Chapter 11 Called off

Richard's POV

I've been very angry since Rita left my car to board a taxi . That was a big slap on my face .

I was passing the corridor when I over heard the servants praising Rita for the items she gave them.

Usually I would have over looked it but my curiosity got the bigger part of me and when I asked , I discovered she gave out all the items she bought with my own money !

I angrily barged into her room and met her wiping a tear from her eye . What's the tear for ? None of mu business anyway .

"Why did you give out the items you bought with my money to the maids ?"I asked, trying to control my anger .

"Cause I realised a slave like me shouldn't be putting on those kind of clothes and I promise to refund the money spent on purchasing them " She said boldly .

"And where are you going to get the money from ? Rick ?"I asked as the anger I ass suppressing was beginning to arise again .

"The source of the money isn't your business . I'll get the money and give it back to you "She replied .

"What are you gonna put on to see my old man . You aren't planning on wearing those shabby clothes,are you ?"I asked .

"Am not ashamed of my identity and am sure your old man is aware of my status as a slave before concluding I'll marry you . So I'll appear before him like the slave I am and if he doesn't like it then he can cut off the marriage . It's never been a thing of interest to me anyway " She shrugged to my surprise .

This was not the reaction I was expecting from her .

"If you don't get my money in six..."

"Three days . I'll get it in three days "She replied cutting me short of words .

"What if you don't get it in three days ?"I asked.

"Then you can punish me however you like "She replied .

"My lawyer is on his way with the contract marriage agreement "I said and she nodded then I left the room .

Rita's POV

Richard walked into my room when I was wiping my tears and I vowed not to give him that satisfaction he wanted . Seeing me broken everyday .

He told me his lawyer will be getting the agreement papers which was the least of my problems .

I needed to contact Cynthia to tell her of my current predicament and arrange the cash too .

I heard a knock on my door and when I opened , Rick came in .

"Hi Rita "

"Hi Rick "

"I saw my brother leaving your room , did he trouble you ?" He asked .

"Not at all. Just wants me to refund the money I spent on purchasing that items I gave my colleagues, in three days " I shrugged .

"How are you gonna arrange that amount in three days ?"He asked.

"I just need to contact my best friend, Cynthia and that's all " I said.

"In that case , you'll be needing this "He said and handed a fancy nylon to me and when I checked it's contents , it was a brand new phone !.

"Rick , how'd you know I needed this right now ?"I asked and hugged him tightly.

"You're strangling me yunno"He chuckled .

"I've gotten the SIM and every thing for you "

"Thanks a lot "I said.

"Any time , friend "He said and left the room.

I can't imagine what my life would have been like if not for Rick .

The next day ..

I prepared myself and put on one of my casual clothes and left with Richard for his grand Pa's house .

"What's with the phone in your hands , where did you get it from?" Richard asked while driving .

"Rick got it for me "I replied and he stopped the car immediately, if not for the seat belt I put on , I would have banged my head on the car .

"When you want to take brakes like that please informe me , I can't afford to die now "I said and he grabbed the phone from my hands .

"Hey! give me my phone !"I shouted and he threw the phone from the window and drove off .

I watched a car drive over my phone, shattering it to pieces and a tear dropped from my eye .

"Richard , I didn't get the phone from your money so what the fuck is your goddamned problem "I shouted but he ignored me and kept driving .

"Stop this car "I said .

"So you'll get down and board a taxi to go somewhere you've not been before "He said and continued driving .

He stopped at a shopping mall and dragged me into there .

We stopped at a place where phones of different kinds were sold .

"Pick any one of your choice "He said.

"I rather be phoneless than use one bought by you "I replied .

"If you don't pick one , then I'll send Rick out of this country and there's nothing you can do about that "He said and I reluctantly picked one .

"It's all about Rick , isn't it ?"He asked and I snubbed him .

We went to the car and drove off for his grand Pa's house.

The house was a very big and nice one .

"Let's go in " Richard said and walked inside while I followed after him .

"My daughter in law should be walking at the front and not the other way round "I heard his voice and looked up to see him descending the stair case .

"Good afternoon, sir "I greeted .

"Howre you doing my daughter ?"He asked.

"I won't say am fine "I replied and got a glare from Richard .

"Is this boy disturbing you ?"He asked .

"Disturbance would be an understatement"I replied and he had a proud look on his face .

Is he proud of Richard or proud of me ?

"I knew you were a good choice "He said

"I don't understand"

"Oh ! I meant that matchmaking you with Richard was a good decision " He said .

"I can't say the same , can this marriage be called off Sir?"I asked.

"No, with time you will see that this decision was a good one too "He said.

"Enough of that , why did you ask me to bring her here ?"Richard asked and the old man hit his stick on his head while I chuckled .

"I didn't expect seeing my daughter in law , in these shabby clothes "He said with an annoyed face .

"As a slave I am , it's wrong for me to put on luxurious clothes especially when they're bought with Sir Richard's money .