The Reward of Battle [55]

'Somethings not right?' I think to myself before widening my eyes the next second. Using [Body Flicker] I get behind a tree and use [Transformation] to change my hair colour and face.

Two civilian chakra signatures ran to the side of the room with one staying on the bed.

Sensing Aoi's chakra in the room still healthy and going, I summon my katana on my right hand and a few kunai on my left hand.

*Slash* *Slash*

On the wall I was just on, two clean sword cuts with were seen in an X position. Soon after this a foot kicks down the middle making a small entrance.

Without waiting any further, I throw three [Chidori] kunai with swift release towards the smoke.

"Damn!" A voice practically hisses in pain. Summoning another senbon on my left hand, I throw it with [Chidori] toward Aoi's chakra signature.


A tile on the floor cracks as the body of Aoi bursts above the smoke with his signature umbrella.

'Shit he still has that move.' I curse inwardly remembering the anime.

Channeling more chakra, I [Body Flicker] a decent distance to my left to avoid the barrage of senbon.

"Not bad, Raiden Shimura." Aoi casually says while landing with a wide grin. Hearing this my heart skips a beat with my body pausing.

Aoi with a kunai stuck into his left leg takes advantage of my pause. He jumps into the air once again to do his signature senbon shower.

Fortunately for me though I use [Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall] without any hand signs to save myself. Without even a second to lose, Aoi uses the Sword of the Thunder God to slide down my earth wall and sprints towards me.

*Ting* *Swoosh*

Aoi and I had a little back and forth in kenjutsu until I found an opening. Because of his reliance in his weapon, I guess he never got too good at kenjutsu this early on into his betrayal.


"Shit!" Aoi curses as he puts his left hand on the slash on right shoulder. Right after this my thoughts get distracted by a sound in my head.

*dub* *dub* *dub*

'That sounds like a heart beat' I think to myself, soon after realising it was Aoi's my eyes widen in surprise. 'But wait there's another one?' I question.

Preparing a [Rasengan] in my left hand, I feel Aoi's heart beat go haywire. With the smoke starting to dissipate, I figure out that Aoi is a sensor due a few observations.

Using swift release and [Body Flicker], I get behind them. Aoi sensing my movements moves the woman in front of me making me pause.

'Fuck, why am I hesitating!' I scream inwardly as Aoi takes advantage of my pause to slash me with the Sword of the Thunder God


With a vertical gash on my torso with a decent amount of bleeding. My brain clocks into overtime and my adrenaline guides me.

'It doesn't matter if they're innocent. TO SURVIVE.'

After making up my mind, I shrug off the shock and use swift release to get in front of the two and use [Rasengan] on the woman which soon after eliminated Aoi.


The surrounding area wasn't given any mercy as a gap of 20 metres long and 5 metres wide plagued the area just hit with the chakra spiral.

"I will live." I murmur with a dead look.

This battle may have not been quiet, but it has made an impact and later made the monster that will be known by many…

The nightmare that plagues the enemies of Konoha…

Silently using the [Body Flicker] after picking up the Sword of the Thunder God, I get to a secluded place to patch up my scar.

-Danzo POV-

"Shimura-sama, a letter has arrived from young master." I hear Rat say in a neutral voice. Looking to my side, I take the letter and open it up.


Dear Grand-Uncle

I wish to take over a country called the Land Of Waves. This is so I can take over the business of a person called Gato, I don't want him dead though. He will be used as a puppet to make more money until I'm able to take over in 5 years time. The land not only has heaps of trading routes through the waters that could lands us heaps of cash but also people with loyalty to give.

Hopefully you can hear out my request and give me some help with this endeavour.



'I should spoil my heir a little bit more, I've kind of been neglecting him since giving him those three kids.' I think to myself.

"Rat, send a single Jounin from the the takeover corps and the illusion corps."

Rat hearing this, nods and [Body Flicker]'s out of my room.

It shouldn't be too time consuming to take over a whole country like the Land of Waves. From what I know no one there is over Jounin besides a few rogue shinobi.

"Money is great but power is better." I murmur as I start to relax into my chair.

I'm not sure what so special about that country besides the money but we will see. My heir isn't so stupid to waste my time after all.

-POV Karin Uzumaki (Five Years Later)-

"Naruto get your ass over here!" I shout. Naruto with a pumped up look, runs over to my side as we headed over to the academy.

Today was the day we would do the final exams to graduate from the academy!

I've been waiting so long for this. Master told me to stay in the academy and wait, but I've "secretly" been jealous of Asashi and Guren who were already in Masters squad.

Asashi joined Master first as an apprentice with Guren joining the year after.

It's not fair I tell you.

Asashi and Guren are already Chunin so I'm not sure who's team I'll be on. They've made soo much progress without me, it makes me wanna smack Asashi for some reason.

Walking through the busy hallways of the academy as it's crunch time. We finally made it to class.

"I'll see you later Karin." Naruto says with a grin as he rushes next to the emo with onyx eyes. Sighing at his seating choice, I walk over to the back of the class next to Hinata.

'Why would any idiot sit next to Sasuke of all people, he's like the cringiest guy I know.'

Taking a seat I greet Hinata with a smile.

"You ready for the exams?" I question.

"I sure am, hopefully I will get first place to impress Rei." I hear Hinata say in a gently but determined tone. With a smile on my face at the cute Hyuga's words, someone started to tap my shoulders

"Can I sit here?" A person with a more soft spoken voice says. Turning around I see the person I've befriended before called Sakura.

She was another friend I made through her knowing Raiden and Hinata. Sakura and I went through some kind of "test" with Hinata to see if we were "good" enough for Raiden, but thankfully we "passed" her test.

'Her eyes were really creepy when she conducted her little test.' I think to myself with a little shiver. With Sakura taking a seat to my left, Iruka-sensei arrived a few minutes after.

"Alright guys we will start the test as soon as I say Start! Okay?" He announced as he placed test papers on everyone's desks. The whole class proceeded to nod as we waited for his signal.
