B-Rank Mission [48]

"I'll come here when you get back!" I hear Sakura shout as she left the park. Her mood ever since I've been playing with her has improved. She is more confident in herself and has changed her hair style to make it so she has bangs now.

I had to teach a few kids a lesson for messing with her though, I think it made her happy that I stood up for her.

"Okay!" I shout back as her figure disappeared off the the distance. Sakura was making her way to the academy after playing with me at the park. Because of all the free time I have, I usually just idle around but now I have some kind of schedule.

I've dropped my old training as it doesn't help me as much as missions do. Of course I have two shadow clones helping me perfect some ninjutsu to make them instant use, so there isn't much for me to do besides mission.

'I should sign up for a B-rank mission." I thought to myself as I made my way to the Hokage's building. I was announced as a Chunin just a few days ago, so I can sign up for solo mission and won't need my "sensei's" confirmation everytime now.

This makes everything more convenient for me as I can just spam missions until I hit my quota.

I need to finish a few more B-rank missions till Danzo can recommend me the Hunter Nin Anbu position.

Usually, Anbu keep an eye on kids in the academy to get recruits. They start searching in the academy for kids around the age of 9-12.

But because of my early graduation, I couldn't be considered for Anbu. So I have to get a good record on my name with completing missions.

I haven't failed one yet so that's reassuring so far.

Walking through the village again, I make a stop at the Golden Crown again to just make sure everything is going fine.

"We have multiple missions requesting you specifically Shimura-sama." The Chunin behind the desk told me as he shuffled through some papers. The Chunin was currently sorting the missions that were currently asking for my help with. The exams kind of exploded my popularity with clients, so this is a pretty good situation for me. I honestly don't really need the money but I guess extra cash is welcomed.

I wonder, what type of missions have I been given. I've done a multitude of jobs ranging from killing huge animals to protecting someone from Genin level opponents.

"Just give me a B-rank mission." I tell him and he hands me a scroll. Taking the scroll, I [Body Flicker] out of the missions room and outside of the Hokage building.

"Let's see what we have here." I say as I open up the scroll. I hope the mission isn't an animal hunting one as it takes a little long.


Mission: B-rank

Client: Oshisato Tsurarata

Mission Description: Kill two Genin at XXXXX. They are both missing shinobi from the Hidden Mist. Both specialise at water ninjutsu and taijutsu. They have a mission at XXXXX so you will have two weeks to kill them.


"Are you serious?" I say in disbelief. This is the most unspecified mission I've ever had. I mean it gives me all the necessary information besides the targets names. It just says there at XXXXX, but not saying where in specific.

I'm guessing somehwere around the area? It's good that I'm an extreme sensor or else I would of dropped this mission. I should just speed run this mission and not plan it out, Genin can't even handle my normal speed and that isn't considering my kekkei genkai.

'Do I just guess who to kill?' I thought to myself as I started to make my way to the secret tunnel at the Shimura compound.

I'll just bring a bingo book with me and read some of the bounties for missing ninjas from the hidden mist.

It shouldn't be too hard as I've even killed an inexperienced Jounin before with just my pure speed. So if I play safe I should be fine.

The hidden mist ever since Obito put Yagura in a Genjutsu has been hell. Heaps of Shinobi have left, leaving the bingo book just that much bigger with extra pages.

Before I leave though, I will need to notify my clan.

Using the [Body Flicker] again, I get to the entrance of my house to where my subordinates were about to leave to get to the academy.


Opening the door, I get greeted to the sight of my subordinates all dressed and prepared.

"Hey guys! I needed to notify y'all that I'm going to be going on a mission for a week." I tell them and quickly disappear before they could reply.

—POV Raiga—

"Are you okay in there?" I ask the kid inside my bamboo bag. I wasn't sure at first if I should not kill him but his usefulness is undeniable.

His eyes can help me out quite and protect my blind spots.

It's a good deal, he helps me and I protect him.

"I'm doing fine!" He replies cheerfully.


"Just don't make a mess in there." I tell him as I made my way down to the newest town I would me visiting. I wonder if there is anyone strong there.

No matter, I wonder how they would all look in a grave. There should at least be quite a lot of people there, way more than the last village.

'This will be great.' I thought to myself remembering the amount of dopamine I felt last time.


[A/N: Hey! Give me power stones! I want try to reach higher than 150+ as that was the highest I've even gotten]