking over to the two of them taunts Guren by snuggling into my chest.

The two of them looked at each other with lightning practically connecting them, Asashi having enough of it stops the both of them.

"Stop, master is getting annoyed." Asashi says in a neutral voice. The both of them stopping their antics immediately apologise and start to take a seat next to me.

Looking back down at the stadium I see the same instructor as before walk to the middle of the stadium and announce the next people who will battle.

"The next battle will include Isoka Yosaru and Ichito Fuyuna. Please head down now!" The instructor calls out as the two of them make their way down to the battle field.

The two Genins who were called out quickly made their ways to the middle and soon after that the instructed started the fight.


"Winner, Ichito Fuyuna!" The instructor calls out as Isoka falls down due to blood loss. The same instructor started to heal Isoka's bleeding and sent him off with some medical nins.

"That was impressive, the way her senbons went swoosh!" Karin describes while flailing her arms around. Looking at the cute scene, I start to chuckle a little.

Karin was very expressive and was something I didn't expect with what has happened to her. But it what makes her Karin, her bubbly and Uzumaki like personality?

Seeing Fuyuna in action was quite interesting. She already had a set plan from what I've seen and has made Isoka fall into that trap quite convincing.

In the end there she got him in a Genjutsu and finished him off.

Fuyuna was able take down her opponent overtime by using her senbons. She like your typical Kunoichi. She specialises in Genjutsu, is very agile, can make traps and is good at shurikenjustsu.

It shouldn't be someone I should lose to in the finals, but to show off my skills more I should trap the trapper.

"The next battle is between Raiden Shimura and Rakuta Tari!" The instructor calls out as the crowd starts to cheer. Using the [Body Flicker] , I appear next to the instructor.

Rakuta shortly after my arrival, arrives himself and positions just a few metres away from me. After a little stare off we nod towards the instructor to show that we were ready.

"Begin!" The instructor shouts as he uses the [Body Flicker] to get a distance away.

Rakuta with his Bo Staff immediately goes in and engages combat with me. Seeing the advantage of a six year old over powering someone older than his himself, I pull out a kunai and get into a stance.

Rakuta coming in got swings at my head.


Ducking under the hit, I grab three shuriken and throw them at him from close range. Rakuta reacting to my attack, takes a step back while intercepting the shuriken.

*Ting ting ting*

Using a little bit of swift release, I run towards Rakuta and engage him in a little bit of combat. We went back and forth till I was able to find and opening and cut a small part of his shoulder.


"Damn." Rakuta mumbles as he regains himself. While my opponent made some distance and bandaged himself. I grabbed three more shuriken and throw them with swift release.

Rakuta deflecting only one, gets hit by the other two. One on the right shin and the other on right arm.

'His weak side is now his right.' I reminded myself as I started to rush him. Rakuta still in an awkward position, makes some hand signs. Recognising what jutsu he's gonna use, I delay myself a bit

"[Earth Style: Earth Wall]" he shouts as his Bo Staff drops while he puts his hands on the ground. Hearing him say this I wait till the wall is high enough to where he can't see me.

After a few seconds I make a [Shadow Clone] and get him to run towards the left side. While my [Shadow Clone] was attacking from the left, I pulled out two kunai from my glove's seals.

The two of them started to engage in combat while I made my steps silent and positioned my self behind a tree.

My [Shadow Clone] seeing a Bo Staff incoming dodges to the right and drops down to swipe Rakuta off his legs.

Rakuta still sluggish, reacts accordingly and jumps upwards. My clone now in an awkward position now cant dodge Rakuta and he lands on my [Shadow Clone] and hit shin with the Bo Staff.


The Bo Staff hitting the ground because of the [Shadow Clone] disappearing, creates a small shockwave.

Getting the memories from the [Shadow Clone] and seeing that he was very vulnerable from the back, I use my swift release to throw two kunais which are aimed at non-critical part of the body.

I didn't want to kill a leaf shinobi after all, he is a potential Jounin for sure. The more the village grows the better for me anyways.

*Swish* The kunais piercing the air on the way to their targets directly hit his back, embedding themselves.


Blood started to fish out of the injuries as Rakuta quickly forfeited.

"Winner, Raiden Shimura!" The instructor shouts out as he heals the fallen Genin. Seeing the fallen down Rakuta I started to smile.

"That was another amazing battle!"

"Raiden was like half that guys height!"

"He would make a good body guard."

Hearing the cheers from the crowd I look at the stands with my smile making them get even louder.

'Which little shit called me short.' I thought to myself without losing my expression.

I wont get any breaks till the next battle I believe so Fuyuna will have a little bit of an advantage. Wiping some dust off my clothes I started to collect all my shuriken that were bounced off or bloodied because of hitting Rakuta.

"The next battle will be the final fight between Raiden Shimura and Ichito Fuyuna." The instruct calls out shortly after Rakuta was escorted out by medical nin.

Fuyuna now partially rested, made her way back into the battlefield untill she was near the middle.

After I was able to regain all of my shuriken I used, I nodded at the instructor to start he battle when I made it back to the middle.

The instructor seeing that we were both ready decided to start the battle.

"Begin!" He shouts.