Assassination of a Rogue [54]

"It's been a while Ikka, hopefully you've been satisfied with my services." A man with a slim but fit figure and green hair exclaims in a cocky tone.

"You've not done anything bad so far, as long as you keep on supporting us you can get all you desire Aoi" The man I identified to be Wagarashi Ikka says with a dirty look. Ikka grabbing something out of his pocket, gets a grim look for a split second before reverting it back to a greedy expression.

Looking over to the two men talking, I start to frown. Together with my target were two civilian women with one hugging Aoi but other keeping a distance.

Seeing this I got a little curious. But keeping my curiosity at bay I focused on their conversation.

'I forgot they were in cahoots with each other, I watched the filler for the land of tea but I usually do extra activities like clash of clans when I watch fillers.' I think to myself as I blend into the surroundings. Looking over at Aoi's right pocket, I spot a handle tucked in with his hand. It seemed that Aoi made it a habit to have his hand in his pocket to not lose to weapon.

In all fairness this is quite smart as his overall fighting capabilities would be downgraded if he did lose it. The sword is basically a constant A-rank jutsu into a sword's blade.

If the Sword of the Thunder God was lost, then he would be reverted to a Chunin. Which is around a C to B-rank threat which is still quite strong.

It is still to be noted that even if you have a bloodline, not everyone can get Chunin or higher which could be seen in every clan in Konoha.

The most common rank is Genin for a reason.

"Here's your months pay, I'll see you next time." Ikka says nervously. Aoi taking the money, parts away from the "glorified bandit" and heads towards an in.

Silently following them from a safe distance, I take off my headband.

-POV Aoi Rokushou-

"Get a move on." I grumpily say. Shoving the woman to my right in front of me.

"Eek!" The girl shrieks at my push.

I'm still pissed off at that Ikka guy, I realised that I haven't forgotten what that old hag tried. Thinking he's something when he's not.

'The Wagarashi family is lucky I don't want to manage a whole buisness for money, or else they would be wiped off the planet.' I think to myself.

Responsibility is the worst.

Silently grumbling to my myself, I make my way into the inn with these two ladies that were in their mid 20s who were "given" to me by my investors

Like any unfortunate woman who couldn't take care of themselves, these two had a debt they couldn't pay off.

"I want the best room you have." I say with a little bit of pressure emanating from me. The person behind the desk losing their droopy expression and hurriedly takes a key under the desk.

"That will b-"

"Just take this." I say in a hurry. Shoving some money on the desk, my body proceeds to speed walk towards the hallways after taking the keys.

'It's good that I hid the fact I was a sensor at Konoha.'

Feeling the chakra signature that's just about larger than my reserves, a sweat drop goes down my face.

'He seems pretty short though, I haven't made any enemies so far in terms of villages and my bounty isn't big enough for any big dogs to come after me.'

Walking through the hallway of the inn, I make a sharp turn to the right. Seeing that there were other people chatting while walking next to us, I take the opportunity to talk.

"Listen closely, I'll only do it once with you guys because I'm not really feeling it today. But you have to listen to my orders." I say intimidating the two next to me. The girls just nodding their heads, keep on walking while shaking from time to time.

Konoha is the only village out for me right now and I can cross out rogues and other villages then.

The guy is most likely a kid seeing his height.

From Konoha.

I'm not sure if he's part of the hunter-nin section of Konoha, but from what I know. The Anbu is just a myth and not totally real.

Chakra reserves higher than my Chunin reserves.

A bit of a rookie in stealth and hiding his chakras

There's only one person I can think of.

'A certain genius has been talked about recently.' I think to my self with a wide grin.

"How interesting."

-POV Raiden Shimura-

Sending Aoi's chakra entering a room, I start to position myself next to his window without showing myself.

'Their about to do "that" aren't they.' I think to myself. Well this is quite the ideal situation to kill him.

From what I've been taught, it's not a good idea to kill a person while they're having sex. This is because their senses are heightened due to their chakra spiralling because of the activity. So this actually makes things like perception and reaction time faster.

I'll just have to wait it out till he finishes his business with those women. I'm no saint, there's no point saving them if it could get me killed.

Freeing them is an option after the kill though.

-40 minutes later-

'It seems like they're finished.'

Seeing no more movement in the room, I take a peek from the windows discreetly. Looking into the room, I spot a bed with Aoi facing the opposite direction while holding a woman with the other one facing flat on the bed.

The best way to kill him right now would probably be a combination of [Chidori], [Swift Release] and a kunai.

Its speed might take a hit because of it impacting the glass, but most of its momentum should stay anyways.

Channeling some chakra to my pinky finger, a white smoke engulfs my hand as I feel the cold steel of a kunai.

Using [Chidori] on the kunai, I stick to the wall and throw it with precise accuracy.


The noise breaking the glass immediately hits my ears with another noise soon after.




[A/N: Happy Easter y'all, I've gotten 2 extra chapters made and will be uploaded in the coming days. I will be stacking up on more and more chapters muhahahah!]