Chapter 12 Caroline

Rita's POV

"What do you mean my dear ?" Richard's grand pa asked .

"I am nothing but a slave to Sir Richard , so I have no rights to put on a good looking clothe "I replied .

"What nonsense ! Richard how dare you dress her in these cheap clothes to come and see me , have no you manners ?"He asked with anger .

"I did bought clothes for her but she gave it out to her colleagues in the mansion "Richard responded .

"By colleagues, do you mean the house servants ?"He asked and Richard nodded .

"Richard , you let my daughter in law work as a house maid even after I told you of the marriage plans , how do you expect the other maids to respect her when she finally weds you ?" He asked but got no reply from him .

"Sir, please I have a request "I said and gave me his attention .

"I don't want to marry Richard and about the debt my father is owing him , all I need is the sum and I'll arrange it "

"By arrange , you mean getting it from Rick ?"Richard asked and grand pa frowned .

"What's your relationship with Rick ?"Grand pa asked .

"Friends, we're just friends "I replied .

"Is that so ?"Grand pa asked and I nodded .

"You don't nod at me , you speak !"He ordered .

"Yes sir "I replied and Richard chuckled .

"You can also tell him how your friend got you the latest Samsung phone , I mean a friend you met few days ago " Richard said and Grand Pa turned to me with a curious stare .

"I needed a phone but he refused to give me one because of my slave status , so Rick got me one "I replied .

"Which I crushed on the road "He said and Grand Pa nodded .

Wait a second , is he supporting this monster ?

"Sir , can we just have a court wedding till things become better ?"I asked .

"Wish granted "He said and I heaved a sigh of relief .

"Caroline will be coming to the mansion tomorrow, along with Chloe . I trust you to keep the house in order " Grand Pa said but Richard said nothing .

"We'll leave now " Richard said and left .

"That boy wasn't this hard before . I trust you to keep him in check and bring out that locked part of himself" Grand Pa said to me .

"No problem, sir "I replied .

"Start going now before he leaves you "Grand Pa said with a chuckle .

"I'll just board a taxi if that happens "I said and he smiled before I left to catch up with Richard .

I got to the car and entered , then he drove off .

"We're going to the court in few days time . So be prepared " Richard said and I nodded .

"Who's Caroline?"I asked.

"You'll get to know her tomorrow "He replied and that's the end of our conversation till we got to the mansion .

I went to my room and had a nice bath to calm my self .

I came out of the bathroom with my towels on when I saw Richard sitting on my bed .

"Uhm.. What are you doing here ?" I asked .

"I have the right to come here whenever I want "He replied .

"But I should at least get some privacy , shouldn't I ?" I asked and he approached me .

"Of course , but right now I want you "He said and crushed his lips on mine . Kissing me slowly and passionately and I let myself loose around him .

I didn't know why though.

Suddenly my senses came back and I tasted the smell of alcohol in his mouth .

"You're drunk "I said but he said nothing and latched on my neck , licking it slowly .

"Stop this , you're not in your right state of mind "I said but instead he tugged at my towel and it fell from my body .

"You're beautiful , Rita "He said and I got surprised.

That's the first time he was complimenting me but then I remembered he's drunk and that's why he was talking like that . Richard in his right state of mind will never compliment me !

He held my breasts and squeezed my nipple making me to moan .

He carried me and dropped me on the bed and before I could sit up , he started kissing my lips again .

"You taste good "He said

"That's because you're drunk "I replied

Knock knock

I pushed him off me and began to put on my clothes .

"Who's that ?"He asked angrily .

"It is I , the head maid . Rita is needed for the preparation of Mrs Caroline's arrival " She replied .

"She's busy with something important" He said.

"Am coming now "I said and went for the door to leave .

"Where the fuck do you think you're going ?"He asked

and from the sound of his voice , it was obvious he's not drunk like before .

"Am going to do my job "I replied

"Your job is to satisfy me , don't you understand ?"He asked.

"I don't know who this Mrs Caroline is but she sounds like an important person and my colleagues will need my help "I replied

"All of that can wait , right now it's just you and me "He said and carried me to the bed again .

"Why did you drink till you became drunk ?"I asked

"My personal life has nothing to do with you . The only thing you should be thinking about is how to please my dick, that's why you're a sex toy "He smirked and a gush of pain hit my chest .

"Get off me "I said

"Why should I ? you were enjoying it before that old hag interrupted "He said and I pushed him with my have a but he didn't bulge .

"You have no right to push me off when my duck needs you !"He said and tore my skirt .

"I hate you !"I shouted and he shrugged

"You say that all the time "He said and began to unblock his trousers .

This panty looks good on you but it's getting on our way . He said and tore it too , leaving my lower part bare before him .

Without warning , he rammed into me and began to stroke me in a fast pace .

"I love this "He said and increased his pace .

I also love seeing your breasts dangle . He said and tore my shirt , then unhooked my bra forcefully .

"That's it "He said and continued from where he stopped till he released inside me .

He began to slap my breasts with one hand while stroking me with the other .

He squeezed my nipple tightly and I moaned in pain while he smirked .

He left me when he's done having fun with me and handed me a pill to take .

"Take this now , so my previous seeds doesn't grow in that caused womb of yours "He ordered and I drank it .

"You shouldn't have released it if you didn't want it to grow" I said and he left my room , while I limped painfully to my wardrobe to change into a new dress .