As Quinlan and Lenaas left the room Tana began to eye her new ward wondering how someone so young could be made a Jedi Knight and so begged to ask the question that had been on her mind since Quinlan had told her that bit of information " So are you really a Jedi Knight and not just Quinlans padawan?" Thann looked at the wall considering if he should answer her or just let her think whatever she wanted but then again he knew that one day he would be on his own and he needed to learn to stand up for himself so he decided to answer her " I was just promoted to Knighthood recently and considered the youngest to achieve the rank in the past century but I do have the skills, your companion learned that earlier," he said with finality.
Tana was amazed at the young man's arrogance or so she thought and that was what Thann wanted her to see since he himself had not had many interactions with the opposite gender outside the Temple but he did remember what his masters words at the beginning of his apprenticeship " never assume that you have the upper hand in a situation at the same time don't let it show and always act as if you hold all the cards especially when it comes to women it'll make you seem mysterious." Something the young Jedi never fully understood but he with what he did he used it to the best of his advantage and did so in this very situation. Tana sill couldn't make much of her visitor then she noticed her stomach was growling in fact she saw Thann glance her way when it happened making her feel suddenly embarrassed and caused her to go to the cabinets in search of food.
Elsewhere Quinlan was just barely making it through the door to the sabacc game and had to turn in his blaster on the way in as well as the bag of credits that Tana had given him to the security in charge of holding everyone's bet money and took his seat at the table scoping out where the money was being, which was heavily guarded by another five security officers which scratched on of Quinlans plans which was to steal the money by mind tricking one of the guards but with that many guards they would notice if someone tried walking off with the money so he'd have to rely heavily on his skills and he hoped that no one here was at the pro level which he would know by how the first hand was played.
After the first few hands Quinlan was beating everyone at the table but he knew that the odds could easily change and so he decided that by the next hand he'd withdraw with his winnings at least he hoped they would let him, " Well folks i think that it's time I withdraw." Quinlan said as he began to grab his chips when suddenly the man sitting next to him motioned for him to stay seated where he was at and said " Until everyone here is done playing then you can leave, but not anytime before so you can deal the next hand or are you scared?" Quinlan knew that his leaving might ruffle some feathers especially since he was one of the few with the most chips at the table and would walk away with quite a bit of the others money which the others hoped that his luck would start running out and they could win back their money but it would not be so since Quinlan decided that if he was going to be made to stay he would leave with all that had been bet.
A couple of hours later and after quite a few players had left and only two others remained Quinlan was about to strip the last two of their chips one of the security officers did their best to walk up to Quinlans backside quietly with his blaster drawn hoping to catch the man unawares but what the security officer didn't count on was the man's ability to use the force when he suddenly found his blaster flying out of his hand and into Quinlan's out stretched palm and then he simply put the blaster on the table leaving the two other players with their jaws gaping wide open at the sudden situation and decided that playing against their opponent was pointless and so the threw the rest of their chips to him and got up and left the table, and so Quinlan got up and collected his winnings along with his blaster which he suspected he would be using within the time he left the front door, still and so he kept it in his hand as he walked out of the building.
As Quinlan was walking out the door his danger sense began to pick up and then suddenly blaster fire began to rain down around him as others began to rush him out of the shadows causing Quinlan to use the force to jump out of the way and to where his speeder was parked and jumped again into the front seat and hit the start button on the engine which turned on smoothly with no issues and so he pulled out quickly as his enemies continued shooting at him so he had to drive the first few moments without looking using the force to guide his actions so that he wouldn't hit anyone in the lanes and hoping that no one had decided to pursue him or things would get more complicated.
Thann was eating his food when he sensed Quinlans presence and so he stopped eating and began walking to where he'd seen Lenaas take Quinlan when he left and but Thann also sensed danger so he had his lightsaber on him ready for what may come which he soon found out were a bunch of thugs on a swoop bike and so he activated the blade just as Quinlan was about to land. Vos saw Thann waiting for him with his blade at the ready and when he landed he jumped out of the speeder and took cover behind it as his pursuers began to come within range of his weapon and when the first one was close enough he fired the first shot hitting the man square in the chest while Thann used the force to throw the swoop bike at those her were following behind their leader causing some to swerve and crash into the surrounding buildings
Thann knew that he was pushing himself to go farther than he had ever before since he'd never had to be in this type of situation but he did what he thought his master would do and so he took control of the rest of the of the riders bikes and threw them along with their riders into the surrounding buildings that he noticed were empty so no innocents would get hurt or so he thought until he saw people running from the building which caused Thann to change the direction mid-throw into the ground causing the one incident he wanted to avoid, the death of others, but in this situation it couldn't be avoided and so he began to feel the deaths of Quinlans pursuers which caused him to feel pangs in his heart since he was doing his best to keep in check how he uses his abilities.
After everything had settled down and those that had survived had been put in restraints Thann met up with Quinlan back at Tana's to report in what he had learned after questioning one of the attackers which might make their upcoming job as security for Tana but first he needed to give Quinlan the information to determine what steps they needed to take. " So now we've got the Black Sun on our butts that's just great well at least we know who's hunting us so thanks for that Thann." Quinlan said while looking in the younger Jedis direction and caught him deep in thought which Quinlan could sense that what had just transpired affected his younger counterpart and how he didn't know so he took it upon himself to find out " Thann are you ok?" Thann looked up from where he was and looked at Quinlan and saw the questioning look on his face so Thann tried to put together in words what he was feeling " I wanted to avoid ending peoples lives and what happened earlier bothers me but I know that sometimes death is necessary I just don't like being the one causing it even if it saves my life." Quinlan understood where Thann was coming from and what he felt was something that he had dealt with when he was a young knight himself "Thann I can't say that you'll ever get used to it, but you have to remember that within keeping the peace you or someone else will either give their life voluntarily or involuntarily just know that whatever the force wills just do your best to follow it." Those words soothed Thann's heart to some degree but still he kept what had happened as remembrance to not abuse his powers.