Legal Trouble

I put the fairy wings in the fryer as I pulled up the chat.

'NeverTooPoorToEat' sends 10 volts : Welcome back Chef! How was Aquarius?

"Thank you NeverTooPoorToEat! Aquarius was quite fun, although I spent most of my trip there inside a kitchen so I didn't manage to see much of the planet."

ThinkOfMyStomach : Same. I haven't ventured out of the AT center at Aquarius before. But the food at the shopping district and commercial district is quite tasty! Although the majority of it is international food.

GiveThisDogSomeFood : Chef! I saw the articles say that you left the barrier! How was it outside the AT center?

"Hmmm. Well, once you know how to remove the parasites, outside the AT center isn't really that scary. But you still shouldn't roam around carelessly! I don't know much about the forest there, but to be safe, if you want to go out you should probably talk to some of the locals there and try to hire them as guides. Ken has told me before that if you ask the store owners, they would be pretty happy to show you the outside world for a small fee. Just not overnight though."

GiveThisDogSomeFood : Ooooh! Thanks Chef, next time I go there, I'll try and get outside the barrier!

AllOfYouStayBack : Speaking of barriers, I am sure Chef has heard of the new barrier being constructed at Mor's AT center right? How do you feel about it?

Reading this comment, I looked back at Sazzy who was on standby. Immediately, I received a message on my personal terminal.

Going to the messages page, I saw the article that she had sent. 'Tourists poisons herself trying to pick berries on Mors'


Opening it up, the first sentence of the article explained that a tourist, inspired by my streams, tried to pick some poisonous berries to use for cooking since she thought that the berries sold at the trading area were too expensive for something that could be obtained for free in the wild. She then promptly poisoned herself by touching some berries barehanded and this incident was reported to the authorities at the AT center.

"That tourist...they really shouldn't have done that."

AllOfYouStayBack : Well, at least the poisoning was not too severe. Also, the official in charge of Mors has used this case to petition for a grant to install barriers and security checks to ensure nobody goes out to poison themselves, as well as to make sure nobody tries to sneak poison out of Mors.

GiveThisDogSomeFood : Talk about time! Rather, Chef, did the Boss not update you on this news?

Taking the fried fairy wings and plating them, I sent one plate into the taste analyzer and put the other plate on the kitchen counter. I then made my way to the pot of fish soup and scooped up a bowl.

Thinking deeply on how to answer, or avoid this question, I served up a bowl of fish soup and then headed to where the red wood clams were being cooked on the grill.

"Now let us check up on the red wood clams."

Let's just ignore it!

Heading out onto the grill, Sazzy controlled the drone camera to follow me, and I checked on the clams.

Suddenly, there was something black at the top of my vision and I looked up to be greeted by a large spaceship descending onto the beach in front, well back, of my house.

The spaceship was a kind of trapezoid shape, and out of it came two people dressed in dark blue uniforms carrying weapons I did not recognize but I instantly knew were dangerous.

[It's the Space police. Don't panic, since they are visible, we probably didn't break any laws. Probably. I'll go turn down the fires and all.]

Standing still and turning the grill heat lower, I waited patiently for the dark blue figures to come over.

"Hello Chef. We are from the local police station, and we are here to discuss something with you. If you could leave your drone camera out of this conversation, it's private."

Sazzy opened up her personal terminal and drove the drone away.

Once the drone disappeared into the house, one of the two police officers pulled out his personal terminal and started talking.

"Just now, the local police station received a call warning us that at this location there was someone who was conducting some illegal activities. However, due to your popularity and based on past experiences, our station has been keeping an eye out for any claims that involve your address."

The officer showed me a document on his personal terminal.

"According to Act 21288 of the intergalactical law for order, any celebrity or public figure who has suspicions of having their address maliciously reported can leave their address at the nearest local police station to ensure that public resources are not being misused."

He pointed to a line right next to many lines, then flipped to a consent form.

"Could I ask Ms Alex to sign this agreement form that will allow the police to ignore your address on any reports, in exchange for occasional unreported check-ups."

Sending the form over to my personal terminal, the police officer then tipped the cap of his uniform.

"Of course this doesn't have to be done immediately. It can be filled at the police station anytime you please."

Nodding my head, the two police officers tipped their caps and left.

Forwarding the consent form to Sazzy, she controlled the drone to join us again.

WoofWoofGimmeFood : What happened? I thought I saw the Space Police?

AllOfYouStayBack : Did the Chef or Boss get into any trouble?

HaHaHaILaughAtYou : Is Chef alright?

Reassuring the viewers, I turned on the heat on the grill again and resumed the stream. Trying not to let the police visit dampen the atmosphere, I joked around with the viewers, served all the dishes, and then ended the stream.

The moment I set aside the drone camera, Sazzy had jumped up from her seat and ran towards me.

[During the stream, I was reading through the contract as well as researching. It turns out, this contract is official and it's something quite normal among streamers. However, just to be safe, maybe you should contact Samuel.]

Agreeing with her, I sent a message to Samuel about the situation and received an immediate response.

"I had to sign one of those too, although that was much longer into my career. Anyway, the contract should be the same for all streamers they give it to. There are several points you need to pay attention to before you sign it. First, is that most police reports like terrorist attacks or bomb threats and the like that try to incriminate you are treated with more suspicion. However, this does not mean that you are suddenly immune to the law. In exchange, the police are allowed to automatically search you, and your house, without a warrant if there is evidence to prove that you are doing anything illegal. "

Samuel sent back a screenshot of a page of the contract with one of the sentences underlined in red.

"This is the most important point. That they can enter your house without a warrant. In the present, with most police officers being slightly more trustworthy, signing such a contract would be negligible to your safety. Make sure to only submit this to your local police station though. Police from other sectors still need a warrant to search your house."

"Now, if we look two sentences down, there is another important condition. It states that your livestreams, in the event you are caught breaking the law, can be used to incriminate you. Furthermore, the police have the permission to access your Jolt.kek livestream archives without informing you beforehand if they suspect you of committing any crimes."

"The rights you are giving up may seem quite harsh, but in this kind of age where death threats and finding out your personal information is incredibly easy, there is more benefit to signing it. Most likely, there might be some surveillance cameras installed around your house. Especially with how famous you are right now. Don't worry, the police will inform you where the cameras are and where they capture, and you have the ability to influence their position as well. They are also not allowed to place any cameras that can capture too much of the interior of your house, and no cameras are allowed in your house. Make sure you remember this."

Samuel replied and then even sent a small memo that had all the important points summarized.

"Although this seems very serious, I don't mean to scare you, and it is all up to you in the end. I recommend you sign it."

After saying that, he went offline.

[He's telling the truth, look.]

Sazzy sent me several articles that sent shivers down my spine. Looking back at the contract, I sighed and sat down at the kitchen counter to comb through it. Sazzy sat beside me to help. It looks like there's an additional task for this week. To visit the police station.