Chapter 34


It was already nine at night and although I didn't like Alex to go, he had too. The rest of the afternoon since Marcos and Carlota arrived, we had a good time, and the truth is I didn't expect Carlota's reaction to Alex at all, but I was glad she was going to try to get along with him, that would make me happy somehow. 

We were walking towards Alex's car, me next to him and Carlota and Marcos on the other side of me. You could tell a question had been going through Carlota's head since she had seen me and Alex together, and from the look with which she looked at us from time to time, I knew what the question was. 

"Well, I must admit I can spend more time than you could in a long time, you weren't that nice." Carlota said with a smile on her face and I rolled my eyes, because that wasn't so true "Thanks for the observation, I had to change if I want to get the love of my life back." 

What Carlota had just said was a lie, because Alex always was nice, or at least with me, and as far as I know with them too, I don't know what that was about, but I could see Alex didn't mind. 

"You don't have to change for me, you have to change for yourself and not for someone else." I said to him "But that's what happened." He responded with a shrug, "I'd be happier if you changed for yourself." 

"Then I will do everything in my power to make you happy my queen." He assured with a big smile on his face, making mine automatically increase "Thank you." Carlota and Marcos stared at us, but I would tell them later to stop looking at me with that face, because nothing strange was happening, we were just friends, or at least for now. 

Right at that moment we arrived next to his car. I had a good time like I hadn't in a long time, but since I left the party with him behind me, I had a good time all the time, well, rather, when I stopped being angry. 

"Gabriela, we're waiting for you next to my car." They didn't even give me time to answer them, but I didn't care because at that moment Alex wrapped his arms around my hips, and despite the fact this wasn't supposed to happen between friends, I liked it happened. 

"I will miss you, my queen." He whispered "We'll see each other on Monday, it won't be so long to wait." I affirmed, because in the end we would see each other at college, and it wouldn't take too long for that "Of course it will be, there's a day in between. Besides, you still decide not to talk to me on Monday or something, and I don't want it to happen after the great day I spent with you." 

"I also had a good time today, but don't worry if I'll talk to you on Monday. We are friends, after all, I won't stop talking to you from one day to the next for no reason." I replied "I hope so, I don't want to spoil this friendship no matter how much it hurts me." 

"And why does our friendship hurt you if you can know?" I asked frowning "Because I want to be more than a friend, you know it and I know it." He nodded and I laughed "I know, but let's start off right, shall we?" I asked and he agreed "I will do and be everything you want my queen, don't worry about it. And if you want, I won't bring up the subject anymore." 

"Better, because I want this to go well. That in the future there will be a we." I assured "I'm looking forward to it." He said with a big smile on his face "You have to go; they're going to think something happened to you and I don't want them to worry." 

"They won't, they know where I am, or at least where I was." He confirmed and again, I frowned, because I wasn't understanding "I don't understand." I said sincerely "My mother must think I'm at my grandmother's house, that's where I went when I left home, and well, my grandmother knows where I am so there is no problem with that." 

"I'm sorry I bothered you at your grandmother's house." I excused. I knew Alex appreciated his grandmother more than anything and he liked spending time with her, and partly I was sorry he cut his visit short just to see me "No, don't worry, it was more like she told me to come and stop by the afternoon with you." 

"Oh yeah?" I asked surprised "Yes, I don't know if you remember what I told you about my grandmother." He said and I nodded "I remember, but something weird is going on here." I affirmed and now it was his turn to frown. "What?" he inquired. "My grandmother told me the same thing." 

"Does your grandmother know? I thought no one in your family knew I was in college." He responded surprised someone knew "Yes, well, she heard me talking on the phone with Marcos and Carlota, and it may be I spoke a little loud and heard your name, that's why she wondered if it was you." 

"Yes, and I also imagine she must be angry about what I did to you." He practically affirmed and denied, because my grandmother wasn't like that "No, my grandmother isn't. The rest would be to find out you're in the same college I'm in." I confirmed, at least my father would be "Is she seriously not mad at me?" 

"No, my grandmother understands she's going to have to accept you, so she's not angry, or at least that's what she told me." I responded with a shrug, "The one who isn't angry or the other?" He asked "The other thing, she's not angry, I would notice." I assured him "I don't know if I should be happy about that." 

"You could, it makes me happy." I said, "And when are you going to tell the rest I'm at the same college?" he questioned and I shrugged my shoulders, because that was something I had no idea about. "At the moment it's clear I'm not going to do it, but at some point, I have to." 

"But not now, I understand." He assured "You should leave before Carlota and Marcos come looking for me, I don't want them to think things." I explained and he nodded with a small smile on his face "Yeah, I should go. Until Monday, my queen." 

"Bye." I said my goodbyes and he slipped his arms around my hips and got into the car. he was going to start it when I realized I still have his jacket, so I knock the window, which doesn't take long to open. 

"What's up beauty?" he asked and I held up the jacket for him to see "The jacket, don't go without it." I said laughing, in the end, that had been the reason I had come "You can give it back to me on Monday, I don't want you to get cold." 

"Don't worry, mine is in Carlota's car." I stated "Are you sure you don't want to keep it? You can return it to me on Monday." I thought about it for a few seconds because it was a great deal, but it fit him so much better than it did on me, so I decided it was better to return it to him. 

"It's not necessary, besides, will you tell your grandmother you came for the jacket and you don't bring it back?" I demanded and he laughed "I'm sure he wouldn't mind." He assured and I laughed with him, because it was possible "It can, but really, it's not necessary. I don't think I'll freeze from here to Carlota's car." 

"Whatever you want." I handed him the jacket and our hands touched, reminding me of the moment when I first saw him and the electricity ran through my arm. At that time, I was much shyer than I am today and I just said thank you, so the surprise I got when he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend was considerably big. 

"Thank you beautiful until Monday." he said "If you want, we can talk later." I said before I got out of the parking lot "Sure I'd like to, we'll talk later." He confirmed and my smile widened "Okay." 

Before he closed the window I went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he turned to look at me and gave me one of those smiles I liked so much and at that moment he left, but not before taking a look at me in the rear-view mirrors, what which made me smile too. 

When I lost sight of him, I started walking towards where Carlota had the car, and when I get them close enough, I can see Carlota is about to drop billions of questions. 

"Well, Marcos is going to drive and you and I have to talk about a lot of things." Carlota said and I denied, because I knew this was coming "You have to go home, don't you think?" I asked, trying to have this conversation at another time "Your grandmother invited us to dinner, I'm sure she'll let us stay the night, you don't get rid of this Gabriela so easily." 

"Then do me a favour." I asked, because the last thing I wanted is for Carlota to open her big mouth in front of everyone "Whatever you want." She assured "You will ask me all the questions you want when my parents and my siblings leave." I asked "Don't worry, I won't do it." 

It's not I liked the idea of Carlota asking me all the questions she wanted to ask me, but at least she wouldn't ask them in front of my brothers and my parents, and that was what mattered to me at this moment, that they didn't find out why I have a slight idea of how they might react, especially my father, and I didn't want them to do something they would regret, much less hurt Alex, it was something I wouldn't allow in a million years.