Home Sweet Home!

I pulled out the various jars of ingredients that Candice and her family had sent me. On the kitchen counter, there was a jar of sun dust, a jar of fairy wings, a jar of the egg shaped parasite, a jar of every ingredient that I had encountered on Aquarius. Along with the jars was a note written on the receipt from Ken and his family thanking me.

On the day we left Aquarius, I was wearing a mask as we tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. When going up the escalator, I had seen quite a crowd of people heading into the hotel street, and I couldn't help but be happy for the family. Or rather, happy for their business.

When we returned to Mors, the first thing we did was head to the warehouse to retrieve our car. Settling on the driver's seat, I felt the fatigue from so many days of working single mindedly on research for the stream. Sazzy had glanced at me for a split second before suggesting we buy takeout from that store we visited before. Their food was really good after all.

I nodded my head, drove the car out of the warehouse and into a parking spot. Then we went out to eat lunch. Walking through the AT center, I noticed that there was a familiar new product on sale in some of the stores. It was the mixture of red berries and rain powder.

We visited the store and ordered two different dishes, then drove home. The moment we reached home, we immediately headed to bed after eating and blacked out for a whole day.

It was currently three days after coming back, and Margret had asked me to bring the jar of poison over to their house for a closer look. When we returned, the first thing I did was to pack it into a box with lot's of packaging to ensure it wouldn't break and hide it deep in a drawer. Taking that ticking time bomb out, I kept away all the ingredients sent, and prepared some fried fairy wings as a visiting gift, as well as prepared some kimchi that I planned to share with Jenny and her family.

Stepping into the car, Sazzy held onto our gifts and the poison jar while I drove over.

Reaching near the village, we got out of the car and set it to parking mode. Then we walked the rest of the way to Jenny's house.

"Did you bring food!"

Running up to me enthusiastically, Jenny was staring holes into the box of fried fairy wings. I handed over the box to her and she grabbed my hand and dragged me into her house.

Waving her hand to chase Jenny to the kitchen to wash her hands, Margret gestured for me to sit down at their dining table.

I sat and handed her the jar. The sides of the jar were wrapped with opaque tape, and opening the lid, Margret stared down at the liquid then shook her head.

"I've never seen this liquid in my life."

Jack walked in from one of their rooms and saw the jar Margret was holding. She passed it to him and he too peered into the liquid, then made a thoughtful expression.

"Could you lend us this liquid for several months? I was thinking that even if the Venenum could not recognize this liquid, the Media Luna or the Flucius people may be able to recognize it. But where did you find this jar? The war was 120 years ago. "

Skipping some of the more intimate details, I briefly explained what happened to Ken, his sister Barbie, as well as the tragedy that occurred to them. And of Ken's request.

Margret and Jack shared a look with each other.

"We do not know how to destroy this since we have never seen it, but since it involves our ethnic group as well as most of the ethnic groups in Mors, we will try our best to identify what this is. Once we know, we will immediately tell you so you can relay it to him. We are so sorry for his plight."

Margret shook her head in sadness and Jack left us to safe-keep the jar. Lest Jenny gets her hands onto it.

And just in time too, as the moment Jack left the room Jenny came running at full speed back into the living room with wet hands. She opened the box she had left in on the table, and grabbed a stick and started munching onto it.

"Alex, I watched your livestream at Aquarius! In fact, all of us watched it! Mom even planned a visit to Aquarius to buy some fried fairy wings as well as some starry sky soup! And also to buy some ingredients so we can cook some of the dishes ourselves!"

Placing her hand on Jenny's head, Margret announced that they were no longer visiting Aquarius. When faced with Jenny's sad pouting face, Margret just said that it was not the most appropriate time for them to go.

Helping Margret to comfort Jenny, since it was partially my fault for getting them involved in this investigation, we played in the woods until the sun started setting before I went home.

In the car on the way home, I received a message on my personal terminal. It was from Josh.

"Hello Chef! My Jolt name is Lupus, but you can call me Josh! I assume DogPot has given a brief explanation of the favor I would like to ask of you but I want to discuss the details with you a little more!"

"Hello Josh. You can also refer to me as Alex, and yes I have heard a little bit about the favor, and I am interested in heading over to Ferus."

"Great! Thank you for being interested in Ferrus! The thing is, similar to Aquarius, Ferus' reputation with food isn't really the best. Furthermore, unlike Aquarius who can still allow locals to support themselves with the sale of trinkets, native produce or international food, Ferus doesn't really have much to offer in terms of produce, and the majority of the public are quite scared and do not come to Ferus. "

"However, reputation aside, the more pressing reason would be that we need a more diverse food menu here. Due to being pressured for food due to the larger and more stronger predators here, a lot of international foods are not allowed to be brought out of the barrier, and even if they could the lack of tourists means that the locals do not have enough money to live inside the barrier forever. Since you have proven to be quite resourceful at hybridizing ingredients, I was wondering whether you could come to Ferus to create or find new innovative ways that can help make finding food a little easier for us."

Apart from the long messages explaining his favor, Josh also sent a list of necessary vaccines to get before arriving on Ferus.

"If possible, I hope to discuss with you a fixed date of arrival so I can collect you from the AT center in Ferus. The village we are heading to does not hold much UC, and does not use much UC since we mostly scavenge in order to survive. So you might need to buy all your necessities before leaving the AT center. I'll send you a list of must haves later."

While we were discussing the details, we arrived home. Sazzy conscientiously brought the snacks Margert had passed us before we left and placed them on the kitchen counter. At this moment, Josh and I had already decided on a prospective date to meet. Next week, after my personal stream and after allowing us to warm up our beds at home for a while.

Putting away my personal terminal, I went to the kitchen counter and kept the snack. I also took out some of the ingredients we were given by Candice. Tonight, I was planning on making some fish soup and fried eggs for dinner.

Hearing the menu, Sazzy jumped in joy as she got ready the bowls.

While cooking, I was thinking of the plans up until next week. Tomorrow would be a break, followed by the personal stream which would probably include fish soup, fried fairy wings as well as fried eggs. Maybe we could add some red wood clams to the mix. Then after the stream, I need to get vaccinated. One of the vaccinations needs 2 doses, with an interval of 2 days. Then I also needed to buy some equipment for Ferus. Overall, maybe I could take it easy for around 3 days before we had to head out again.

Scooping the soup into the bowl and holding one stick of fried fairy wings, I munched on the food as I wrote down the list of things to do on a memo pad in my personal terminal. Then after filling Sazzy in, we both talked a little before going to bed. The following week was definitely going to be quite busy.