Chapter 4 Love horror movies

A horn was heard and all the maids stood in a line outside the mansion with their head low .

A black car drove in and a guy I guessed to be Rick came out of the car .

I looked at the maids around me and noticed most of their faces were red .

This guy is not even as handsome as Richard ! Wait why am I comparing them .

"Are you new here ?" I heard him ask me .

"Yes sir " I replied and he winked at me while I rolled my eyes .

"Did you just roll your eyes at me ?" He asked with a frown .

"I don't know . Did I ?" I asked and the maids began to murmur .

The head maid walked to me and raised her hand to slap me when Master Rick held her hand to the surprise of everybody .

"You want to slap a person am having a conversation with in my presence ?"He asked with a stern face .

"Am sorry , master Rick . She was being disrespectful"

"That's enough . Get two glasses of wine to my room " He said to me and entered the mansion .

All the maids surrounded me with questioning eyes and I ignored them and left to carry out the work I was just assigned .

I got to the kitchen and poured the wine into the glasses and was about to leave when the head maid came into the kitchen .

"You must be rejoicing over what happened today but if you ever disrespect any of the masters, you will face my wrath " She said and left the kitchen .

Is it my fault someone came to my defence ? I wanted to scream .

I took the glasses and ascended the stairs when I saw Richard descending the stairs .

"Where are you taking those glasses to ?" He asked

"Am taking them to master Rick's room "I replied

"Why are you the one taking it there perhaps you want to seduce him ?" He asked and I gave him a glare .

"I'll take it from here " He said and took the tray of juice from me and I sighed in relief .

Richard got to Rick's room and opened the door to see him lying on the bed .

"You're back and didn't even bother to see me " Richard said .

"Well , you've seen me now why are you carrying those glasses? " Rick asked

"A servant was bringing two glasses of wine to your room . Who else will you drink with if not your brother ? the maid ?" Richard asked .

"Maybe . I just like her and wanted to know her better "

"That relationship is forbidden in this house " Richard said with a stern face .

"You don't forbid me making out with other ones , so why her ?" Rick asked .

"Her father owes me a big sum of money so she's paying the debt "

"Her face looks familiar"

"She's previously an actress "

"Yeah , I saw the news about her . She's got a very bad reputation " Rick said and noticed the smirk on his face .

"Don't tell me you had something to do with that " Rick said and Richard shrugged .

"I like her and I want her " Rick said

"Unfortunately, you can't have her and that's the end of this discussion" Richard said with a stern face .

"What's with the possessive attitude , I mean she's nothing to you other than a sex toy isn't it ?" Rick said and got no reply from Richard .

"Tell me how much her father owed you and I'll pay it " Rick said and Richard's countenance changed .

"I won't talk about this again " Richard said and left the room .

I wore my night gown and was staring at my reflection when I head a knock on the door .

I opened the door and saw master Rick .

"Can I come in ?" He asked and I nodded .

"My brother told me how you came to be his maid and am sorry about that " He said with a gentle voice .

"I don't want to talk about that "I told him and he nodded .

"I understand by the way , you're beautiful" He said and I smiled .

"Thanks " I replied him .

"How long have you been here ?"He asked .

"Few days " I replied .

"I got bored so I came to know if we can play a game " He said to my surprise .

"Am sorry but I can't play a game with you , master Rick "

"The master in your statement is to remind me of our positions isn't it ?" He asked and I smiled .

"You're a smart one " I said and we both laughed .

"So what's your kind of film "

"Horror . I love horror movies" I told him .

"Same but I love action more "He said and we began talking about other stuffs for more than an hour .

"I've got to go now , thanks for your company "He said

"No , am more thankful .This is the first time I laughed since I came here " I said and he smiled .

"Whenever you're bored or need someone to talk to , am always available" He said

"Thanks a lot "

"So we're friends?" He asked and extended his hands for a handshake .

"Friends" I replied and we shook hands .

I opened the door and he left . I was about to close the door when a hand pushed it back . My worst nightmare was standing right before me .

He pushed the door and I let him come inside then shut the door .

"He just arrived today and he's already seeing you at night .Are you that cheap ?"He asked

"Well if I was that cheap , you won't have taken me as an exchange for the sum my dad was owing you" I replied him and got a slap on my face .

"You don't talk back at me ! now strip " He ordered .

"Am weak " I replied .

"Cause he's stroked you down there isn't it ?" He asked with a wicked smile .

"I don't understand" I told him and he started walking towards me while I took some steps back till my back hit the wall .

"You're trying to tell me he didn't kiss you here ?"He asked and began to lick my neck gently .

"Huh ?"He asked but I didn't reply him .

He raised my gown and slipped his finger into my panty and rubbed my pussy .

"I don't want to do this , please " I said and he put two fingers into me and began to stroke me while I bit my lips .

There's no way am moaning for this beast .

"You don't want this cause am not Rick, isn't it ?"He asked with a smirk .

I don't understand why he's been talking about Rick since he came here.

"No , it's not that . I didn't even do anything with him "I replied .

"There's only one way to find out , now strip !"He ordered and a tear fell on my cheeks .

"Why do you enjoy hurting me ?" I asked him .

"What do you think ?"He asked

"Cause I showed you your place that night at the club?" I asked and he only smirked .

"I bought you with my money so you're mine and I don't like people touching what's mine " He said and held my hair while I snatched that from him .

"This should be the last time I see you with my brother or I'll fuck you and let my men have a taste of you too " He said and left the room and I collapsed on the floor as more tears fell from my eyes .