Chapter 34 Shameless girl

Richard's POV

"Can you sing a lullaby for me Richard ?" Rita asked when we got to the room and laid on the bed to sleep .

"Why the fuck will I do that ?" I asked

"I don't know. Sorry for bothering you "She said and I opened my mouth to retort only to hear myself singing a lullaby. The same lullaby mom sang for I and Jennifer to sleep . Few minutes later , Rita fell asleep and I admired her beauty when asleep . Sleeping beauty .

Why did she stop loving me? It's for the best anyway . Her love for me will only make her a target to many and she'll be dead . I covered her with a duvet and left for the balcony . I lit a cigarette and the memories of Jennifer came flooding into my mind . The day she died is still fresh in my head .

That day we were bored and I suggested we play hide and seek game .

"No . You always forget me and go for something else . I'll continue hiding but you'll never come to find me then when I come out you'll say something came up and you forgot " She said.