Raiga Of The Hidden Mist [49]

"Damn how far is it." I grumble out as I keep on heading towards the assigned village I'm meant to hunt the two Genins down. It's now the second day and I should be close to the place.

Running from a village to another for a day without rest isn't the easiest thing in the world. I took a few breaks but I still feel a little fatigue.

At this point of time I can already sense the whole town town but it's hard to locate who is who untill I get closer. I do sense someone with mid Jounin reserves though.

I'm interested on who it is so I might take a peek after I finish my task as it shouldn't take too long to finish it. After a few more hours, I was able to finally arrive at the town and started to use my sensing ability.

'Theres seven people with genin reserves but interestingly enough, all of them are by themselves besides besides one group of two I assume is my targets.' I thought to myself. It's not the most complicated problem solving I've done but it's the most likely the case that their my targets. Making my way towards the two, I walk around the generally peaceful town.

It doesn't have anyone strong in it but it's still a nice place to live in. In a world like this though I'd prioritise leaving this area.

Everyone seemed extremely lively and were very comfortable with each other.

'So that's them.' I thought to myself. Looking at the two young men looking to be in their mid 20s. They aren't that strong but you would understand the general danger they bring against normal civilians.

Being able to transform your looks, swap wiht items and make clones are things that could easily win you a battle.

Looking at their faces, I sense that they aren't using any extra chakra on their skin to confirm they aren't under the transformation technique.

Taking out my bingo book, I start to scroll form page to page until I found what I was looking for.


Name: Koyata Toyonobu


Seeing his other teamates description, I start to track them down.

'They are heading for an alley which is suspicious as hell but I can't sense anyone besides one civilian there.' I said to myself as I saw the two guys make their. Waiting for them to get deeper into the alley, I hear them start to talk. It seems like their making a deal of some sort.

"So you got the st-." Before they could finish off their sentence though, I pulled out three shurikens and threw them at the all three of them at once with chidori and swift release.


The shurikens piercing their hearts, kills them with their bodies slumping down.


Walking up to the dead targets, I seal two of the missing shinobi's bodies while leaving out the civilians one.

There no way to pinpoint this to me anyways or Konoha anyways. Taking my shuriken that hit the wall after killing the civilian, I [Body Flicker] out of the area.

With the mission now finished, I started to walk around the town and ordered some food.

"Hello sir can I get a number one?" I ask the guy as I put some money on the table. The guy taking the money nods at me and starts to make me some food.

'He's getting closer.' I think to myself as I sense the guy with Jounin reserves an hour away. He also has a person next to him or more specifically behind his back? I've already killed a few Jounins before mainly with me being patient and doing an all in with my speed.

After doing that I'm usually out of energy as I used all my chakra to out speed the guys senses and reaction time.

"Here's your order kid." The man says after he finished cooking my food. Taking a look at the grilled chicken with rice, I start to drool a little.

"Holy fuck." I manage to mumble out as I witness a full on massacre happening. The guy I sensed before was just going to town with everyone without any care in the world.


Multiple slashes and stabs could be heard as the guys sword that could be recognised as there were those signature little parts sticking out of the blade with lightning enhancing it.

The legendary Kiba blades.

Which means that the man killing people is Raiga Kurosuki. A person a part of the seven swords men of the mist.

'This is a great opportunity to kill him and get some free weapons. I could also retrieve little Ranmaru and use him for my own gains.' I thought to myself.

I'm getting ahead of myself with my thinking, but I will kill Raiga later on when he gets a little tired and off guard.

Ranmaru is someone that has a dojutsu that can do multiple things. It's a mix of the Sharingan and the Byakugan in some sort of ways. Not only this but I can give my life energy to others but I don't remember if I can take life energy.

Now the deal is I want to kill Ranmaru and take his eyes, but that's being a little too hasty. I could keep him alive after all.

I'm planning to make my own little city so I could make him a subordinate and let him impregnate a few woman to continue on his dojutsu. This could make my own dojutsu clan in my city with me fully in control of them which is nice.

Plus I could take his eyes but keep him alive and give him different ones. It's not like he needs it anyways, so I could do this after I kill Raiga.

That's if I kill Raiga.


[A/N: Give my [Pokemon: Aichi Sendou] fanfic some power stones, as I want to get the total amount of stones as high as I can. Appreciate!]