Sakura [47]

Taking my time as I walk through the village, I start use my sensing ability to pinpoint Sakura. I never knew her chakra signature till the end of the Chunin exams as I saw her chilling with family down the street once.

'She seems to be at the park by herself.' I think to myself as I keep making my way towards the park. Influencing Sakura would be quite interesting, she would easily be a loyal housewife which would do anything for you.

I mean that's what she was in Boruto, she was a sitting 8th gate user without any draw backs taking care of her daughter with all her heart.

I will still never understand the reason she ended up with Sasuke though. The author of Naruto must have been really keen to pair her up with Sasuke with all the shit he has done.

He tried to kill her quite a few times, he basically joined the Akatsuki and tried to control the world.

So if she is that crazy down bad to anyone she has a "crush" on, then it's safe to say just getting her attention now is her guaranteed loyalty.

So the plan is to influence her before she gets that Uchiha dopamine every girl gets, as she seems to be the most vulnerable to it.

She's a nice girl right now and isn't a "brat" so I wont actually do anything bad to her. I may do things for my advantage but I don't act like a dick to others unless they either start it or I know prior information.

After a bit, I finally arrived to the park in the corner civilian section of the village where it wasn't as lively.

Looking at the park, I spot Sakura crying inside one of those round boulders with small openings to enter inside.

She has been here for around 10 minutes now and has been crying the whole time.

*Sniff sniff*

Walking up to the boulder I start to get inside it to where Sakura was. Sakura who wasn't paying attention and was looking at the floor while crying, didn't realise that I was with her.

"Hello?" I softly say.

"Wha-" Sakura now out of her little crying escapade was surprised by my presence. Sakura now shaking a little bit huddled up to the walls of the place. "Who are you?" She asks meekly while avoiding eye contact.

"My name is Raiden Shimura you wanna play? There's no one else in the park." I ask her as she started to open up little by little. Sakura hesitantly agreed to play on the swings while I pushed her.

"My name is Sakura Haruno." She responds making me smile. We ended up walking towards the swings and while she sat down I went behind her.

"So what were you doing out here crying?" I prodded as I wanted to know what happened. She seemed pretty confident in the anime so I want to know whats currently going on

"The other people in the academy are calling by me names." She replies as she look at the floor with a sad look. "Because I might get promoted from my class, they started to be mean. One of them said I was ugly and my forehead was big." She then said right after making me surprised. This isn't the Sakura from canon, I guess her personality was changed later on when she "fell in love" with Sasuke.

"I don't think you're ugly all, you look very pretty! Don't let what they say get to you, promotion from your class is very amazing!" I tell her in a confident tone. Sakura hearing this looks away with a blush.

Not waiting any longer, I started to push her on the swings until she started to cheer up.

"I'm going so high!" Sakura cheerfully shouted as she kept going upwards. While this was happening though, she accidentally slipped and started to fall off from a high distance.

"Fu-" my words were cut short as I used swift release to catch the girl so she wouldn't hit her head on the pavement.

"Are you okay?" I ask her worried, I didn't want her to be hurt after all. That's kinda counter productive if I'm being honest. Would rather not hurt one of the main character in Naruto if possible.

There's obviously the butterfly effect but it would still be bad if a future kage level shinobi died.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay." She responds a little startled but with a glint in her eyes. Putting her back down on the floor, I unsealed a water bottle from my gloves and put some water on my hands.

"If you're so self conscious about you forehead, then you should do this." I tell her as I brush my hands over her hair and kind of shaped the front of her hair to make bangs.

"Woah." She said with stars in her eyes. I kind of just used water to get her hair wet to cover up her forehead. Not the smartest thing I've thought about, but it does the job.

"Are you gonna come back to the park? I'd like to be able to play sometime." I ask her. Sakura starting to adapt a thinking pose, looks up at the sky.

It was tricky because she isn't allowed to be out of her house anytime after the end of the day for the academy as her parents picked her up. She has go to the academy in an hour so she can't stay for much longer.

We ended up agreeing on playing every morning before the academy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

I honestly don't mind doing this as electronics and video games don't exist, half of my day is spent being idle anyways. I may as well do something with it as I currently am too young to train my body.