Chunin Exam Finals! [46]

"Begin!" The instructor calls out as he uses the [Body Flicker].

Immediately after he said announced the start of the battle, I made space between myself and Fuyuna and unsealed my katana.

Fuyuna not having the same thoughts though, off the bat threw four shuriken at my direction. Not wanting to get hit though, I deflect all four hits with my katana.

*Ting ting ting ting*

After deflecting the shurikens, I made a ram seal and used [Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique].

*Roar!* The roaring flames, crackling its way towards Fuyuna who was currently making hand seals. Not wanting to just spectate, I make another ram seal and use [Earth Style: Earth Wall] shortly after.

Before I could make the earth wall though I heard Fuyuna call something out.

"[Water Release: Wild Water Wave]!" She shouts out as I sense her concentrating chakra into her mouth. Soon after she uses the ninjutsu, I make a [Earth Style: Earth Wall] and make two [Shadow Clones].

Both of them already knowing what their job was, they left my position without Fuyuna noticing.


Now with my Clones off to make a trap, I sense Fuyuna recovering from the attack and readying herself. Knowing that she has seen my previous fight, she might think I'm a [Shadow Clone]. This can be an advantage as she will always be on guard and be trying to watch out for others. Running to the right side of my wall, I wait till the smoke from both of our ninjutsu's to dissipate before engaging Fuyuna.


Fuyuna using a kunai, tries her best to parry my hits but to no avail. She wasn't able to keep up with my speed and combat experience, so I was able to get quite a few cuts out of our short exchange.

Near the end of this exchange though I purposelessly let her cut me to indicate I'm not a [Shadow Clone].

"What?" She murmurs with widen eyes.

Now that she knows that I'm not a fake, I ran towards the forest part of the battle field. I had a plan and I planned on sticking to the plan I made.

With Fuyuna hot on my track, she throws another four shuriken.


Not bothering to deflect them with my katana, I dodge two and let the other two hit me to further bait her into my trap.

'Tch.' Gritting my teeth at the pain, I persist and kept on running.

Running past two trees that are a decent chunk of space wide, Fuyuna suddenly stops to see metal wire on the ground.

"You seriously think this would work!" She says in a provocative tone. Not bothering to respond I wait on the other side of the metal wire with a smirk.

"Tch." Clicking her tongue, she jumped over the metal wire just to trip over by a different metal wire makes her get trapped by a Genjutsu.

Unknown to her I had a second clone to setup a different type of painted metal wire to blend in with the area. And with this instance she got baited pretty hard, my acting was pretty good was it not?

'Metal wire painted with matt green always works.' I said myself as I see her on the floor unresponsive. Knowing that she would wake up any moment, I [Body Flicker] next to her and put my katana on her neck to signify that I've won.

"Winner, Raiden Shimura!" The instructor announces making the crowd go wild after seeing my performance.

"That was amazing kid!"

"Honey we should hire him as a body guard."

"Let's go Raiden!"

Looking into the crowd with a similar smile from before, I spot a certain Hyuga family watching as well with a cute little Hanabi who was still at the age of two.

Hinata who was also happy couldn't cheer to keep the Hyuga's dignity or something weird like that. Seeing the Hyuga's waving at my direction I proceed to [Body Flicker] over to their area to greet them.

"Hello Hyuga-sama!" I greet Hiashi. Hiashi seeing me smiles and greets me back.

"Hello Raiden, that was an excellent battle you had there. I can already see the Chunin vest being given to you." He tells me as Hinata gives me a hug. Himawari shortly after with Hanabi in her hands, comes over and congratulated me for winning the finals.

"I'll head out with Bird." I tell Asashi as he nods at me. With Bird now "following" me, I start to head outside the compound. It's been a day since the Chunin exams and I'm pretty sure the results will announced by the end of the week.

I'm heading off to the park after sensing someone I've wanted to speak to for a while now.


A person who was inherently very "useless". I would almost always agree as Naruto fan, but as a Boruto watcher this is not the case. It's fortunate to say but I've read her very own light novel and know just a little bit of stuff.

For example, after the war. She trained for 2-3 years on her physical prowess and guess what? Her base form without any chakra enhancing her is as strong as 8th gate Guy.

Not only is that pure fuckery but it's also even more bullshit seeing how it tells us that she would probably be the most talented shinobi without plot armour to exist.

In the Naruto series her special move was the move called [Naruto! Sasuke!] while in Boruto it's called [Catch these hands] which coincidentally are not the same moves.

Crazy right?

The main reason I hated her was because of how she insulted an orphan about being an orphan in front of an orphan in the anime.

If you actually didn't hate her, then you would know how prodigious and hard working she is.