Chapter 35 Delicious!

Rita's POV

Richard left for work and some minutes after that my tutor came , from her appearance I guessed she'll be in her late forties .

"I guess you're Rita " She said

"Yes ma'am and you're my tutor ?"I asked and she nodded with a stern facial expression.

"Lets get to work " She said and we went to a room made for my tutorial .

After a long boring speech , she began teaching me the basics of fashion and designing , including how to cut a clothe . I was enjoying every bit of the moment . She's a strict woman but thought gently in a way I'll be able to understand her .

Hours passed and time reached for her to leave .

I bade her goodbye and she left. I called grand pa and he answered after the first ring .

"Hello , dear " He said .

"Hello grand pa, how are you doing ?" I asked .

"This old man is strong and healthy but missing your presence " He replied .