Five Years Later, Graduation! [56]

-(Still) POV Karin Uzumaki-

Everybody flipping over their papers, started to write the basic stuff like the date and names first. There were a few insane people that went straight into the questions though.

Looking back down to my desk, I flip over my own test in complete confidence.

'Master told me I could of graduated at the age of eight if I really tried. So this will be a cake walk!' I pump myself up as I finish writing my name down.

Going through the first few questions, they were pretty basic with some maths.

Honestly maths is really fun, I don't get why kids in my class hate it so much.

The next few questions related to the history of Konoha and some facts about the great shinobi wars.

'Who was known as the "Shinobi no Kami?'

Reading this out in my head I ponder over what to answer. It seemed to be a trick question with two answers.

Obviously the third Hokage was called that at one point but the first Hokage was as well.

'I'll just answer with both names.' I think to myself proudly.

Master personally helped and taught me most of my academic knowledge! He didn't do this for Guren and Asashi for some reason though.

After answering the rest of the papers which included some real life shinobi scenarios, I easily breezed through the test and handed in the papers.

'They seem to be doing fine.' I think to myself seeing Naruto and Choji "diligently" doing their work

Naruto was a hard one to teach but we were able to stick some knowledge and chakra control exercises witht he help of peer pressure with Shikamaru.

So he should be fine. But I'm a little worried for Choji, the man's the definition of a gently giant. I don't actually "care" for him much as Master has said it's bad, but he's still a clan heir and would be a good friend to have.

Some more minutes went by and the test finally ended. We ended up doing target practise for the third test with me smashing it with a 10/10 for kunai and senbons.

Everyone did pretty well with the highlights of this test being Shikamaru throwing five at one time and hitting all the targets. Hinata did the same but with only one hand for all 10 senbon and kunai.

Not sure how her gentle hands held 10 kunai and senbon at once but I'll not question it.

The last test was for our ninjutsu prowess with the basic three academy jutsus. I was already sure I would be okay as I learned all of them and mastered later on at the age of 7-8.

So not much of a biggie there.

With my name being close to the last of the role, in boredom I looked outside the window with an uninterested look.

"Choji, you passed!"

"… pass!"


"Shikamaru pass."

"Sasuke pass."

"Hinata pass."

This kept on going untill I heard a farmiliar name.

"Naruto Uzumaki." Iruka sensei shouts out as the blonde kid giddily walks to the private room. Seeing this my eyes clench a little.

"What did you do in the test?" I asked Hinata curiously. Hinata looking over at me ponders a little before answering.

"We had to put our hands into a box and by chance pick 2 out of the 3 ninjutsu we know. Then perform them back to back or at the same time." She explained in detail. Hearing this I went back to being uninterested

They seemed to have made the test more lax compared to what master has told me. For him he had to go through C-rank jutsus.

But this could be because he was graduating early though as I've never heard of the requirements he did for his test before.

With the clock ticking down slowly, I hear the door slide open to see the burst of sunshine with a bright smile.

"Hey guys, Shikamaru, Choji. I did it!" Naruto shouted in excitement. With his turn over, I was directly next as the teacher proceeded to call out my name.

"Karin Uz- Shimura, it's your turn." I hear Iruka say with a stutter. Standing up from my seat, I made my way into the room and greeted the judges.

"Hello Karin, today you will pick two papers from this box as you've probably already heard from other students. And perform the ninjutsu back to back or in a combo." Mizuki sensei says with an obvious frown on his face. Iruka hearing this nods and looks over at me with gleaming eyes.

'What wrong with this doofus.' I think to myself as I stick my hand into the box. Picking out two seperate papers, I read out the ninjutsu.

"[Transformation] and [Clone]."

With a smile on my face. Without hand signs, proceed to make 20 clones with half of them being a perfect copy of Iruka and Mizuki sensei.

Both of them with their jaws wide open, proceed to just point to the headbands in the small containers without much movement.

'Hmm, I like the neck one the most.' I say to myself as I grab a dark purple sash with a metal plate with the Konoha symbol on it.

Walking out of the room with a smile, I quietly go back to sit next to Hinata and start to chat with her and Sakura.

-POV Raiden Shimura-

"Sir, you're daily report."

Looking over to my left I spot a familiar person [Body Flicker] to my side.

"Thanks Bird." I respond, taking the documents. Taking a peek at the papers. I see the report on the Land of Waves and bits of information about what Gato has been up to.

I've finaly been given my own team of Jounins and Chunins so my authority is getting higher the older I get.

Managing a country is no easy task to be fair. Not like I'm managing much though haha.


Gato has hired a few rogue ninjas:

The Demon brothers (Mid Genin)

Zabuza (Elite Jounin)

Zabuza's accomplice (Low-Mid Chunin)


Seeing this a smile appears on my face.

'I guess it's time to start my plan.' I think to myself.

Instead of letting Team 7 save the Land of Waves. I'll go there and take the glory and "save" them. This will include providing resources and setting up camp.

Of course I'll need that bridge gone though…

Can't have people migrating now.


[A/N: Bro I setup a date for a chapter to upload yesterday and it didn't upload bruh. I was so confused on why there was no comments but got home late and slept]

[Insert Random Meme for fun]