Chapter 10 You're a slave

Rita's POV

I woke up in the morning and checked my face but the slap marks were gone .

That beast raises his hands on me whenever he wishes to simply because am helpless .

I dressed up in my maids uniform and went downstairs for my daily chores and noticed awkward gazes at me from the other maids .

So I walked to Cynthia and asked her the reason for the gaze and she dragged me outside the house .

"What is happening between you and the two master's ?"She asked.

"Nothing " I replied .

"There's a rumour going on that there's an usual relationship between you and the masters " She said with a curious stare . There's no way she's hearing a thing from me .

"Well , the rumour can go on . I've seen rumours worse than this in the celebrity cycle . Thanks for the information anyway" I said with a smile and walked into the house .

Richard walked to me and obstructed my way .

"Excuse me sir , I've got work to do " I said in a polite voice , I didn't want the gun incident that took place the previous day to occur again .

"To think you'll speak to me in a polite way , makes me want to bend you right here and take you " He whispered to my ears.

"Unfortunately, you can't "I said with a proud smirk.

"All it will cost me is an order and all living souls in this mansion will disappear and you know what will happen after that "He replied with a bigger smirk and I kept quiet.

"The old man wants to meet his future daughter in law , so we're going out now .

"I've still got work to do "I said

"Go up now and change this uniform "He ordered and I left to change the clothe .

I came out later with some casual clothes .

"That clothe is looking dull" He said .

"Someone didn't allow me to go to my house and get my clothes "I said and he glared at me .

I entered the car and he drove for the shopping mall .

Since he doesn't let me have a little bit of freedom , am gonna make sure he returns home , broke today .

I went to the mall and bought a lot of expensive dresses with matching bags and foot wear .

I paid for the items with his card and went to meet him , who's sitting in the car waiting for me .

I entered the car and saw him making a call .

"Cindy, don't blame for whatever happens cause it's all your fault "He said .

I remembered who Cindy is , his girl friend who's not in the country .

"Can't wait for you to come back . Gotta go now , love you "He said and ended the call .

I didn't know why but I felt hurt hearing his last words on the call . I don't even love him but I still felt hurt.

"You've got a good sense of fashion "He said but I didn't reply him . Was he expecting me to pick son e trash in there ? I was once a celebrity for hell sake .

I was waiting for him to complain about the amount of money I spent but he said nothing .

"You're unusually quiet , what's the problem ?"He asked.

"Keep the concerns to yourself its not needed "I said and he abruptly stopped the car .

"What's wrong with you ?"He asked but I didn't reply .

"Nothing "I replied and he started driving .

"I need a phone "I suddenly said and he stopped the car .

"What do you need a phone for ?"He asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that ? am not a child for hell sake and I need communication before I die in that house of yours . There are so many reasons I need a phone !"I said angrily .

"Well you aren't getting one "He said and started driving again .

"Other maids in the house have a phone so why can't I ?" I asked .

"Cause you're a slave . I bought you with my own money so don't expect to have your freedom . I bought you these clothes cause of my grand pa and gave you your private room cause of the services you're rendering to me "He said with a shrug .

"Stop this car "I said with a broken voice and he stopped .

I opened the door and climbed out of the car .

"What the fuck do you think you're doing ?"He asked but I climbed down and boarded a taxi .

Luckily , Rick gave me some cash in case of emergencies and I can't thank him enough .

I got to the house and paid the taxi to see Richard standing outside his car in front of the gate .

"Go in there and pick those shits you bought "He ordered and I opened the car and picked all of it .

"You owe me an explanation for that act you displayed on the road " He said and drove into the house .

I went into the house and the maids gathered around me , cause of the expensive items I was carrying .

"You all can pick any one you like "I said and they picked everything , leaving nothing on the floor . They all appreciated me and for the first time , I saw genuine smiles on their faces and that made me happy .

I walked to my room and locked the door .

I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it , Rick came in .

"I saw you coming in with Richard, where did you both go to ? He asked and I narrated what happened at the road to him .

"That's wrong of him to remind you of that "He said and I nodded .

"Where are the items you bought ?"He asked .

"I gave it to my colleagues and they appreciated me genuinely "

"If you gave out the clothes , what are you supposed to put on to meet grand pa ?"He asked.

"I'll put on one of my casual clothes and if he doesn't like it , it's none of my business "I replied .

"Richard is gonna be very mad at you "Rick said with concern.

"Thanks a lot for your concern Rick and its not the first time he's getting mad at me . He can pour a cup of boiled water at me ,today who cares ?"I chuckled .

"He dares not do that and I do care " Rick said and I hugged him tightly .

"Thanks a lot , Rick "I said.

"You're welcome "He replied with a smile and left the room .