Chapter 3 Master Ricky

He had his release and pulled out of me .

"Now you're gonna satisfy me" He said and dragged me by the hair till I knelt down and he pushed his dick into my mouth .

Out of frustration I bit him .

"Fuck!" He grunted and pulled out of me .

He put on his trousers and left the room and I sighed in relief .

Few minutes later , a woman barged into my room with some clothes .

"How dare you bite the master's dick" The woman said and slapped me on the face .

She pulled my hair and I screamed in pain as more tears rolled down my face .

"Put this on and come downstairs in two minutes " She ordered and I proceeded to put on the clothes .

I came downstairs and saw the maids lined up .

I joined the queue since I was in a maids uniform too.

"What's your name ?" The woman who slapped me asked .

"My name is Rita" I replied and heard murmuring among the maids .I expected that reaction anyway .

I was a popular actress for hell sake!.

"Rita, you'll be cleaning the master's room every morning , while Bridget and Prisca will do that in the afternoon and night " She said and I nodded my head .She assigned other chores to me and dismissed us .

"How come she's a maid and she got a private room " I heard a voice say .

"I think she's a sex slave "Another replied .

"I wish I was in her shoes " The first voice said dreamily.

I walked into their midst and they sneered .

"Am Rita " I said

"Am Grace and this is Eunice " Grace said and Eunice gave a smile that wasn't a smile .

"You're an actress right ?" Eunice asked and I felt like my heart has just been prickled.

"Yeah but am no longer an actress "I replied with confidence .I won't let this low lives make a mockery of me . Their salaries for a year can't buy the half the clothes in my wardrobe at home .

"And why is that ?" Another maid asked .

"What's your name ?" I asked her .

"Becky " She replied

"The reasons are complicated " I replied her and left .

"Shws still proud of herself " I heard Grace say at my back .

At night

I pulled my maid uniform and put on a night gown .

The door opened and Richard barged into my room .

Fear gripped me but there's no way am letting him see that side of me .

"Strip !" He ordered and I did that immediately.

"You're getting bold huh ?" He smirked .

He tied my hands with a rope and tied my legs to the edges of the bed splitting my legs apart .

I felt embarrassed but there's nothing I could do .

He brought his belt and whipped my boobs and I screamed in pain .

He continued till I became voiceless then he pulled his briefs and rammed into me .

Harder than usual .It was obvious he's taking revenge on me .

He poured his seeds and began another session .

This continued several hours then he released me .

"Next time , don't make that kind of mistake again " He said to me and I only Smirked at him , which surprised him .

"I'll send you some pills , a wretched being like you can't carry my seeds " He said and left the room .

The tears I've been holding back , rained out of my eyes and I bit my lips . I've been reduced to a sex slave ,and that's my reality .

Few hours later , morning came and I went to his room to clean it .

I knocked and heard a " Come in " then I came in .

"Am here to clean the room sir " I said and he only nodded .

"Your sight alone keeps arousing me , now strip " He ordered.

"We did this all night and am here to do my work "I replied in a weak voice .

"Your basic work is to satisfy me and don't ever try to argue with me "

"But .." A slap landed on my face cutting my words short .

"Strip "He commanded and I pulled my clothes while he did his usual on me .

He dropped some pills for me and I took them with water before leaving the room .

I got to my room and stared at my face .

There were so many slap marks and tears rolled down my face .

This was the price I had to pay for a debt I knew nothing about .

I went to the kitchen to complete my chores and over heard the maids talking about me .

"I used to be a fan of her movies but now am not " I heard a maid say .

"She's nothing but an arrogant bitch " Another said and that's when I sneezed for them to notice my presence .

"Talking about me all day without doing any work will only result to you all loosing your jobs you know " I said and began tidying the kitchen .

"You might have been an actress or the daughter of the ex third richest man but now you're nothing but a maid ,and you ain't even the boss here . So I advice you cut down those wings of yours or they'll land you in trouble " The first voice said to me with a smirk .

"I wonder what's giving her the audacity , the fact that you're master's sex slave ?" The other chuckled and that's when I got furious .

"Master's sex slave ?I know that's your dream position so you can envy me all you want bitch !" I said to her she glared at me and I glared back .

The glaring completion ended when we saw the head maid coming towards our direction .

"Master Ricky is arriving today so hurry and prepare the dishes " She said and everybody got to work .

"Rita , you'll be serving the dishes when they're done " She said and left the kitchen .

"Oh my gosh ! Master Ricky is coming !" Eunice said dreamily .

"I have to rearrange my hair and pack it the best style " Grace said .

"Who's master Ricky " I asked Prisca

"That's master's younger brother "

"Oh ! so why's everyone acting like he's their crush " I asked

"You know nothing. Master Ricky takes any attractive maid to his bed and when they're done , he gives her a huge sum of money "

"In other words , they're gushing over being a slut" I said and they all turned at me .

"Why are you all staring at me like that when am saying nothing but the truth " I said and they all turned away while some snorted .

I don't know how long I can survive here .